2016 Worlds Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Congrats to the winner, but what a sad Worlds final.

I foresee the Zuckuss complaint threads to double.

Typically I'd agree and weigh-in too....but the Rebel regen must die. It's not good for tournaments, it's not cannon save fixing a stabilizer or some other one-time-repair; it's illogical to be in the Star Wars universe...especially Worlds; in my humble opinion. So I'm pro Zuckuss right now....again, weird I feel.

Nathan's an awesome player though; amazing.

Why? It's hardly dominant anymore, as the tournament shows. Two rebel lists made it to elimination, only one has any Regen in it.

Also wat? Concession? I mean yeah, it's probably inevitable by that point but you may as well play out the World's Final. That said after that much X-wing, maybe it's just time to end the mental stress and call it a day when it looks that bleak.

Edited by Otacon

Can't wait til TC comes out with the commentary for that one...

Good flying by Nand..fun tournament to watch...all I'll say is never quit till the last hull is gone.

Nathan's Corran didn't shoot last year either.

Brb crying myself to sleep.

I've been there, made a terrible mistake on a big match near the end that really just puts you out of it. I wish they played hard until the end though.

Nathan's Corran didn't shoot last year either.

Brb crying myself to sleep.


Great players all round in the tourney. I can't imagine the exhaustion the last few rounds were for those guys; and the last game, well, just to mentally survive to that table, I cannot imagine. Props guys! Well done all...now go get a pint already. Relax.

I am regretting not asking the designers last night at our podcast session whether or not Dengaroo exists whole cloth in X-Wing 2.0

TOILET SEATS WIN WORLDS! Although seriously, Congrats to all who participated, and Kudos to our new champion!

What a slaughter.

This final was like Jason vs girls in bikini.

Great play by everyone, especially the finalist. Both good lists and good players. I think fatigue set in, as Miranda could of done some tricksy stuff and got lucky with ion-ing a Jump or 2 off the board. But that takes time and thinking and it's the end of a 3rd day of X-Wing lol

Nice to finally see a Scum winner and a non-US winner!

Still joking about Belgian players :) :) :)

Nand first non american (no Paul) x_wing World Champion :)

Zuckuss does seem to be the most powerful 1 point upgrade in the game. As with other cards/ships that are thought to be OP, it's the combination of Zuckuss with another card (Manaroo). All that stress is a big problem, but when you are still getting a focus/target lock, the negative aspect of Zuckuss is all but negated. Green dice suck normally, I just hate when I roll 2/3 evades to then have to re-roll them into blanks. I don't necessarily think it needs nerfed, but it wouldn't be surprising.

Oh god now there will be even more imposteroos

Worse thing about it winning worlds? As Blair just pointed out to me: we are going to have to play this stupid thing over and over in Regionals now.

Green dice suck normally, I just hate when I roll 2/3 evades to then have to re-roll them into blanks.

Agreed. It's just such a negative experience. I very much like the Dengaroo list, but on both Dengar and Bossk/Party Bus I would be perfectly OK if we saw Zuckuss change to only re-roll one die at a time.

Green dice suck normally, I just hate when I roll 2/3 evades to then have to re-roll them into blanks.

Agreed. It's just such a negative experience. I very much like the Dengaroo list, but on both Dengar and Bossk/Party Bus I would be perfectly OK if we saw Zuckuss change to only re-roll one die at a time.

Needs to be: "If you do not have a stress token ..." at a 1 pt cost. That way if you force 3 rerolls, you have to clear the three stress before repeating.

Zuckuss does seem to be the most powerful 1 point upgrade in the game. As with other cards/ships that are thought to be OP, it's the combination of Zuckuss with another card (Manaroo). All that stress is a big problem, but when you are still getting a focus/target lock, the negative aspect of Zuckuss is all but negated. Green dice suck normally, I just hate when I roll 2/3 evades to then have to re-roll them into blanks. I don't necessarily think it needs nerfed, but it wouldn't be surprising.

Without Manaroo's focus, that first Zuckuss reroll would have done 0 damage.

Manaroo unlimited range is the issue here, allowing Dengar to get modification while stressed. Zuckuss only works on two lists well, Dengaroo and Party Bus.

I was actually rooting for dengaroo to win. Course, as a scum player I might be biased (Ive never actually run dengaroo myself, though Ive played against it) but I wanted someone besides rebels to win this year.

Bit of a 'meh' final game.

Worse thing about it winning worlds? As Blair just pointed out to me: we are going to have to play this stupid thing over and over in Regionals now.

Alaska's regional isn't til february, so we should have wave 10 to try to shake up the meta before then :)

Worse thing about it winning worlds? As Blair just pointed out to me: we are going to have to play this stupid thing over and over in Regionals now.

I'm sure it'll have a presence, but we have HOTR, Wave 10, including new Rogue one stuff as well, plus ??? (scum epic maybe?) to shake things up a bit. That's the craziest part of this worlds, The year long meta was shook up just before worlds, and when The new season starts it won't even matter as much because of the new stuff coming out.

E-wing made it to the final table, do you think FFG will give it some love now? :)

Edited by FlyingAnchors

Yay, Dengaroo is the winner.

How to throw a final.

I was hoping one of my "Why the hell is he doing that?"s would turn into a "Ohhhhh!" They didn't.

Funny. I thought Dengaroo wasn't supposed to win because it lost to Defenders. Does anyone know if he played many on his way to the championship?