2016 Worlds Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

So many great lists to love! Nathan E using Kath S is what caught my eye!

MF Han with made Semis (bonus for Luke crew)

I can forgive the final being non canon! I love Kwings, so I'm happy...

C'mon Rebels!

I never thought I'd type this, but I'm pulling for Dengaroo. Weird I feel.

Dash was Kinney's. His third one hasn't come out yet.

O ok. Interesting.

Well the UK player did themselves proud, time to Ryder Cup this..... But that does mean rooting for Dengaroo. I'm so torn

We're still part of Europe! GO DENGAROO!

Yeah thanks alot high court judges, lawyers ruin everything.

Politics bomb dropped RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

It really is kinda sad the Wolfpack list didn't make it. If it had, he could have made his card choice a Large-ship Only EPT that allows you to use a Focus token instead of a Target Lock token when paying for weapon costs.

Dash was Kinney's. His third one hasn't come out yet.

O ok. Interesting.

Well the UK player did themselves proud, time to Ryder Cup this..... But that does mean rooting for Dengaroo. I'm so torn

We're still part of Europe! GO DENGAROO!

Yeah thanks alot high court judges, lawyers ruin everything.

Politics bomb dropped RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!


I want Corran and Miranda to win, but hopefully that will not influence the upcoming E-wing fix.

Did I just miss the final?

I had to leave to drive to my girlfriend's place, what the hell happened in the Dengaroo vs Fat Han match? When I left it seemed the Rebel player had it on lock.

Rocks happened

I had to leave to drive to my girlfriend's place, what the hell happened in the Dengaroo vs Fat Han match? When I left it seemed the Rebel player had it on lock.

I had to leave to drive to my girlfriend's place, what the hell happened in the Dengaroo vs Fat Han match? When I left it seemed the Rebel player had it on lock.

Fat Han player gave up to be at your girlfriends place before you. Check the cupboard

Edited by IG88E

Kevin blocking with the Conner Net is a great start.

Edit: Oh...

Edited by Rinzler in a Tie

Until Nand threads the needle.

Edited by Sithborg

Kevin's not looking great at the min. Very tough place to be in

RIP Corran

And that's a dead Corran. I don't see this lasting long now. Sorry Kevin if you see this. You flew well all day.

I foresee the Zuckuss complaint threads to double.

Corran didn't even get to attack. Eesh. I think Alex is right about the misplays for sure. After the last match on cam you could hear Kevin ask while cleaning up if Dengaroo was still in it, I guess this is why he was worried.

Edited by Otacon

Kind of an anticlimactic ending now. I was hoping for a longer drawn out battle.

Yeah, I didn't really get that last maneuvers.

Ok that turn is a very very odd choice.

Nathan's Corran didn't shoot last year either.

I foresee the Zuckuss complaint threads to double.

Nathan's an awesome player though; amazing.

Edited by clanofwolves

I foresee the Zuckuss complaint threads to double.

He wouldn't have got that damage through without Manaroo's focus tokens...

Well that was anticlimactic.

Well done Nand. Most star wars named champion ever

Edited by Spaceman91