2016 Worlds Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Is that all the UK players out?

Sad Britannia...

Wait a minute: is Farrel setted with AT or Vectored? I saw him doing a barrel rol before, or am I drunk?

Farrel ability is to do a free barrel roll or boost after taking a focus.

Edit: Ninja'd

Wait a minute: is Farrel setted with AT or Vectored? I saw him doing a barrel rol before, or am I drunk?

Jake can Boost or Barrel Roll as a free action after he takes a focus action, or is assigned a focus token.

Jake can do barrel rolls. It's part of his ability.

Oh yeah, his ability! I forgotted that. Thanks :)

oof that was rough to watch

Where you guys watching the other match?

oof that was rough to watch

That asteroid player of the game ;)

Well done to both players.

Belgium in finale

Kevin vs Nand in final.

Edited by TitaniumChopstick

Wow landing on that asteroid hurt.

Awesome seeing Old School Han out there and balanced. :)

Another good game!

Miranda & Corran vs Dengaroo??

Miranda & Corran vs Dengaroo??

This should be fun. I foresee Rebels winning.

So little off topic...

Champion gets to help design a card yer?

Paul Heaver did Dash crew, Stay on target and what was his last one?

It feels so empty without Paul....

Tough match. It's all on corran's green dice.

So little off topic...

Champion gets to help design a card yer?

Paul Heaver did Dash crew, Stay on target and what was his last one?

So little off topic...

Champion gets to help design a card yer?

Paul Heaver did Dash crew, Stay on target and what was his last one?

Stay On Target, Boba Fett, don't know the third. Dash Crew was Doug Kinney's card, the first world champion in 2012.

Edited by Engine25

Dash was Kinney's. His third one hasn't come out yet.

Dash was Kinney's. His third one hasn't come out yet.

O ok. Interesting.

Well the UK player did themselves proud, time to Ryder Cup this..... But that does mean rooting for Dengaroo. I'm so torn

I have only been playing for a year but from what I've read this Worlds Meta (as temporary as it is) seems very diverse.

And as much as I dislike flying into Palp Aces/Defenders it might've been nice for the Empire to get a Worlds Win.

If the Rebels do continue their Win Streak it'll be nice to see it done with Bombs of all things! :)

Kind of appropriate that Corran and Miranda make the final, considering the prize support includes acrylic Weapons Disabled tokens

I have only been playing for a year but from what I've read this Worlds Meta (as temporary as it is) seems very diverse.

In some ways it is. In other ways it isn't.

Dash was Kinney's. His third one hasn't come out yet.

O ok. Interesting.

Well the UK player did themselves proud, time to Ryder Cup this..... But that does mean rooting for Dengaroo. I'm so torn

We're still part of Europe! GO DENGAROO!

Dash was Kinney's. His third one hasn't come out yet.

Paul said his third one will be in Wave X

Dash was Kinney's. His third one hasn't come out yet.

O ok. Interesting.

Well the UK player did themselves proud, time to Ryder Cup this..... But that does mean rooting for Dengaroo. I'm so torn

We're still part of Europe! GO DENGAROO!

Dash was Kinney's. His third one hasn't come out yet.

O ok. Interesting.

Well the UK player did themselves proud, time to Ryder Cup this..... But that does mean rooting for Dengaroo. I'm so torn

We're still part of Europe! GO DENGAROO!

Yeah thanks alot high court judges, lawyers ruin everything.