2016 Worlds Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

So our top 4 is:

Corran + Miranda

Vessery + Omega leader Palp Aces

Fat Han + Jake Farrel (!)

Dengar + Manaroo

I don't think this was the top 4 I was expecting...

Edit: Uk represent on stream again! (Rule Britannia begins to heard playing)

Edited by Spaceman91

This is going to be so painful as this all falls apart at the last second and the final is Dengaroo vs a Palp aces variant... lol

This is going to be so painful as this all falls apart at the last second and the final is Dengaroo vs a Palp aces variant... lol


This is going to be so painful as this all falls apart at the last second and the final is Dengaroo vs a Palp aces variant... lol

Our hopes lie with the rebels....

Rebel regen is good, but man does it make for a borring game to watch!!!

I'll root for regen to win if it means we can finally nerf it.

Come on Belgium

Rebel regen is good, but man does it make for a borring game to watch!!!

It's not boring if you are bombing.

Fat Han vs Dengaroo!
Past vs Present!

Rebel regen is good, but man does it make for a borring game to watch!!!

The way that guy flies it was far from boring.

My bet is Han+Jake beats Dengaroo, Regen rebel beats Palp Aces and we got Rebel winner again this year. It will be Han+Jake list in my opinion.

My bet is Han+Jake beats Dengaroo, Regen rebel beats Palp Aces and we got Rebel winner again this year. It will be Han+Jake list in my opinion.

You might be right; I so hope not; I'm sick of Rebel's on top. We need a Scum or Imp player to top out goodness, **** that Mouse.

Han and Dengar jousting!

I love this so much

My bet is Han+Jake beats Dengaroo, Regen rebel beats Palp Aces and we got Rebel winner again this year. It will be Han+Jake list in my opinion.

You might be right; I so hope not; I'm sick of Rebel's on top. We need a Scum or Imp player to top out goodness, **** that Mouse.


My bet is Han+Jake beats Dengaroo, Regen rebel beats Palp Aces and we got Rebel winner again this year. It will be Han+Jake list in my opinion.

You might be right; I so hope not; I'm sick of Rebel's on top. We need a Scum or Imp player to top out goodness, **** that Mouse.


Exactly; down with the terrorist! ;-)

Han blocks the K-turn attempt, here come the P-rockets...

for 5 hits and shields stripped on Dengar with no counter attack. Jeez.

Edit: AND 3 damage on Manaroo from Han at range 3. Going rough for Scum.

Edited by Otacon

Rebel regen is good, but man does it make for a borring game to watch!!!

The way that guy flies it was far from boring.

Yes, Miranda Homing Missile killshots FTW.

Sad no wave 9 ships made it... maybe 2017?

Wow THAT TURN! I'd swap a jake half dead for a half dead Dengar all day long!

Sad no wave 9 ships made it... maybe 2017?

There were a few Fangs that made the top 16. Paul's Shadowcaster made it as well.

Wait a minute: is Farrel setted with AT or Vectored? I saw him doing a barrel rol before, or am I drunk?

Jake can do barrel rolls. It's part of his ability.

Wait a minute: is Farrel setted with AT or Vectored? I saw him doing a barrel rol before, or am I drunk?

Jake can Boost or Barrel Roll as a free action after he takes a focus action, or is assigned a focus token.

Wait a minute: is Farrel setted with AT or Vectored? I saw him doing a barrel rol before, or am I drunk?

Farrel ability is to do a free barrel roll or boost after taking a focus.

Edit: Ninja'd

Edited by pickirk01

Guys what if the final comes down to Corran vs Manaroo? We could be here for a while with all that regen. :P