2016 Worlds Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Top 16 Worlds lists:

#1 TOP 8 Steffen Kaehler

Vessery + Juke + x7

Ryad + PtL + x7 + Mk2

Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector


#9 TOP 8 Duncan Howard

Omega Leader + Juke + Comm Relay + shield

Vessery + Juke + x7 + Mk2

Omicron Group Pilot + Palpatine + Sensor Jammer

#2 TOP 8 Faan Langelaan

Dengar + Lone wolf + Title + Zuckuss + OCR4 + Dampeners + Countermeasures + Flechette torps + Plasma torps

Manaroo + PTL + Engine + Latts + Unhinged + Feedback


#10 TOP 8 Nand Torfs

Dengar + LW + Title + OCR4 + Zuckuss + Countermeasures + Glitterstim

Manaroo + PTL + Gonk + R5-P8 + Engine + Seismic Torpedo + Feedback Array

#14 TOP 8 James Hedgepeth III

Vessery + x7 + Juke

Ryad + PtL + x7 + Mk2

Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector


#11 TOP 8 Thomas Mooney

Han + Predator + Luke + C3PO + Engine + Title

Jake + PTL + VI + AT + Prockets

#13 TOP 8 Kevin Leintz

Corran + PTL + FCS + R2D2 + engine

Miranda + TLT + Adv slam + Sabine + EM + homing missiles + Conner net + ion bombs


#12 TOP 8 Ben Lee

Fenn Rau (32) + Mindlink + title + AT

Old Teroch (30) + Mindlink title + AT

Manaroo (34) + Attanni Mindlink + K4 + Unhinged + Feedback

#16 TOP 16 Joe Desmond

Dengar + Lone Wolf + Zuckuss + OCR4 + title + Plasma + EM + Inertial Dampeners + Countermeasures

Manaroo + PtL + Recon Specialist + unhinged + feedabck + engine

#15 TOP 16 Paul Heaver

Asajj Ventress (50) + PtL + Latts Razzi + Black Market Slicer Tools + Shadow Caster + Engine Upgrade

2x Syndicate Thug (25) + TLT + Unhinged Astromech

#3 TOP 16 Tom Reed

Ketsu, K4, Glitter, PTL, Engine, Title

Asajj, Gyroscopic Targeting, Latts Razi, Glitterstim, PTL

#4 TOP 16 James Kroeck

Carnor PtL + AT + Shield + title

Ryad + Juke + X7

Omicron + Palpatine

#5 TOP 16 Phillip Horny

Whisper + VI + Adv cloaking + FCS + Agent Kallus

Oicunn + Lone wolf + Palpatine + Rebel Captive

#6 TOP 16 Charles Jan te Horst

Vessery + x7 + crackshot

Ryad + x7 + crackshot

Glaive + x7 + crackshot

#7 TOP 16 Mario Nuñez

4x syndicate Thug + TLT

#8 TOP 16 Marcel Manzano

Scout + Adaptability + Proton + Extra munitions + R4 agromech + Boba Fett + GC

2x Scout + Adaptability + Plasma + Extra munitions + Intelligence agent + R4 agromech + GC

Good to see a fair amount of variety in the top 16. Still a bit heavy on the Palp aces and Dengaroo, but who would have imagined a Fat Han/Jake list making it so far? And a triple scout even after the nerf! And Oicunn/Whisper! Love it!

Btw I would post here but ffg site is not great for iPhone -- if someone wants to mirror from fb to here that would be cool

Edited by sozin

Wow, that range 1 exchange was bonkers, losing Fenn's PS9 is huge.

Wow, that range 1 exchange was bonkers, losing Fenn's PS9 is huge.

When I saw Fenn's initial roll I thought "on average that's a crit on Corran's hull" but it turned out to be two on Fenn's instead :o

Wow, that range 1 exchange was bonkers, losing Fenn's PS9 is huge.

Unless I was at 2 Hull, I would take a direct Hit over that cursed PS0 crit on Fenn every time!

Ima just say it. So far, best worlds yet.

Loving the variety of lists, and the gripping games. Also loving the diversity of player nations for a change, it would be great for the game base to see a world champion from outside the USA.

And can we just get an amen for the scout nerf? Look what it's done! Gonna go, tearing up over here...

I'm excited to see TIE Defenders well represented.

Don't want to sound like a jerk, but kinda glad there will be a new person as champion this year. It's good to spread it around :)

Duncan apparently in top 4. Go USA!

Edit: So is Kevin.

Edited by TitaniumChopstick

Rebel Regen wins, moves to semi's.

Bad luck to Benjamin. That range 1 beating was just too much.

Well done to Kevin

That range 1 engagement was definitely the deciding moment in that round, absolutely brilliant though!

Put my bet on Kevin for new champ, I'd like to see that crown on Corran

Wow, that range 1 exchange was bonkers, losing Fenn's PS9 is huge.

Yey, Scum aces with starviper and Kihraxz confirmedish

That range 1 engagement was definitely the deciding moment in that round, absolutely brilliant though!

Put my bet on Kevin for new champ, I'd like to see that crown on Corran

Steffen lost :(

Wow Alex Davy confirming thier thoughts are "very much" on the Starviper, K fighter, syck and the x wing.

Wow, that range 1 exchange was bonkers, losing Fenn's PS9 is huge.

Ben was super unlucky there's his flying was top notch. Felt. Really bad that exchange went so poorly for him.

Benjamin did amazing on that setup for the shot. I don't think i've seen better flying lol but sadly dice said differently that game

So what are the top 4 matchups?

Worth noting that only two generics are featured at all in the top 16: Scum TLT and Contracted Scouts. Oh, and Palp Shuttle, but I don't think of that as a generic :) Last year, there were at least some Tie Fighters with Crack Shot.

So what are the top 4 matchups?

Nand vs Thomas

Worth noting that only two generics are featured at all in the top 16: Scum TLT and Contracted Scouts. Oh, and Palp Shuttle, but I don't think of that as a generic :) Last year, there were at least some Tie Fighters with Crack Shot.

True but it seems the defenders being popular has meant a battle to be top ps isn't as big a thing

So our top 4 is:

Corran + Miranda

Vessery + Omega leader Palp Aces

Fat Han + Jake Farrel (!)

Dengar + Manaroo

I don't think this was the top 4 I was expecting...

Wow the two rebel lists both made top 4, that makes me happy lol (#Rebel4Life)