2016 Worlds Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Maybe it had something to do with avoiding conners?

I was late to the stream. Did the palp aces player take initiative with his bid. If so can someone explain why? Seemed like it limited his carnor quite a bit.

Don't know why he took initiative... As a result he got totally outflown.

Maybe it had something to do with avoiding conners?

Possibly. But that didn't matter, as the Ion Bomb wrecked him. I think going for the bait and going into the asteroids was his fatal mistake.

I think he took initiave to avoid Miranda's conner nets.

Ah, that makes some sense. Hard choice either way I suppose.

Any updates on the rest of top 8?


It looks like the only match not reported yet is Paul Heaver vs Faan Langelann.

Heaver loses

Keep on getting mixed reports. Sounds like Paul is playing a tough game.

Heaver loses Top 16 to Faan

Now that Paul is out, who do we think is the favorite to win?

Heavers game came down to the final round. He was taken to half points by a feedback array to finish the game for Faan.

Now that Paul is out, who do we think is the favorite to win?

I'd go Duncan Howard. He's having a tournament season like no one ever.

Never mind*

Edited by Spaceman91


Thanks for the report.

Nand Torfs is from Belgium.


Now that Paul is out, who do we think is the favorite to win?

I'd go with SteKa \o/

Edited by RogueLeader42

Looks like 5 countries represented in the Final 8.

USA - 3

UK - 2

Germany - 1

Belgium - 1

Netherlands - 1

Truly a "World" championship.

Heavers game came down to the final round. He was taken to half points by a feedback array to finish the game for Faan.

I think he lost because he made a wrong call there, soncongrats to Faan!

Looks like 5 countries represented in the Final 8.

USA - 3

UK - 2

Germany - 1

Belgium - 1

Netherlands - 1

Truly a "World" championship.


So. Where in the world do the top 16 people come from?

Steffen Kaehler: Germany

Faan Langelaan: Netherlands

Thomas Reed: UK

James Kroeck: USA

Phillip Horny: USA

Charles Jan Ter Horst: Netherlands

Mario Nunez Jimenez: Spain

Marcel Manzano: USA

Duncan Howard: USA

Nand Torfs: Belgium

Thomas Mooney: UK

Benjamin Lee: UK

Kevin Leintz: USA

James Hedgeperth: ?

Paul Heaver: USA

Joe Desmond: USA

Stupid phone formatting. My computer won't let me in the forums for God knows what reason, so a little messy for now.

James Hedgepeth. (You spelled it wrong) is American, from the Philly area.

A Uk representative on stream now.


Edited by Spaceman91

Congrats, Paul!

A Uk representative on stream now.


As an american, I am obligated to wish you guys the best of luck and throw you a tea party!

Looks like 5 countries represented in the Final 8.

USA - 3

UK - 2

Germany - 1

Belgium - 1

Netherlands - 1

Truly a "World" championship.

Truly USA/Europe championship. ;)

Well here in the US we just had the Baseball 'World' Series. Apparently, so long as we have 1 Canadian team along with the 29 US ones, we can call it World championships.

It would be fun to see a Japan or Russia or something in there for sure, but with travel consideration and what not, I am pretty impressed with the non-US turn out coming all the way to the middle of the North American continent.

Looks like 5 countries represented in the Final 8.

USA - 3

UK - 2

Germany - 1

Belgium - 1

Netherlands - 1

Truly a "World" championship.

Truly USA/Europe championship. ;)

Well here in the US we just had the Baseball 'World' Series. Apparently, so long as we have 1 Canadian team along with the 29 US ones, we can call it World championships.

It would be fun to see a Japan or Russia or something in there for sure, but with travel consideration and what not, I am pretty impressed with the non-US turn out coming all the way to the middle of the North American continent.