2016 Worlds Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Anyone know of Heaver dropped from xwing in favor of IA?

Anyone know of Heaver dropped from xwing in favor of IA?

Looks like he is playing Xwing.

Anyone know of Heaver dropped from xwing in favor of IA?

Given X-wing Day 2 + finals is today(yesterday and Friday were two separate 'Day 1' qualifier flights) and he played in the X-wing group Friday and isn't listed in the Imperial Assault top 16 cut from yesterday I'd have to say no.

Paul Heaver went 4-2 in IA and didn't make the cut.

FourDogsInaHorseSuit didn't make day two guys, he performed poorly at 0-4. He did earn.


I was 5-0 at one point yesterday*

*admittedly I was playing in a store tournament...

Paul Heaver went 4-2 in IA and didn't make the cut.

Thank you! Thats what I was trying to find out.

Standings after round 7. Round 8 over halfway done.

Day 2 Swiss Results ( data entry in progress )

8 wins

7+ wins

Tom Reed (Italian Nationals Champion, from UK)

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 6-0.
  • 99 points
  • Ketsu, K4, Glitter, PTL, Engine, Title
  • Asajj, Gyroscopic Targeting, Latts Razi, Glitterstim, PTL
Duncan Howard (2016 U.S. Nationals Champion, 2x 2016 Regionals Champion)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 6-0
  • 99 points
  • Omega Leader + Juke + Comm Relay + shield
  • Vessery + Juke + x7 + Mk2
  • Omicron Group Pilot + Palpatine + Sensor Jammer
Steffen Kaehler
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 6-0
  • 100 points
  • Vessery + Juke + x7
  • Ryad + PtL + x7 + Mk2
  • Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector

6+ wins

Faan Langelaan ("AssortedNeedles" Netherlands National Champion)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Dengar + Lone wolf + Title + Zuckuss + OCR4 + Dampeners + Countermeasures + Flechette torps + Plasma torps
  • Manaroo + PTL + Engine + Latts + Unhinged + Feedback

Ben Doyle

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Vessery + Juke + x7
  • Ryad + PtL + x7 + Mk2
  • Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector
Paul Heaver (3x World Champion)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Asajj Ventress (50) + PtL + Latts Razzi + Black Market Slicer Tools + Shadow Caster + Engine Upgrade
  • 2x Syndicate Thug (25) + TLT + Unhinged Astromech

Joe Desmond ("Imperial Rebel")

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Dengar + Lone Wolf + Zuckuss + OCR4 + title + Plasma + EM + Inertial Dampeners + Countermeasures
  • Manaroo + PtL + Recon Specialist + unhinged + feedabck + engine

Charles Jan ter Horst

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 6-0
  • 100 points
  • Vessery + x7 + crackshot
  • Ryad + x7 + crackshot
  • Glaive + x7 + crackshot
Phillip Horny
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Whisper + VI + Adv cloaking + FCS + Agent Kallus
  • Oicunn + Lone wolf + Palpatine + Rebel Captive

Aaron Bonar ("Kinetic Operator", 3x Worlds Top Cut)

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Bossk + VI + Homing missiles + K4 + Zuckuss + 4LOM + GC
  • Dengar + LW + title + RecSpec + R4 + Flechette torps + GC

Remi Dumais

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Omega Leader
  • Inquisitor
  • Wampa
  • Palp Shuttle

James Kroeck

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 6-0
  • 98 points
  • Carnor PtL + AT + Shield + title
  • Ryad + Juke + X7
  • Omicron + Palpatine
Jim Blakley
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 6-0
  • 100 points
  • Chewbacca + Predator + Luke + Chopper
  • 2x Gold + TLT
Marcel Manzano (North American Champion)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Scout + Adaptability + Proton + Extra munitions + R4 agromech + Boba Fett + GC
  • 2x Scout + Adaptability + Plasma + Extra munitions + Intelligence agent + R4 agromech + GC

Thomas "Jack" Mooney

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Han + Predator + Luke + C3PO + Engine + Title
  • Jake + PTL + VI + AT + Prockets
Nathan Eide (2015 Worlds Runner-Up)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Kath Scarlet + Fearlessness + Tail gunner + Slave 1 + Long range scanner + Inertial Dampeners
  • Trandosian Slaver + Dengar + Zuckuss + 4-LOM
  • Syndicate Thug + TLT

Mario Nuñez

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • 4x syndicate Thug + TLT

Nand Torfs

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • 97 points
  • Dengar + LW + Title + OCR4 + Zuckuss + Countermeasures + Glitterstim
  • Manaroo + PTL + Gonk + R5-P8 + Engine + Seismic Torpedo + Feedback Array
Steven Dodd
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Vessery + Juke + x7
  • Ryad + PtL + x7 + Mk2
  • Omicron + Palpatine

5+ wins

Benjamin Lee (2016 UK Nationals Runner-Up)

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • 96pt Mindlink Fangaroo
  • Fenn Rau (32) + Mindlink + title + AT
  • Old Teroch (30) + Mindlink title + AT
  • Manaroo (34) + Attanni Mindlink + K4 + Unhinged + Feedback

Mark Rothschild

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Trandoshan Slaver, Zuckuss, 4Lom, Dengar, Inertial Dampers
  • Thug Y wing TLT, R4 Agromech x2
  • Binarye Pirate, BMST

Kevin Leintz

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Corran + PTL + FCS + R2D2 + engine
  • Miranda + TLT + Adv slam + Sabine + EM + homing missiles + Conner net + ion bombs

Jesper Hills (2015 UK Nationals Champion, 2015 Worlds Top 32)

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • 96 points
  • Fenn Rau (32) + Mindlink + title + AT
  • Palob Godalhi (27) + Mindlink + Autoblaster Turret + Cloaking Device + Stygium Particle Accelerator
  • Manaroo (37) Mindlink + K4 + Plasma + Unhinged + Guidance Chips + Feedback

Grant McKinney

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Kanan Jarus w/Tactical Jammer, TLT, Recon Specialist, Accuracy Corrector, Jan Ors, Ghost title
  • Zeb w/ Chopper, Phantom Title
  • Biggs w/R2-D2, Integrated Astromech

James Hedgepeth III { need list info }

  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight ?

Dom Cairo

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • 3x Glaive + X7 + Crackshot

Harrison Waldo

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • {confirm list}
  • 96 points
  • Dengar + Lone Wolf + Punishing One + OCR4 + Zuckuss + Plasma + Glitterstim + Countermeasures
  • Manaroo + PtL + Unhinged Astromech + Recon Specialist + BMST + EU
Dawei Chua (Singapore)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Vessery + x7 + Juke + Mk2
  • Ryad + PtL + x7 + Mk2
  • Delta + x7
Ron Brannan (2014 Canadian Nationals Runner-Up)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • 3x blue + collision detector
  • Rookie + R2 + IA
  • Bandit
Chris Norris
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Lothal + FCS + autoblaster turret + zeb
  • Lothal + FCS + autoblaster turret + Hera + chopper
  • Gold + auto blaster turret

Jonathan Reinig { need list info }

  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight ?

Cody Frechette

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Inquisitor + PtL + title + AT
  • Marek Stele + X7 + Juke
  • Omicron + Palaptine + Sensor Jammer

Travis Johnson

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Omega leader - juke, comm relay, shield upgrade
  • Vessery - juke, x7, twin ion engine
  • OGP -palpatine, sensor jammer

Leighton Eash

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Dengar - Lone Wolf, Recon Spec., R5-P8, Punishing One
  • Bossk - VI, Homing Missles, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, K4 Security Droid, Guidance Chips

Nicholas Belle

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Darth Vader + VI + title + ATC + EU
  • Vessery + X7 + Juke + Mk2
  • Palp shuttle

Victory Pluntky { need list details }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Dengar
  • Manaroo

Nicholas Tobin

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • IG88B + Predator + Mangler + BMST + Tractor beam + AT + Advanced sensors + Title
  • IG88C + Crackshot + HLC + Glitter + AT + FCS + title
Ron Longhi (Gold Squadron)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Slaver + Zuckuss + Gunner + Bossk + Dampeners
  • Thug + TLT + Unhinged
  • Torkil Mux + TLT
  • Binyare pirate

Andrew Seely

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Soontir + PtL + title + AT + Targeting Computer
  • Maarek steele + Predator + x7+ Mk2
  • Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector

Adrien Chouquest (highest ranked Frenchman in France Nationals)

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Inquisitor + PtL + AT + Title Proton Rockets
  • Vessery + Crackshot + x7
  • Ryad + Adaptability + x7

Tim Dugan

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Dash + PtL + Kanan + HLC + title Engine
  • Poe Lone Wolf + R2D2 + AT + Sensor Cluster

Garrett Jost

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Ketsu + VI + EU + Dengar + Glitter +Title
  • Tansarri Point Vet + Mindlink + Title + Mangler
  • Concord Dawn Ace + Mindlink + Title
Phillip Booth (Worlds 2015 Top 4)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • IG88B + Crackshot + Glitterstim + HLC + FCS + AT + title
  • IG88C + Crackshot + Glitterstim + HLC + FCS + AT + title

Anthony Backhaus

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Dash: HLC, title, PtL, engine, Kanan
  • Chopper: autoblaster turret, FCS, Hera

Conner Richards

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Wes + VI + R2d2 + IA
  • Biggs + R4D6 + IA
  • Keyan + Opportunist + Plasma + EM + FCS + GC

Roine Gothberg

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • IG88B + Crackshot + Glitterstim + HLC + FCS + AT + title
  • IG88C + Crackshot + Glitterstim + HLC + FCS + AT + title

Michael Baker

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Bossk + Crack Shot + Concussion Missile + Dengar + 4-LOM + Zuckuss + Inertial Dampeners
  • 2x Binarye Pirate + Feedback Array
  • 2x Binarye Pirate + Black Market Slicer Tools

Ira Mayers

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • 4x syndicate Thug + unhinged

Gabriel Taylor

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Fenn Rau + PTL + Autothrusters
  • Trandosian Slaver + 4-lom + Dengar + Zuckuss
  • Kavil + VI + TLT + R4 Agromech

Ryan Volgt

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Corran Horn + PTL + FCS + R2D2 + EU
  • Mirando Doni + TLT + Sabine + Ion Bomb + Conner Net + Extra Munitions + Homing Missles + Advanced Slam

Angelo Butera { need list info }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2

Derek Tokaz

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Tel PTL + title + R5p9 + Gonk + Hull upgrade + BMST
  • Bossk + BMST + 4-Lom + Zuckuss + Dengar + Mangler Cannon

Richard Hsu

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Dengar + Fearlessness + Advanced Proton Torpedoes + Proton Torpedoes + Guidance Chips + 4-LOM + Punishing One + Glitterstim + Overclocked R4
  • Manaroo + Push The Limit + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions + Guidance Chips + "Gonk" + Glitterstim + Unhinged Astromech

François Couret

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • 97 points
  • Ketsu, VI, K4, engine upgrade, glitterstim, glitterstim
  • Bossk, VI, Dengar, Zuckuss, Latts, homing missile, GC

Cormac Higgins

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Ketsu + VI + dengar + glitterstim + EU + title
  • Asajj + PtL + EU + BMST + Latts

Mark Fletcher ("Sable Gryphon", Scum & Villainy podcast)

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Warden + Advanced Slam + Cluster Mines + EM + Seismic + Chopper crew
  • Warden + Advanced Slam + Cluster Mines + EM + Seismic + Intel Agent
  • Warden + Advanced Slam + Cluster Mines + EM + Sabine crew

Evan Claassen

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Dengar
  • Bossk

Tom Damin (Australia)

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Ryad + X7 + Predator
  • Maarek Steele + X7 + Predator
  • Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector
Alexander Smittle
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Bossk + VI + Zuckuss + 4-LOM + Dengar + Inertial Dampeners
  • Fenn Rau + PTL + Title + Autothrusters
  • PS 1 protectorate + Title

James Ayers { need list info }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
Joao Henrique Mariani
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Inquisitor + PtL + AT + title + Proton Rockets
  • Carnor Jax + PtL + AT + title + Hull
  • Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector

Zach Bunn

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • {99 points?}
  • Kanan + TLT + Recon Specialist + Jan Ors + tactical jammer + title
  • Biggs + R4-D6 + IA
  • Ezra (Phantom) + autoblaster + Rage + chopper crew

Andre Ripoll (Brazilliaj National Champion)

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Captain Kenkirk + Ysanne + Palp + Lone Wolf + EU
  • Soontir + PTL + AT + SD + Title

4 wins

Jelte De Boer

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Vessery + x7 + crackshot
  • Ryad + x7 + crackshot
  • Glaive + x7 + crackshot

Dustin Poskochil

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Omega Leader + Juke + Comm Relay + Stealth
  • Vessery + x7 + Juke
  • Ryad + PtL + x7 Mk2

Zachary Bart { need list info }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2

Clinton Dawson

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Dash + PtL + Kanan + title + HLC + EU
  • Poe + Predator + R2D2 + Sensor Cluster + AT

Adam Sitnick { need list info }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2

Miguel Justiniano { need list info }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2

Steven Gonzales

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Oicunn + Ion Projector + Palp + Predator + Rebel Captive
  • Maarek + Predator + x7 + Mk2

Doug Howe

  • {confirm list details}
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Lothal Rebel + Sabine + Thermalal Detonator + EM + unknown torps + Hera + GC + autoblaster + more?
  • Miranda + C3P0 + EM + ???

Dee Yun

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Soontir + PtL + title + AT + Targeting Computer
  • Maarek steele + Predator + x7
  • Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector

Luis Lozano

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Wes Janson + Veteran Instincts + BB-8 + Integrated Astromech
  • Biggs Darklighter + R4-D6 + Integrated Astromech
  • Thane Kyrell + Tactician + R3-A2
  • Bandit Squadron Pilot

Ryan Farmer

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Soontir + PtL + title + AT + Targeting Computer
  • Maarek steele + Predator + x7 + Mk2
  • Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector

Brian Terwilliger

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Fenn Rau + Title + Mindlink + AT
  • Old Teroch + Title + Mindlink + AT
  • Manaroo + Mindlink + BMST + K4 + Plasma torp

Benjamin Kavanaugh { need list info }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2

Gordon (Stay On Target podcast)

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Fenn Rau w/ title, AT, Mindlink
  • Party Bus (Slaver) {Dengar, Zuckuss, 4LOM}
  • Manaroo w/ Mindlink, Gonk, R5P8, BMST

Alan Fung { need list details }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Inquisitor
  • Carnor Jax
  • Palp shuttle
Jeff Berling (Gencon 2015 Champ, Gencon 2013 & 2014 Runnner-Up, Origins 2016 Runner-Up)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Dengar + Lone wolf + title + K4 + R4-B11 + glitterstim + countermeasures
  • Bossk + Predator + Zuckuss + 4-Lom + Greedo + Inertial Dampeners

Alex Yeo

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Soontir + PtL + AT + TC + title
  • Omega Leader + Juke + Comm Relay
  • Zeta leader + Crackshot
  • Scourge + Crackshot
Daniel Beaver
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Vessery + x7 + Juke
  • Ryad + PTL + X7 + Mk2
  • Omicron + Palpatine + collision detector
Fernando De La Torre (Spanish Series Open Champion)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Vessery + Crackshot + x7
  • Ryad + Crackshot + x7
  • Glaive + Crackshot + x7
Jonathan Grasser (2015 Canadian Nationals Runner Up)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Soontir PtL + AT + SD + Title
  • Maarek Steele + VI + x7
  • Omicron Group Pilot + collision detector
Angel Lopez
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Howrunner + Crackshot + shield
  • Scourge + Crackshot
  • Wampa
  • 3x Black + Crackshot

Peter Lavoie Massicotte { need list details }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2

David Braun { need list details }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2

Alan Goddard

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Dengar + Adaptability + Bossk + R5-P8 + Punishing One
  • Boba Fett + Veteran Instincts + Glitterstim + Proton Bombs + Slave 1 + 4-Lom + Extra Munitions

Mark Kwan

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • 4x Syndicate Thug + unhinged

Joseph Kaufmann

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Dengar + K4 + Crackshot + Plasma + Extra munitions + Guidance chips + Title
  • Bossk + K4 + VI + Homing missile + Zuckuss + 4-lom + Guidance chips
Dana Fogle
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Biggs + R4d6 + Integrated
  • Kannan + FCS + Jan Ors + Recon Specialist + Ghost title + Flechette torps + Extra munitions + TLT + Munitions fail safe
  • Ezra (phantom pilot) + Chopper

Daniel Murphy { need list details }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2

Eoin Hegarty { need list details }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2

Joseph Franchino "Franch" (Stay on Target podcast)

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • 2x Lothal Rebel + autoblaster turret
  • Gold + autoblaster turret

Jake Slavik { need list details }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2

Matt Froom { need list details }

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
Mishary Al-Faris (Kuwait National Champion)
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
  • Howl, Crack
  • 3x Crack Blacks
  • 3x Academy Pilot
Peta Dyken { need list details }
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
Adam Milam { need list details }
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2
Kyle Adams { need list details }
  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 2: 4-2

Was I the only one hoping for a Horny/Bonar showdown?

Edited by Bojanglez

Was I the only one hoping for a Horny/Bonar showdown?

Sounds like an nc17 sasquatch version of the wampa

Beware the Horny Bonar

Was I the only one hoping for a Horny/Bonar showdown?

Sounds like an nc17 sasquatch version of the wampa

Beware the Horny Bonar

Seriously, again, how has he not voluntarily changed his name already (unless it's a never-ending source of amusement)?

"Phil Horny?"


Edited by Bojanglez

I want the guy with triple Jumps to win Worlds, just to spite everyone :P

I want the guy with triple Jumps to win Worlds, just to spite everyone :P

Would we then need a triple-nerf for triple-jumps ? :unsure:

I bring shame to the family, only got the M3A into the top 32, not top 16.

Some guys were joking about Belgian Championship with a few Belgian players in the Top16

Nand, the only belgian on the world (unlucky during his National, but belgian number 2 on T3) is in the World Top :) :) :)

And two bulldozer from Amsterdam Squadron, too (And during Belgian National, they were five :unsure: )

It's pretty bad when we have to rely on Gold Squadron to give us updates on FFG's own events. Nothing against you Gold Squadron, you've been great. It's just sad that FFG can't manage to post the updates or listings on their own link. Very poor community interaction if you ask me. (Yeah, I know you didn't)

So. Where in the world do the top 16 people come from?

Steffen Kaehler: Germany

Faan Langelaan: Netherlands

Thomas Reed: UK

James Kroeck: USA

Phillip Horny: USA

Charles Jan Ter Horst: Netherlands

Mario Nunez Jimenez: Spain

Marcel Manzano: USA

Duncan Howard: USA

Nand Torfs: Belgium

Thomas Mooney: UK

Benjamin Lee: UK

Kevin Leintz: USA

James Hedgeperth: ?

Paul Heaver: USA

Joe Desmond: USA

Stupid phone formatting. My computer won't let me in the forums for God knows what reason, so a little messy for now.

Edited by Morphun

Wow, 16 and 17 have the same points, MOV, and same extended SoS (whatever that is?)

Do i see that correctly that only one rebel player made the cut? That would be a bit sad. We never had this before right?

Wow, 16 and 17 have the same points, MOV, and same extended SoS (whatever that is?)

So. Where in the world do the top 16 people come from?

Steffen Kaehler: ?

Faan Langelaan: Netherlands*

Thomas Reed: UK

James Kroeck: ?

Phillip Horny: USA

Charles Jan Ter Horst: Netherlands*

Mario Nunez Jimenez: Spain

Marcel Manzano: USA

Duncan Howard: USA

Nand Torfs: Belgium*

Thomas Mooney: UK

Benjamin Lee: UK

Kevin Leintz: ?

James Hedgeperth: ?

Paul Heaver: USA

Joe Desmond: USA?

Fixed a few for you

Here's the Top Cut. There was a tie at spot #16. SoS as the 2nd tiebreaker looks like it was calculated based ONLY on Day Two's 2-round SoS.

Day 2 Swiss Results ( data entry in progress )


(Swiss #1) Steffen Kaehler
  • Total MoV: 1163
  • Flight 2: 6-0
  • 100 points
  • Vessery + Juke + x7
  • Ryad + PtL + x7 + Mk2
  • Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector


(Swiss #2) Faan Langelaan ("AssortedNeedles" Netherlands National Champion)

  • Total MoV: 1236
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Dengar + Lone wolf + Title + Zuckuss + OCR4 + Dampeners + Countermeasures + Flechette torps + Plasma torps
  • Manaroo + PTL + Engine + Latts + Unhinged + Feedback

(Swiss #3) Tom Reed (Italian Nationals Champion, from UK)

  • Total MoV: 1230
  • Flight 1: 6-0.
  • 99 points
  • Ketsu, K4, Glitter, PTL, Engine, Title
  • Asajj, Gyroscopic Targeting, Latts Razi, Glitterstim, PTL

(Swiss #4) James Kroeck

  • Total MoV: 1172
  • Flight 1: 6-0
  • 98 points
  • Carnor PtL + AT + Shield + title
  • Ryad + Juke + X7
  • Omicron + Palpatine
(Swiss #5) Phillip Horny
  • Total MoV: 1144
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Whisper + VI + Adv cloaking + FCS + Agent Kallus
  • Oicunn + Lone wolf + Palpatine + Rebel Captive

(Swiss #6) Charles Jan ter Horst

  • Total MoV: 1127
  • Flight 1: 6-0
  • 100 points
  • Vessery + x7 + crackshot
  • Ryad + x7 + crackshot
  • Glaive + x7 + crackshot
(Swiss #7) Mario Nuñez Jimenez
  • Total MoV: 1104
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • 4x syndicate Thug + TLT
(Swiss #8) Marcel Manzano (North American Champion)
  • Total MoV: 1101
  • Flight 2: 5-1
  • Scout + Adaptability + Proton + Extra munitions + R4 agromech + Boba Fett + GC
  • 2x Scout + Adaptability + Plasma + Extra munitions + Intelligence agent + R4 agromech + GC
(Swiss #9) Duncan Howard (2016 U.S. Nationals Champion, 2x 2016 Regionals Champion)
  • Total MoV: 1099
  • Flight 2: 6-0
  • 99 points
  • Omega Leader + Juke + Comm Relay + shield
  • Vessery + Juke + x7 + Mk2
  • Omicron Group Pilot + Palpatine + Sensor Jammer

(Swiss #10) Nand Torfs

  • Total MoV: 1094
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • 97 points
  • Dengar + LW + Title + OCR4 + Zuckuss + Countermeasures + Glitterstim
  • Manaroo + PTL + Gonk + R5-P8 + Engine + Seismic Torpedo + Feedback Array

(Swiss #11) Thomas "Jack" Mooney

  • Total MoV: TBD
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Han + Predator + Luke + C3PO + Engine + Title
  • Jake + PTL + VI + AT + Prockets


(Swiss #12) Benjamin Lee (2016 UK Nationals Runner-Up)

  • Total MoV: 1197
  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • 96pt Mindlink Fangaroo
  • Fenn Rau (32) + Mindlink + title + AT
  • Old Teroch (30) + Mindlink title + AT
  • Manaroo (34) + Attanni Mindlink + K4 + Unhinged + Feedback

(Swiss #13) Kevin Leintz

  • Total MoV: 1164
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Corran + PTL + FCS + R2D2 + engine
  • Miranda + TLT + Adv slam + Sabine + EM + homing missiles + Conner net + ion bombs

(Swiss #14) James Hedgepeth III

  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Total MoV: 1158
  • Vessery + x7 + Juke
  • Ryad + PtL + x7 + Mk2
  • Omicron + Palpatine + Collision Detector

(Swiss #15) Paul Heaver (3x World Champion)

  • Total MoV: 1153
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Asajj Ventress (50) + PtL + Latts Razzi + Black Market Slicer Tools + Shadow Caster + Engine Upgrade
  • 2x Syndicate Thug (25) + TLT + Unhinged Astromech

(Swiss #16) Joe Desmond ("Imperial Rebel")

  • Total MoV: 1147. Day 2 SoS: 2.00
  • Flight 1: 5-1
  • Dengar + Lone Wolf + Zuckuss + OCR4 + title + Plasma + EM + Inertial Dampeners + Countermeasures
  • Manaroo + PtL + Recon Specialist + unhinged + feedabck + engine

(Swiss #17) Jonathan Reinig

  • Flight 1: 4-2
  • Total MoV: 1147. Day 2 SoS: 1.50
  • Miranda (51) + TLT + EM + Sabine + Seismic + Cluster + Conner Net + Advanced Slam
  • Corran Horn (49) + PtL + Advanced Sensors + R2-D2 + Engine

FFG has their hands full running an event which happens to be their biggest of the year. If they didn't allow the likes of Gold Squadron to keep us informed, then you should complain. I think they do a fine job of allowing a fan base to get involved without trying to monopolize it.