No, he can't. At least if it works like effects force-rerolling attack dice, which it should. I am pretty sure the general rule is that any die can only be rerolled once throughout an entire sequence, be it attack or defense.Totally.. his re-roll, is before all the other modifications the defender can do.
Just rules checking here.. Can a defender reroll a dice the attacker reroll.. IE is the restriction on rerolling just on dice you personally have rerolled?
Edit: Not that it matters too much, Lone Wolf is the only card I would expect to see that rerolls defense dice.
important: When a die is changed or rerolled, ignore its original result and apply only the new result. This new result may be modified by other effects; however, a die that has already been rerolled cannot be rerolled again during this attack.
TBH that is the one change I would make to the core rules, I'm not sure how fair it is for a reroll by the opponent should lock you out from using one of your rerolls from upgrades.
I don't know, before Zuckuss there weren't many strong force rerolls. I liked how those were better because of also preventing the opponents modification, I view it as a feature.