Rules question: Hero defeated while searching

By Zelgadis, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


It's been a while since I have posted a question for this game.

Last week while I was playing the OL, we encountered an interesting situation:

Hero has 2 health left and fully fatigued. On his turn, he used an action to search a token. I played the Poison Dart card and he failed the test which in turn he had to suffer 1 damage and 1 fatigue and since he was fully fatigued, he took an extra damage and thus defeated and knocked out.

The question now is: What happens to the search token? Does he still get the search token or not?

I guess this could also apply in a situation with a door.

Anyone ever encountered this scenario?

Golden Rule: Active player picks the order of resolution. So if they want the search token, they still get it.

Now, If they got the search token during the overlords turn, via some other effect, it would be a different story.

He gets the search card as normal. I believe this has been answered in the unofficial faq (perhaps in the official one) regarding the mimic card.