Chicago-land Armada Regional Championship Nov 12th & 13th

By GoldSquadron, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play


Star Wars Armada Championship

The two day event structure represents the possibilty of 29+ players eventering Regionals. We are only supossed to run 3 rounds of Swiss for Armada per day any additional rounds would be played on the second day along with the elimination rounds.

Also as an added value to those who maybe traveling and blocking out two days for this event we will be offereing a separate side event on Sunday. Anyone who particpated in Saturdays event will have free entry into that side event. Once again all entry fees collected will go towards prize support for both events.

Where: Pastimes 8502 W. Golf Road Niles, Illinois 60714

When: Nov. 12th - 13th

Roll Call / Reg: 10-10:45 am

Start Time: 11 am

Entry: $20

Online Registration-

Prizes- 100% of the entery will go towards prize support the additional prize support will be based on entry.

Each Star Wars: Armada Regional Championship will have a variety of prizes to award to the most successful players in the competition the official FFG support is the following...

Top 64 - The top sixty-four players will each receive a copy of the alternate art card “CR-90 Corvette A” - a staple of Rebel commanders who prefer to fight fast and at long range.

Top 16 - The top sixteen players will each receive a set of double sided acrylic Brace tokens.

Top 8 - The top eight players will be able to prepare their armaments with a set of sparkling attack dice. Four of each dice!

Top 4 - The top four players will receive a double-sided acrylic range ruler.

First Place - The winner will receive a colored trophy depicting the Medal of Yavin and a first round bye to a 2017 Star Wars: Armada National Championship.

Event Structure- Premeier / Advanced Tournament Structure
The Advanced tournament structure caters to participants that
enjoy competition. This structure provides a robust tournament
experience that requires a substantial commitment of time and
resources from organizers and players. The Advanced Structure is used for Regional Championship events.

The length of a tournament is determined by the number of players. For casual tournaments, tournament organizers may choose a number of rounds they feel best fits the needs of the tournament and players. The number of Swiss rounds for a competitive or premier-level Star Wars: Armada tournament is outlined below.

Up to 28 players: 3 rounds
29-44 players: 4 rounds, with cut to Top 2
45-90 players: 5 rounds, with cut to Top 2
91 or more players: 5 rounds, with cut to Top 4
Events with more than 3 rounds may be run on multiple days.

Format- Swiss Rounds 400 point Constructed

Swiss style pairings are used for Star Wars: Armada tournaments. For the first round, players are paired at random.

For each round after the first, the highest-ranked player is paired against the second highest-ranked player, the third highest-ranked player is paired against the fourth highest-ranked player, and so on. If there is an odd number of players, the lowest-ranked player is awarded a bye.

While creating pairings for the second round and beyond, no player is paired against a player he or she has already played. If a player is, the TO pairs that player against the next highest-ranked player he or she has not played.

In order to determine the number of Swiss tournament points earned the win or loss and the margin of victory used (see chart below). A player's score helps determine who won the game in certain circumstances and is used to calculate Margin of Victory. Each player calculates their score by adding together the total fleet point value of their opponent's destroyed ships, including upgrade cards equipped to those ships, their opponent's destroyed squadrons, and any additional points earned through objectives.

Magin of Victory (MOV) for Swis Points
0-59 MOV = 6 points for a win, 5 points for a loss
60-139 MOV = 7 points for a win, 4 points for a loss
140-219 MOV = 8 points for a win, 3 points for a loss
220-299 MOV = 9 points for a win, 2 points for a loss
300-400 MOV = 10 points for a win, 1 point for a loss

If a player destroys all of his or her opponent's ships, the opponent's fleet is worth 400 fleet points for the purpose of calculating score, even if the ship total , squadron, and upgrade cards are worth fewer fleet points.

If a player concedes the game, that player receives 0 tournament pointsand a margin of victory of 0. his or her opponent receives 8 tournament points and a margin of victory of 140.

If two players have exactly the same score or both players' fleets are destroyed in the same game round, the second player is the winner, but their margin of victory is 0.

If there is a situation where two or more players are tied, tiebeakers are used to determine standings. The different tiebreakers used are, in order: margin of victory, strength of schedule, and then randomly determining standings

We'll probably have a group of 2-4 driving down from Madison. Though I don't think we were expecting it to be two days... Any idea on numbers expected?

The store can apparently accommodate up to 60, so if turnout is high enough and you do well enough in your first 3 games, you'll need to return for the final cuts on Sunday.

We'll probably have a group of 2-4 driving down from Madison. Though I don't think we were expecting it to be two days... Any idea on numbers expected?

Honestly I'm not sure what to expect Chicago didn't have a Regional last year and there aren't that many large armada groups in Chicagoland also there is an X-Wing Regional In Wisconsin the same day.

The issue becomes if we have 29+ players your looking at 10.5 hour day not including any breaks, prize payout, setup, or tear down and that also assumes we are running at peak efficiency and players aren't running late. That's a long day for the store to to stay open much longer than they normally would especially when the only event going on would be Armada not to mention at 45 players add another 3 hours on to the event making it 13.5 hours. Also Armada events aren't supposed to run more than 3 rounds per day anyway which is how its formated at worlds so we tried to offer those traveling some value by adding the side event on Sunday that is free of charge.

Edited by Shanks

I don't suppose you have a number of players currently registered? Just curious as I'm planning out the weekend and such.

I thought that worlds was 4 rounds per day, but yes, 4 rounds in a day is quite the ordeal. Especially for the top 2 who would actually have 5 rounds. The regional championship round in Atlanta this summer was actually conceded before it even started because one player was way too exhausted (and had the good sportsmanship to concede that he wouldn't benefit from the bye because he wasn't going to worlds anyways).

And the Facebook page has 17 going, 8 interested, if that helps in the interim, Card Knight.

I would love to go, but I can't swing it the weekend after Worlds. Have fun, everyone!

Two friends and I will be coming from Iowa to play. There isn't much Armada activity in Des Moines so we're really looking forward to playing other people.

Currently we have 21 players registered I understand that there are some that would prefer a very long day to get in all in one day but it has been our past experience making it two days works much better and impacts the least amount of people.

Two friends and I will be coming from Iowa to play. There isn't much Armada activity in Des Moines so we're really looking forward to playing other people.

Please let me know who you drive up to the tournament with I'll make sure you're not paired against each other in the first round.

Two friends and I will be coming from Iowa to play. There isn't much Armada activity in Des Moines so we're really looking forward to playing other people.

Please let me know who you drive up to the tournament with I'll make sure you're not paired against each other in the first round.

That would be great. If you were at the store tonight, we were the two guys playing Armada just before/slightly during the Magic tournament.

Just wanted to say that the guys running this tournament were great, and despite the six hour drive I'd be glad to come back and lose spectacularly!

Just wanted to say that the guys running this tournament were great, and despite the six hour drive I'd be glad to come back and lose spectacularly!

Thank you so much for the compliment it really means a lot my wife, pastimes, and I put a lot in to these events to try and make them the best they can be for everyone attending.

Yep, I also really enjoyed my day there. Would definitely attend events there again in the future if my schedule allowed.

Agreed. Absolutely the best prize support I've seen, especially with the mats from the top tables going to the victors. Like, imagine if FFG had done that for worlds (especially with that entry fee). Totally worth a 6 hour trip, especially since I got to spend the weekend in Chicago with my girlfriend.