
By Seam, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I gamemastered the first sessions of Edge of the Empire. One thing that occured to me is that when I looked up the stats of the NPCs Awareness/Cool stats are missing. As I took a glimpse at the adverseries card packs the same is true for the cards. So it is difficult to determine initiative in case of a conflict. Do I miss a rule in the core game book, or how do fellow gamemasters handle these kind of situations?

Thanks for any help.

You just use the base stats for Cool and Vigilance if they don't actually have ranks of Cool or Vigilance.

If it is missing they have 0 ranks in the skill. If they are a minion group that also means they don't get ranks in it based on their numbers.

So you take one Ability dice for each point in Presence / Willpower (depending on the situation)?

So you take one Ability dice for each point in Presence / Willpower (depending on the situation)?

you build their pool just like you would a PC with 0 ranks in a skill.

So you take one Ability dice for each point in Presence / Willpower (depending on the situation)?

Yes, exactly, just as a PC would do it. So if the NPC has no ranks in Cool but has Presence of 3, roll 3 Ability Dice, etc.

Thanks all!