Star Wars: My Kind of Scum [PbP] Escape from Mos Shuuta

By Aurin, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

With sparks flying and the engines screaming from the strain 66 feels the impacts of laser fire hitting the hull more and more. Talking to himself the large Droid begins planning ways to improve their situation "The shield generator should be operating at 65% efficiency to ensure redundancy in case of emergency... this seems like an emergency. I'll just remove this panel and bridge a redundant supply to the generator, with the additional current capacity I can then increase the output modulator..."

Unfortunatly his memory damage is more than he could account for, instead of increasing the shield density the maintenance Droid has provided a power boost to some other unknown part of the ship

yes the linked is a second hit, damage is calculated separately, so in this case it's (8-3)x2=10 damage taken.

66, thinking he remembers enough about these ships, is going to attempt to boost the shields

Boosting Shields : 2eP+1eB+3eD 1 failure, 1 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s.png b--.png d--.png d-f.png d-f-f.png

The Advantage passes a boost to the next PC

So.... What's going on? Is it a new round?


@waywardgm @Richardbuxton @kymrel @the shy ion - friends - so sorry to slow us down here. I've been traveling a lot for work and it's been complete chaos. I'm hoping to get one post per week for the next two then resume our normal two post per week cadence thereafter. We're midway through the order here. Dro-Kar led at the top with the failure-fest, then the TIEs, followed by HM-6T6. Two more PC slots are up before the top of the round (where there is a third PC slot). PCs left to go are Trok (Kymrel) and Lang (Wayward) in any order...

OK, no worries. I'll let Lang take the next slot before Trok does something mad...


@waywardgm - it's all Lang right now... we await his fire!


Hopefully we get back on track soon! Hope everything is okay, Waywardgm! In the meantime, I had Will Nunes do a couple of our NPCs that our daring fugitives have met recently - 41-VEX and Trex! Enjoy.



Very good! I hope Wayward finds his way back, but if not we should probably keep the game going.

Also, I love the pictures. Man, Will Nunes is good!


@Kymrel @Richardbuxton - okay gents, what do you think here? What's the best path forward? Hopefully @waywardgm will come back to us soon but it seems that @The Shy Ion has disappeared for good. Let's give it another week for our dear ex-lawman to return. If not, what do you propose that we do? One possibility is that we could get a stand-in until he comes back, and then offer that person their own PC once that happens? What do you both think?

that sounds like a good plan

Yeah, seems Shy is gone for good and I fear Wayward may have left us as well. Your plan seems good to me. I actually have someone that is interested in taking over one of the characters. Someone I play with in other games and is super reliable. I'll shoot you a PM.


Wonderful - thanks!


Okay, so here we are! @gm_ordon , @Kymrel 's friend from another PbP game, is going to take over running Lang for the time being until our friend @waywardgm returns. While we're at it, we may have another player that is going to step into Caizu's character on a more permanent basis (unless @The Shy Ion comes back, of course!)

To put us back into the action, it's Lang's turn to act, followed by Trok. Let's get us moving again!

Lang let's loose a string of profanity as the hull is rocked from enemy fire. One of the Tie fighters moved into his field of vision quickly, but before he could lock on. He swung the turret in front of the agile fighter, unfortunately too far ahead of them as his shots lanced ahead of them. It did cause the Imps to veer back into Dro-Kar's firing arc and also forced them to interfere with the second group of tie fighters lining up their shot on the VX. "These durn flyin' eyeballs are as slippery as Hutt spawn! Trok, keep us in one piece will ya?"


OOC: I believe this is right, a boost from Dro-kar, and 2 difficulty, from what I read.. course it was on my phone while pumping gas so I apologize in advance if I'm off.

If its correct, I'll use two advantages to pass a boost for Dro-kar, and I'd like to use the two more advantages to give the next Tie fighter a setback from making them veer in front of the other Tie group lining up their next shot. Orokos must have linked me with Kymrel with this roll.. :/

3eA+1eB+2eD : 2 failures, 4 advantage [3eA=A/A, A, A/A] [1eB=-] [2eD=Th, F/F]
a-a-a.png a-a.png a-a-a.png b--.png d-th.png d-f-f.png

Trok jerks the controls as the TIEs come in for another attack run. "Is this your first time in a gunner's seat, guys?" he nearly shouts at the two gunners through the internal communications system. "You better start hitting something or this isn't going to have a happy ending."

OOC: Welcome to the game! I think you've nailed it, except that with Trok using Evasive Maneuvers you should have upgraded one of the difficulty dice. I do belief that one of the enemy TIE wings was using Stay on Target, which should have given you an upgrade on the ability dice. I don't know if Aurin wants you to roll again or take this roll since you missed one positive and one negative upgrade.

As for Trok, he keeps flying, trying to get far enough from the planet to jump to hyperspace. He'll stick to evasive maneuvers, upgrading both incoming and outgoing gunnery checks once.


Welcome @gm_ordon ! We're all very excited to have you. @Kymrel - thanks for the catch. The roll can stand as it is, but we'll be back on for the next round.

From now on, to help me understand the dice pool a bit better, can we all please explain what is included in the roll? For example: Firing my gun (YGG) +1 boost (aim) + PP (medium range) + upgrade difficulty once (evasive maneuvers) + 2 setback dice (1 shield + defensive driving talent), etc. Does that make sense?

There are two minion groups of TIE fighters each with two TIEs. The first wing (undamaged) has currently Gained the Advantage. The second wing (hit twice, but still both minions moving) is Staying on Target.

Two rounds down! Two more rounds remaining before you can make a jump...

We are back to the top of the order. As a reminder, the order is: PC, NPC, PC, PC, PC. Anyone can go now!

"Keep us steady!" Dro-Kar growls back at Trok over the intercom, cursing in his native tongue. "How can we hit a gerrottan fighter if we are flying all over the place?" He then ignores the frustrated Dug, taking aim at the pair of TIE-fighters he's been trying to shoot.

As Lang takes shot at the fighters, two of them break right and go around the ship. Sensing an advantage, Dro-Kar swivels the laser cannon around and holds his fire as they circle the ship. As they come into his field of fire and come for another attack run, it is a simple matter for the bulky Nikto to line up his shot. The pilots, overly confident, stay on a straight course. Just as they get a target lock, causing all sort of klaxons to go off in the cockpit, Dro-Kar pulls the trigger, and keeps it pressed in. Two shots penetrate the wing of the lead TIE-fighter, causing it to weer away, spinning out of control towards the planet. The other attempts to break off, but it's too late. With a satisfied grunt, the Nikto hits once, and then again, straight into the ball of the TIE-fighter. It explodes in a satisfying fireball.

"Two down, let's finish this and get out of here," Dro-Kar says in a vicious tone into the intercom.

OOC: So, a maneuver to aim, and an additional boost passed from Lang. Let's make this happen.

Shooting the %"#$"#$ TIE's again : 3eA+1eP+2eB+1eD+1eC 2 successes, 1 Triumph
a-s-a.png a-s.png a-a.png p-tr.png b--.png b--.png d-th.png c-f-th.png

Wooo! My bribe went through!

The shot does 8 damage, which (unless I'm mistaken) should finish off one fighter. For the Triumph I'll activate a critical hit, automatically taking out the other fighter. Two down, two to go!


So... I'm not dead.

I've mentioned in a few places that I was dealing with personal issues, and it was making it hard to post. I can't really elaborate on those, but due to said issues suddenly worsening and the end of my senior year in high school, I had a complete emotional breakdown.

I'm recovering now, with the help of my off-forum friends and my therapist. I apologize if I worried you, and I apologize for letting you down.

Edited by The Shy Ion
8 minutes ago, The Shy Ion said:

Shy please do not feel sorry. I'm very sorry to hear of your struggles, and it's great to hear you have support. Everyone has their ups and downs, mental and emotional struggles impact a huge number of people so don't feel alone. In the end we are just a bunch of forum nerds that hang out for a laugh and bit of fun in our spare time. Your personal life is far more important than some little game here.

I'll just echo what Richardbuxton said, great to see you again, no need to apologize.

11 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

Shy please do not feel sorry. I'm very sorry to hear of your struggles, and it's great to hear you have support. Everyone has their ups and downs, mental and emotional struggles impact a huge number of people so don't feel alone. In the end we are just a bunch of forum nerds that hang out for a laugh and bit of fun in our spare time. Your personal life is far more important than some little game here.

Thank you. I missed y'all.

Thirded! So glad to hear that you are receiving help and definitely no need to apologize. We are always here if/when you decide to rejoin us!


And we're back! I'll get a post up tonight folks!

With deft flying and superior agility, the second set of TIE-fighters weaves around the spiraling, crippled ship and navigates through the explosion of the second to steady its trajectory on an even plane with the Queen of Scepters.

“I’ve got the shot,” the faceless Imperial TIE-Fighter pilot mutters across the internal comms to the last remaining TIE in his squadron. “Time to die…” The TIE pilot’s targeting array locks on to the much slower freighter and the pilot’s maneuvering squares the TIE directly behind the Queen of Scepter’s engines. Red lasers arc through space in rapid succession, penetrating shields and striking the vulnerable underbelly of the VCX-freighter. The ship lurches in mid-flight, pitching the crew off balance as the Queen noticeably decelerates speed.

“Uh, guys,” Caizu's voice is calm and steady, her underlying panic masked by her practiced sabacc-face. “We’ve got a problem here.” The Chiss gambler furiously works the computer console, clacking on buttons of all shapes and colors while performing a diagnostic on current system performance. “From what I can tell they hit our hyperdrive. That will slow us down. Sixty-Six, anything you can do for us back there, my metallic friend?” She begins flipping a set of emergency switches on the co-piloting dash. “Okay Trok, I’m on the auxiliary controls. You focus on the fancy flying.”


YGG for the minion group of two + 3 setback for QoS shields + ignore evasive maneuvers due to Gain the Advantage + upgrade the check by flipping a destiny point (now 2 DS 3 LS) + 1 boost die for aim

TIE fires on the Queen of Scepters : 2eP+1eA+2eD+1eB+3eS 1 success, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-s.png a-s-s.png d-th.png d-f.png b-a-a.png s-th.png s-f.png s-f.png

That's a critical hit! The Queen of Scepters takes 7 points of damage (before armor) and the following critical:

Queen of Scepters critical by TIE : 1d100 48

Component hit one component of the attackers choice is knocked offline and is rednered inoperable until the following round. I'll choose hyperdrive, extending the number of rounds until the Queen can jump to hyperspace by one!

Caizu performs a co-piloting check... and fails. She'll use the two advantage to recover strain.

Caizu co-piloting check : 1eP+1eA+2eD 1 failure, 2 advantage
p-s-s.png a-a-a.png d-f.png d-f-f.png

For the remainder of the round we've got more PC slots - Trok, Lang, and HM-6T6 (in any order).

66 stands amidst chaos, all around him warning lights flash while alarms sound out the cry of a damaged ship. He shifts from console to console pushing buttons and resetting circuit breakers Caizus voice springs from the open coms channel, his response is not reassuring

"Whatever it is shooting us just overloaded the Hyperdrive power coupling, i estimate an approximate reset time of 1 minutes 12 seconds."

The old Droid has heard enough cursing in his time with the Hutt to know his response was not well received.

"Ill start making attempts to reduce that time" he finishes.

Difficulty to repair that Crit should be Easy, any upgrades or setback for the current situation?

"Come on guys, finish them before they finish us," Trok yells. "And get my hyperdrive back up, Mittens, or we're all done for anyway!"

Although not an experienced fighter pilot, Trok knows he's been beat by the TIE-fighter pilots. All he can hope for now is for the gunners to destroy the remaining fighters before they can down the ship. He stops trying to shake the fighters and instead concentrates on maneuvering the ship in such a way that will give his gunners a good angle on the TIE's as they come in for another attack run.

OOC: Trok uses a maneuver to Stay on Target. It will upgrade the checks of all our gunners. Unfortunately, it will also upgrade the checks of the enemy gunners, so we had better shoot them down before they get a turn!