Star Wars: My Kind of Scum [PbP] Escape from Mos Shuuta

By Aurin, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

couldn't hope for much more

That's Laser Fire! : 1eP 1 success, 1 advantage

I'm happy to track the ship, piece of cake. Now are there dice rolls for installing the Ignighter under pressure? Or just a certain number of rounds? 66 will likely prioritise the ignightor over repairs unless things get dire


@Kymrel - yes, four TIE fighters aligned in two minion groups of two.

@Richardbuxton - Installing the HMRI is an average mechanics check with one setback due to the ship being in operation. Successes reduce the amount of "warm-up" time for the HMRI to be ready to go, and threats and despairs are not great for you guys :)

This here, that there, HMRI installed! : 2eP+1eA+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 3 advantage

p-s.png p-a-a.png a-s-s.png b-a-a.png d--.png d-f-th.png

Woo Hoo! 66 gets it done! With Gearhead the Setback is removed, I also flipped a Destiny Point to upgrade the check, since 66 has a PP mechanics pool it actually added an A instead.

So 3 Advantage, is it very efficient work? Or perhaps he boosts power to the engines, giving the Pilot an upgrade to their check, or the first gunner?


@Richardbuxton - gotta wait for your turn during initiative :) The roll can stand though, I applaud the excitement!

Leaping into the gunner's seat, Lang flicks the switches to power up the gun and grabs the controls. Then he remembers, seatbelt first. The many times he has forgotten in the past all come crashing back. In the form of memories of crashes. Buckling in, he searches for the comm switch and opens what he hopes is a ship-wide broadcast, before reasserting his grip on the triggers set into the controls.

Clearing his throat, the Mirialan thinks for a moment, choosing the words carefully, before saying in his usual drawl, "Alright, lady and gentlemen, it seems the Empire has some sorta interest in seein' us stay local. Don't rightly know if they've got a deal goin' with our old Hutt buddy, but either way, they've irked me good and proper shootin' at a pretty ship like this, so I intend to shoot back. Just remember to lead your shots if you're shootin', and please try and fly away from the incoming fire. Thanks Trok, you're gonna do fine."

Well, that's about as Captain as I can get... Hope they feel inspired or somethin'...


Vigilance for the TIE attack : 3eA 3 successes, 1 advantage
a-s-a.png a-s.png a-s.png


@The Shy Ion still missing in action, should we proceed without waiting for her roll?


@Kymrel - yeah, we'll keep the action moving. If you need the co-pilot for something, let me know, and I'll step in :)

TIEs coming in hot! : 2eA 2 successes, 1 advantage
a-s-s.png a-a.png

So initiative order:

PC (3S 1A)

NPC (2S 1A)

PC (2S 0A)

PC (1S 1A)

So you guys are up!

Oh, and I almost forgot - which one of you is going to run Trok for this encounter?

Edited by Aurin

I'm going travelling for a month next week, I'll be AFB the whole time but should have Internet so I'll be posting as I can. But due to that I'm probably not the best to run an extra character right at the moment, sorry

Dro-Kar can be heard cursing in Hutteese over the internal comms. If that counts as a sentence, it is by far the longest sentence the rest of the fugitives have ever heard him utter. He fires the dorsal cannon almost constantly, but the nimble TIE-Fighters manage to avoid his fire by passing under the nose of the ship.

It makes sense for Dro-Kar to take the first slot, since he seems to be the least bad gunner. He'll take two Aim maneuvers (burning 2 strain) and then let them have it:

Shooting TIEs : 4eA+2eB+2eD 0 successes, 3 advantage
a-s.png a-s.png a-a.png a-a.png b--.png b-a-a.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

Orokos, why? Whyyyyyyy?

Le sigh. Let's just pass boosts, one to the next PC to take action and another specifically to Lang, as Dro-Kar herds the TIEs into his field of fire.

@Aurin , would it be possible to put the ship stats and floor plan at the bottom of the first post, or in the session zero thread, for easy reference?

I'd be happy to act for our Dug pilot, if nobody else is interested.

Cool. With the Dug's rank of Defensive Driving, should it not have current defense 2 front/back?

True, I also didn't set the speed yet since I didn't know what it was


@Kymrel - great, let's plan for you to run the Dug for this encounter. Can you roll initiative and see if the PC goes above or below the TIEs.

@Richardbuxton - enjoy the vacation! Hopefully we'll still see you regularly. Thanks for pulling together the SWSheet. I'll post it to the Session Zero as well.

I flipped through the rules for starship combat and didn't see anything about starting speeds. Given that the Queen of Scepters just broke atmosphere, let's assume that you are currently going Speed 1 (and I'll allow the successful installation of the HMRI give a bonus to increasing speed once that roll comes into effect). The TIES are already running at full speed (Speed 5). Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

Edited by Aurin

Sure thing, here we go:

Vigilance for initiative : 2eA 1 success, 2 advantage
a-a-a.png a-s.png


So the order is:

PC (3S 1A)

NPC (2S 1A)

PC (2S 0A)

PC (1S 2A)

PC (1S 1A)

And we're currently on the TIE fighters. I'm out this weekend but I'll be back on Monday and we'll get the combat going! Stay tuned, folks.

The shrill whine of the TIE Fighter’s engines shriek through space as the two pairs of Starfighters scream toward the Queen of Scepters, red bolts of energy crackling out of the forward mounted laser cannons. The first strafing fire causes little more than superficial scarring, but the second volley hits home. The VCX-85R freighter groans at the impact.

Oh dear! We’ve been hit! ” 41-VEX exclaims over Trok’s shoulder while the Dug furiously steers the ship in the dogfight with the TIE Fighters. “ We’re not going to make it! It’s time to panic!


TIE Wing 1 Fires (same sil, aim, 2 def) : 2eA+1eP+2eD+1eB+2eS 0 successes, 1 advantage
a-a.png a-a.png p-a-a.png d-th-th.png d-th.png b--.png s--.png s--.png

I believe I did this right... can someone double check the dice pool, please?

The second set of TIEs fires, upgrading the check once for using stay on target.

TIE Wing 2 fires (same sil, stay on target, 2 def) : 2eP+1eA+2eD+2eS 1 success, 1 advantage
p-s-s.png p-s-s.png a-a.png d-f.png d-f.png s--.png s-f.png

Can someone please check this one as well? First time doing this and all :)

“Oh hell, are you even trying to hit them?” Trok yells into the intercom. “I can’t lose them, but I have tricks those Imperials haven’t even heard off. Going evasive, baby. We just need to survive until we can jump.”

The Dug pilot jerks the ship to the right, forcing the enemy fighters to alter course, costing the pilots precious moments. He then jerks the controls at almost random to make it harder for the enemy pilots to get a target lock. “Not today, you little foja-nubs,” he grunts to himself, as he fiddles with the shield controls, angling the deflector shields to protect the ship from the attacks of the TIE-fighters.


This looks perfect to me, Aurin.

Trok is using a maneuver to take evasive action. This will upgrade both the difficulty of the TIEs targeting our ship (to DC ), but similarly upgrade our gunnery checks to hit them (also DC ).

Trok then converts his action to a second maneuver to angle the deflector shields, leaving us at 1 in the front and 3 in the rear. Unless the enemy pilots spend an action to Gain the Advantage (forgoing shooting for a round and succeeding on a piloting check), the defender chooses the zone that his hit, meaning we’ll have Defense 3 against enemy attacks. Since this is not a pilot-only maneuver, the ship doesn’t take any system strain for this. So the enemy pilots will need to roll DCSSS to hit next time.

It makes sense for Lang (and, in next round, Dro-Kar) to target the enemy fighters that used Stay on Target, since we can upgrade our dice pool once since they used that maneuver!

Edited by Kymrel

"Quit your hollerin' and do somethin' useful, Vex! Trok knows when he gets shot!" Lang cuts in over the intercom as he swings his gun around to target the TIEs. Just like shootin' a pistol, he tells himself, lead the target as it moves, take a moment, pull the trigger. The massive kick of the guns, even after the hydraulic compensation dampens the force, is enough to tell the Mirialan this is very much not like shooting a pistol. But his theory proves true, and the blasts of red laser fire streak away into the distance toward thee TIE Squadron. A moment later he is rewarded with a sizable explosion as the shots hit home.

Almost swearing under his breath, the Marshal takes a moment to collect himself. It's the first time he has ever fired a gun of this size. He calls over the ship-wide band, "See, they ain't so hard to hit when they're flyin' like migratin' quadducks. Aim for them big wing panel things and you're more'n like to hit somethin'! And if you'd be so kind, Trok, tell a man before you pull a crazy move like that, not durin' !"



@Richardbuxton - I think you're up in posting about installing the HMRI, then we're back to the top of the order with another PC slot!

HM-6T6 was feeling more and more at home as he made his way through the ship and into engineering. But someone without real skill had been maintaining this vessel. The engines had been modified from standard, there was a huge mess of wiring and many of the wall plates designed to protect vulnerable systems had been removed. This ship needs a complete overhaul... 6 weeks in dry dock should be enough .

As 66 begin working away at removing the old HMRI there was a sudden explosion and the ship rocked, followed closely by the engines beginning to Strain. Whoever of my friends is flying is starting to pushthe limits of this vehicles handling, perhaps they are trying to dodge our enemy. Let's see if I can give them a little more power as I work.

The Droid quickly releases the old Igniter, slots the new one in, then reroutes power to activate it. As the system comes online he begins identifying optimisations he can make to give their pilot more control over the ship. He turns off unnecessary equipment such as the kitchen and also reduces the output from the climate control systems for the time being. All the additional power is then routed to te engines giving the ship a significantly better handling for a short while.

Keying a nearby ship com 66 informs the cockpit "the Hyper Mater Reactor Igniter is installed, you may engage the Hyperdrive at your will"


@Richardbuxton 's fancy engineering work has made it so the Queen of Scepters can jump to hyperspace in four rounds (rather than six) after the HMRI is properly warmed up. So now you just gotta survive until then. You can use the advantage to give a boost to the next piloting check!

@waywardgm - how much damage did you do?


And we're back to the top of the order, so any PC can go right now (then the NPCs go again).

Dro-Kar continues cursing in Hutteese as the nimble TIE-Fighters roll away from his arc of fire. He maintains a constant barrage, but only succeeds in forcing the enemy fighters to stay out of the arc of his gun.

Lang will have done 7 damage with that shot.

Dro-Kar will again aim twice and let them have it:

Shooting TIEs again : 4eA+2eB+2eD 4 failures, 5 advantage
a-a.png a-a.png a--.png a-a.png b--.png b-a-a.png d-f-f.png d-f-f.png

Clearly I forgot to pay my fees to Orokos this month. WTF is this????

I guess I'll give the next PC to take action a boost for 1 advantage, the TIEs get a setback for two advantages and Dro-Kar gets a boost on his next shot for the remaining two.


Holy heck... You and Orokos are not close companions no matter what game, huh Kymrel?

Nope. I need to up my monthly bribe, I think. This is probably a personal best for me. Net 4 failures rolling 6 positive dice and 2 negative is super unlikely...


One round down. Three more until you can make the jump safely.

This thing is covered in rubbish! ” Caizu’s eyes the copilot console. Food containers, growing mold from unknown, partially eaten contents, miscellaneous ship components, and other debris cover the entirety of the controls. With one stroke of her arm, she wipes the surface clean, sending the garbage to the floor. Mounted to the dashboard, however, is a singular sabacc card showing a face matching that of the paint job on the hull. The Queen of Scepters. “ A good luck charm, ” the Chiss murmurs to herself as she fervently works the copilot console. “ We’ll need all the luck that we can get. ” The computer displays the sensor output - white outlined silhouettes of the spherical starfighters and their hexagonal wings approaching quickly on a direct flight path. “ Coming in hot, fellas!

The lead wing of TIE fighters approaches directly on a level plane behind the VCX freighter, lining up its forward laser cannons to provide the best possible chance of success. Despite Trok’s efforts to fly defensively, the TIE’s targeting array locks on. Red laser fire arcs through the void, piercing the rear shields and striking the vessel. Emergency sirens blare within the Queen and the internal cabin lights flicker from impact. In the engineering bay, sparks fly near where HM-6T6 just finished installing the HMRI as smoke begins to billow from behind one of the wall panels.


The Stay on Target wing fires. Upgraded once from SOT. Uses the maneuver to aim. Difficulty upgraded once due to evasive maneuvers. Three setback die due to the deflected shields. Let me know if I messed this up:

TIE Wing 2 fires (same sil, stay on target, 3 def, evasive manuevers) : 1eA+2eP+1eD+1eC+1eB+3eS 2 successes, 2 advantage
a-s-a.png p-s-s.png p-a-a.png d-th.png c-f-th.png b-s-a.png s-f.png s--.png s--.png

Man, @Kymrel - I don't know what you did to Orokos, but you should apologize... Damage 6 + 2 successes = 8. I'll use one of the advantage to activate linked, which means it hits a second time. Does that mean 16 damage before armor? Does armor get applied once or twice?

Thrusters wail through space as the other pair of TIE Fighters scream past the Queen of Scepters at breakneck speed. Dro-Kar, manning the dorsal laser turret, notices the wing approaching from above at a sheer angle, a standard tactic of the Imperial Navy to target a ship’s forward shields. Within heartbeats, those two fighters will be in prime position to unload directly at the front of the vessel.


Gain the Advantage roll by the other wing. Three boosts from the handling, easy difficulty due to the difference in speed. Evasive Maneuvers doesn't apply. Check this one too?

TIE Wing 1 Gains the Advantage (going faster) : 2eA+1eP+3eB+1eD 4 successes, 1 advantage
a--.png a--.png p-s-s.png b-s-a.png b-s-a.png b--.png d-th.png