Star Wars: My Kind of Scum [PbP] Escape from Mos Shuuta

By Aurin, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Initiative : 2eA 1 success, 1 advantage

a-s.png a-a.png


Great, so here is the stormtrooper initiative...

Stormtrooper Initiative : 3eA 1 success, 3 advantage
a-a.png a-a-a.png a-s.png

The order will go:

PC (Lang - 5S, 1A)

PC (Dro - 1S, 3A)

NPC (Stormtrooper - 1S, 3A)

PC (Caizu - 1S, 1A)

PC (HM-6T6 - 0S, 0A)

So you guys are up. @Richardbuxton that's exactly right. One maneuver to get outside, and then two maneuvers to go from medium to engaged.

66 can't do a whole lot this turn except be a steel wall, I'm happy to get close to them soon or to let others shoot

@Aurin Do you plan to use the initiative as rolled (as in, Lang goes first, followed by Dro-Kar) or is it a "free" PC slot?

Regardless, I think it's probably wise to let Dro-Kar and Lang go first. But keep in mind that Dro-Kar may look mean, but he's just a decent shot and armed with a fairly small blaster :o

you should definitely just take your turn with Dro-Kar, the less stormies therevare the less risk they pose


If they're at medium range, I think I have this right, but let me know if I need to add or remove any dice.

Shooting light blaster pistol at Stormtroopers : 1eP+2eA+2eD 3 successes, 1 threat
p-s.png a-s.png a-s.png d-th.png d--.png

Without leaving the relative safety of the speeder, Lang slowly reaches down to grip his blaster with his right hand. Attempting to look nonchalant as he continues shading himself with his left hand on his hat, the Mirialan sizes up the targets and quickly ascertains the range to hit the three Stormtroopers. As they call out, Lang draws and fires, a triad of blue blaster bolts streak towards the Imperials and hit center mass on each one.

"Well," Lang says with a rueful chuckle, "We definitely know who shot first."


So I am hoping I can use the speeder for a bit of cover as this kicks off - as I also didn't want to use extra strain to maneuver out. The blaster has inflicted 8 damage before soak .

“Not good. Stay behind me, Caizu,” Dro-Kar says as he pulls up his pistol and fires several times in the general direction of the stormtroopers. He notes with satisfaction that at least one blast seems to have hit home. He can’t risk staying in the open so he quickly fires a couple of more blasts as he runs into cover behind the speeder, next to Lang.

“Fine mess. What are they doing here? Why do they want us?” he barks at the green-skinned man as he reaches up and fires up a couple of blasts without exposing more than his hand. Just to keep them honest.


Dro-Kar uses a maneuver to draw his pistol and an action to shoot the closest stormtrooper.

Shooting the lead stormtrooper : 3eA+1eP+2eD 1 success, 2 advantage

a-s.png a-a.png a-s-a.png p-s-a.png d-f-th.png d-f.png

Wow, I’m pleasantly surprised, given my history with this dice roller! The result is 8 damage. I’ll spend the two advantages on a second maneuver, getting into cover.

Edited by Kymrel

The Stormtroopers are caught off guard by the blaster fire. Blasts connect several times, leaving dark scorch burns on their white laminate armor, and the lead trooper drops to the sun-beaten pavement. The thronging crowd abruptly parts in a chorus of frantic screams as the pedestrians scramble for safety to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

The two remaining troopers cling to the doorway of one of the low hovels, using a nearby merchant’s stall to provide partial cover before returning fire.


The stormies fire at Lang, who I is covered by the speeder.

Stormtroopers return fire (round 1) : 2eA+1eP+2eD+1eS 2 successes
a-s.png a-s-a.png p-s-a.png d-th.png d-th.png s-f.png

Blaster rifle = 9 damage + 2 successes = 11 before soak.

Edited by Aurin

We can go in any order (PC slots are free) unless you guys prefer to go in order of whole rolled to streamline things.

Blaster fire erupts in front of the large maintenance droid, slowly he realises Storm Troopers are in the vicinity and attacking the little group of escapees. "Caizu, you should get in the speeder now" he blurts, wanting to protect the people who are rescuing his sorry chassis. Without watching to see what she even does, or any awareness that no one listens to him anyway, he is charging out of the administration building into the bright dual sunshine. 66 kicks up dust as he stomps quickly down the street towards the Imperial troopers, doors close as he passes locals who are hiding from the confrontation. Those Imperials need to be stopped for us to escape safely he thinks, without even thingking of just getting into the speeder himself and driving away.


Any order is more fun, it allows more freedom in the story.

66 uses 2 Manoeuvres to exit the building and move to Short range of the Stormtroopers

Edited by Richardbuxton

The stormies are under cover, so please add a setback die for all checks until they go again.

Feeling the familiar sizzling burn of the blaster's fire hit him, Lang grits his teeth in pain and just barely stifles a cry. Responding to Dro-Kar, the Mirialan growls back, "Because we have good luck? My best guess is that slimy Hutt has contacts he can abuse within the Imperial ranks." Inspecting his wound, the Marshal can see it doesn't look good, but he can keep fighting, and has to - his friends are not safe yet.


Lang has taken 7 damage out of his wound threshold of 14 wounds.

Edited by waywardgm

@The Shy Ion is up in initiative. Then we're back to the top of the order with PC / PC ( @waywardgm and @Kymrel again?)

66 is ready to punch some imps!

Better let us shoot before you wade in there to avoid unfortunate friendly fire!

Your assuming there will be one left!


I'm looking forward to seeing this metal monster do his thing :) @The Shy Ion 's move!

I've also got some exciting news -- the art that I commissioned is finally done for all of the PCs. While you have each seen your own, you haven't seen the rest! So here it is!





They are so good it broke my browser! Absolutely amazing work, love it.


I've said it before and I will say it again - David Kegg is a phenomenal artist.

This is truly incredibly awesome!

Even with oncoming blaster fire, the medical droid 41-VEX seems completely oblivious to the potential danger confronting it. Standing up in clear view, the Vex cranes down over the injured Mirialan. “ Oh dear, that wound seems quite serious from my cursory examination. Given the dilation of your pupils and the quantity of blood seeming into the upholstery, I would rate this of grade six severity. Please hold reasonably still, ” the medical droid tells Lang in a less than soothing tone as its auto-suturing tool whizzes to life, “ or else this may leave significant scarring.


Vex is going to make a medicine check on Lang. @waywardgm - go ahead and roll. He has 4 intellect and 2 ranks in medicine.

Blaster bolts deflect off of the already dented speeder causing even more cosmetic damage to the sad looking vehicle. Trok hunches over in the driver’s seat to gain better cover while still peering over the dash. His toes grow white with how hard he’s gripping the steering wheel. “ We should get out of here… what the kriff is that kriffing droid doing out there? Is he looking to get scrapped?


The Dug uses his maneuver to take cover. We're at the bottom of the round still - @The Shy Ion ?

Caizu, once outside, flattens herself against the wall and takes stock of the situation. Stormtroopers are attacking, she's basically running on adrenaline after the shot she took, and inside probably isn't too happy with her right now either.

Well, her more combat-capable friends have told her to get to the speeder, and who is she to say no? With the others covering her, she makes a run for it.

First maneuver is getting outside. Then Caizu's going to downgrade her action to another maneuver and run for the speeder.

Oops, wrong thread.

Edited by Kymrel

"That droid must be malfunctioning. They will blast him to pieces. Unless we blast them first," Dro-Kar grunts. He pops out of cover, using the distraction as the droid rushes the troopers, to aim his shot and send a couple of blasts into the Stormtrooper closest to the droid.

"Hey, Lang. Cover me," he suddenly says and rushes away from the speeder, trying to close the distance with the remaining Stormtroopers. He tries to get to a small mobile shopping stall, abandoned by the owner after the shooting started, hoping to get some cover from the incoming fire, and shoots on the move at the troopers to try to pin them down as he runs.


I presume the troopers spent a maneuver taking cover? Since you sort of described it that way? If not, we'll ignore the setback I'm about to roll...

It will be a maneuver to aim and then action to shoot the trooper closest to 66.

Shooting the stormies again, boost for aiming : 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 advantage
a-s-s.png a-s.png a--.png p-a-a.png b-a.png d-th-th.png d--.png s-f.png

That's another hit. My track record with the dice roller is improving! The shot does 9 damage (or 10 if the troopers don't count as in cover). I'll use the advantage to give the next PC to act a boost.

Dro-Kar will then burn 2 strain for a second maneuver, closing to short range with the troopers. He doesn't have the maneuvers required to get into decent cover, so I presume that the flimsy thing he gets between himself and the troopers provides no additional benefit.

Edited by Kymrel

The momentum of 66 carries his tall faded blue frame right into the two remaining storm troopers. He flails into them, the over sized servos moving his plated fists far faster than any would expect. His bulk pushes the two troopers to move more than they would have liked, distracting them and giving an opening to those behind the big droid. "You must stand down now soldiers, we do not need your assistance"


Manoeuvre to Engage then attack;

Brawl some troopers : 3eA+1eP+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
a-s.png a-a.png a-a.png p-s-a.png d-th.png d-th.png

Extra boost from Dro Kar : 1eB 0 successes

7 damage and (Edit: not a Setback to their next attack) I think a Boost to the next PC action is most fitting, 66 isnt very perceptive so noticing something isn't exactly high on his priorities.

Edited by Richardbuxton
early morning blunder