Star Wars: My Kind of Scum [PbP] Escape from Mos Shuuta

By Aurin, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

"Quick, send in our negotiating mechanic droid." Said no one, ever. This should be very interesting.


@The Shy Ion , don't worry about monopolizing anything!

he is awesome at negotiation... with his firsts. I have no expectations but for this to go south quickly!

"Now," Lang begins with a small chuckle, "I bet you all ten credits that droid gets the job done quicker'n a Kowakian monkey lizard'll rub you the wrong way." Shifting himself to look across at the port authority office, the Mirialan shades his eyes against the late afternoon sun with his hat, keeping his gaze locked on the building and his free hand near his gun. He was firm in his conviction that Six-Tee-Six would see it done, but it never hurt to be ready in case someone decided to take the wrong kind of shine to a weathered old droid.

"I'm ... not sure what you mean by that," Dro-Kar confesses. "You think he can get them to do this? If so, I take your bet. He won't."

The large Nikto sighs. "Hey, Caizu, do you feel like going in there? He'll need rescue soon. We can do that your way now. Or we can do it my way in a couple of minutes when they tell him to take a hike."

Surprised at HM-6T6’s authoritative clomping past them, the two dented security droids part the way to allow admittance into the low, squat building. “ That droid looks like it was on assignment, ” one droid buzzed to the other before resuming its guard position, “ best not interfere with official business.

At the speeder, Trok watches the bulky maintenance droid disappear into the spaceport control facility. “ Well, there goes Mittens, ” Trok says to no one in particular, a wide smirk crossing the Dug’s muzzle. “ We decided we’re going with Mittins, right Lang? Dro over here doesn’t seem to get humor. Not all species are warrior cultures; not all names need to strike fear in the hearts of our enemies. ” The Dug takes another deep puff of his death stick, inhaling deeply before exhaling another pungent cloud of smoke. “ I suppose it’ll get the job done one way or another. As soon as the commotion starts, and I’m willing to bet it will, I expect you two gunhands to get in there and make sure the bolt-bucket finishes the job.

The inside of the starport control station on Mos Shuuta could almost be described as pleasant, if such a thing existed on the hot, dusty planet of Tatooine. The air regulator within the facility seems to be in extraordinarily good condition; the temperature is cool enough that HM-6T6’s thermal regulation turbines automatically shifted to the low power setting, a rarity anywhere on this desert world.

The main doorway gives in to a large chamber, crowded with communications equipment and centered around a large holo display showing a plot of the local aerospace. Standing in front of the display, with her arms folded behind her back, is a human woman in her mid-thirties in standard years. She inspects the holo display carefully while keeping her rigid posture.

As soon as HM-6T6 enters, the uniformed woman speaks into her headset in a formal, commanding tone. “ Imperial shuttle Lambda-11238, this is Overseer Brynn with spaceport control. You are cleared for landing. I repeat, you are cleared for landing. Welcome to Mos Shuuta. ” A half dozen technicians of different species work at consoles throughout the room and two security droids, matching the pair guarding the front of the building, stand near the entrance.

HM-6T6’s attention is pulled to the floor-to-ceiling transparisteel windows against the far wall, looking out over the desert of Tatooine, where an Imperial shuttle is coming in for a landing.

The sound of the CEC maintenance droid stomping into the facility is enough to draw the Overseer to it. “ May I help you? ” she asks coolly, her attention now divided between the various displays and HM-6T6. “ This droid must be lost. ” Brynn waves a dismissive hand at one of the technicians near the small waiting area, “ Milas, see that this droid is removed immediately. And shame on you for letting it in here. It let much of the cool air out.


If you're going to bluff by, it's 1P, 1R, and I'll flip a destiny point (back to 4D 1L) to make it 2R.


Thanks everyone - looking like we're getting back on track now. As a general rule of thumb, perhaps we should assume that everyone should emote during each "cycle," regardless of who is leading, more like a MUD / MUSH. I think that's our best bet in keeping everything moving!

Edited by Aurin

he is awesome at negotiation... Spectacularly boring! I... Need...that...ship...released Deception : 1eA+2eC 0 successes, 1 threat

a-s-a.png c-f.png c-th-th.png

I don't know if any of you have played a 1 Cunning, Willpower and Presence character but it's an amazing incredible challenge. Actually coming up with plausible ideas for what it does is sooooo hard.

Edited by Richardbuxton

Ha! That was almost a success! Is Plan B someone else gives it a go, combat, or something else?

66 will be VERY hard to move. Continuing to say Trex needs his ship fixed quickly. Also mentioning Teemo. If the guy keeps annoying 66 then the droid will simply lift him up and hold him at arms length. I need to write this all properly of course but that's the plan. Essentially steadfastly annoy them until he crosses a line he is unaware of.

I like it! Looking forward to the post. You can foreceably plug into the computer terminal as well if that's something 6T6 would do...


I'll wait for a reply from Caizu (hey

@The Shy Ion !) before posting for Dro-Kar, unless things really kick off in there.

Edited by Kymrel

"I don't know about we on the whole Mittens issue, but it's as good a name as any for a warrior, droid or otherwise." Lang replies with a lazy drawl, gingerly poking the split lip with his thumb while his fingers kept the hat brim low. "And you get humor, right Dro? Here's a joke for y'all. What do you do when you see a space man?"

Pausing for effect, and letting the tension of the punchline hang in the air, the Mirialan finally finishes with, "You park your speeder, man."

Dro-Kar makes a sound midway between a grunt and some sort of a derisive-nose-blowing sound. "I know humor. That doesn't mean I find your joke funny. It wasn't funny. Perhaps if I was a hatchling I would have found it funny. But I'm not. So I didn't."

The massive Nikto scratches his head. "And I still don't like calling him Mittens. He should choose his own name. He might want to be named after a useless piece of clothing. But it should be his choice."

He looks at the two security droids standing by the door. "If there's trouble I'll shoot the one on the right first. And I think there will be trouble. But I'll win 10 credits, so that's OK."

Caizu shakes her head and shoves a few strands of hair out of her face. "I think I'm a little too distinctive to pull most of my good lines there, and most security droids aren't particularly susceptible to sweet-talk. You want to handle this your way, that's fine with me—though I'm not exactly in condition to participate." She grins and leans forward, crossing her arms on the back of the front seats. "Bearing that in mind, a firefight would make a pretty good diversion, if you can bear to run when I give you the signal."

"Well, every minute we waste here brings Teemo's goons closer," Dro-Kar says as he gets out of the speeder, his hand hovering close to his holstered blaster. "I'm going to take a look inside. See if our friend is making progress. And if he isn't, I'll make progress." He walks a few steps towards the entrance before looking back to Lang. "You coming?"

The Nikto doesn't wait to see if Lang gets out of the speeder. He passes the two security droids and enters the building. "Cold in here," he mutters. "You tell them we need the docking clamps released?" he shouts at 66 before looking at the official-looking lady. "What's the holdup here?"

Caizu shrugs, gets out of the speeder, and follows. "Of course, I also know how to set up a good diversion—in fact, I think that might work even better..." She trails off as they approach hearing range and smiles to herself. Her hand moves to the dial that adjusts her holo-emitter and turns it three notches. Her preferred-but-distinctive outfit is replaced by a nondistinct red technician's jumpsuit. She allows herself to fall behind a bit, as if she's not with Dro-Kar—no, she's just entering at the same time, that's all.

She pastes on a fake bored expression and walks through the doors right as Dro-Kar starts confronting the official.

She snorts at Dro-Kar's questioning. "Well, I can answer that. They're broken—'least, that's what I'm told." She looks over at the official and frowns. "What's going on here, anyway? How's a technician supposed to do her job with everyone running around yelling about how it's not been done yet?"

Caizu shakes her head. "Look, just tell me where to go and we'll get everything settled."


Caizu is less trying to lie her way in—though it actually working is also a win, in her book—and more trying to distract the official with a pointless argument about whether she was hired or not, who hired her, and who's going to pay for all this wasted time.

Edited by The Shy Ion

The young Milas approaches 66 with a clear intention to drag the Droid quickly out of the room. One hand at first grabs for the Droids arm and pulls with little noticeable effect. So the human progresses to two arms, and his whole body trying to lead the Droid from the room.

66 remains calm " Overseer, Teemo the Hutt has requested I repair that ship quickly so Trex can get back to his work quickly. I'm unable to complete that task without..." by this stage Milas is yanking rather hard on the large maintenance Droid. The servos and gyro stabilisers have begun to warm up and if 66 has to continue this pointless struggle he will eventually overheat.

66 pauses speaking for a brief moment to turn and Milas and lift him off the ground " please stop bothering me young man, I have a task to complete"

With barely a register of the shock on Brynn's face 66 continues with the unlikely lie "...without the release of that ship for a systems check" at that moment two of the Droids friends enter the building. The towering droid holding a now thrashing technician nearly a meter of the ground by his shirt is a bad sign of things to come.

" Dro-Kar! Caizu! This overseer won't listen to me... for some reason."

Edited by Richardbuxton

“Oh dear, I suppose that I will sit here and guard the speeder.” 41-Vex says aloud to itself. “Thankfully I won’t gather rust in this arid climate,”

Inside, Overseer Brynn’s cool demeanor snaps as the entire control room breaks abuzz with all of the simultaneous commotion, this ruckus more action than the technicians of the tiny Mos Shuuta spaceport see in a month, let alone all at once. She shoots a sideways glance at the Chiss self-reported technician. “Now is not the time, Technician…” the Overseer’s sentence trails off, unable to recollect the name of the blue-skinned alien in front of her. “I don’t recall your name. Regardless, now is not the time.” Brynn turns her attention back to the towering maintenance droid. Her narrow, rat-like facial features are accentuated as she angers. “You!” she yells authoritatively, “Release that man and leave the premises immediately. That is a direct order from a government official. If you fail to comply, I will have you impounded and scrapped!”

In reaction to Dro-Kar entering the sitting area, several of the nearby technicians quietly find other tasks to complete as far away from the armed and menacing Nikto as possible. The small group of technicians briskly file out of the front area while still giving the Nikto a wide birth, leaving several of the computer consoles completely unattended.

The youthful looking junior technician, Milas, hangs feebly several feet off the ground as he clings to HM-6T6’s elbow joint. He squirms and struggles, the technician’s total body weight does little to counterbalance the incredible strength of the droid. “Help! Help! Get me down from here! This droid is going to crush me in its fist!” Milas flails, “this droid has gone crazy! It must need a memory reset!”


Quite the mess - I love it! You guys need to make a decision on what you are going to do -- either push for combat or try to release the clamps yourselves.

@The Shy Ion - roger that. Your actions will provide one setback die on any perception check as the Overseer is overwhelmed and distracted. You can make an opposed check (either deception or charm) against her discipline (1R 1P) to add another setback to that check if successful.

@Kymrel and @Richardbuxton - depending on what route you guys are going to take, either can either roll initiative or propose other actions.


66 is not strong willed normally he would follow the Overseers command, but he knows that the clamps must be released. He is ok with computers, but being the center of attention he would likely have a little trouble just sitting down at a console. It may be best if one of you directs 66 to escort the overseer and technician from the room while Caizu does the computer work and Dro-Kar keeps an eye out for other interruptions.

Caizu eyes the situation. "You've got that right," she declares. "This droid must be far overdue for a memory wipe. I'll take it to the back and get that done—don't worry, I know how to handle an out-of-control droid." She walks right up to Sixty-Six and looks sympathetic. "Stand down," she croons, putting a hand on Sixty-Six's chassis. "I'm here to help, don't worry. Set the nice tech down and we'll get everything fixed..."

She attempts to steer HM-6T6 towards the door deeper in, keeping up the "soothing" babble as she does so.


Deception! : 1eA+2eP+1eD+1eC 0 successes, 2 advantage

a-a-a.png p-s-s.png p--.png d-f-f.png c--.png

I guess Caizu wasn't extra-distracting—which makes sense, as she's currently trying to guide a droid out of the room. As for advantages, how about... a console where the docking clamps can be released is nearby, not just here in the control room?

Edited by The Shy Ion

Whoops, Richardbuxton posted while I was typing. Sorry about that.


i think the terminals in this room are how the clamps are disengaged. if we can distract the overseer then one of us can slice the terminal

Yep, edited my post to suggest "there's an alternative console" for advantages.

"If you say so mam, that ship really needs a test flight" 66 responds, although to which individual the Overseer is left guessing. He drops the technician to the floor with a thud and takes a step back to an out of the way position, with arms by sides and a relaxed pose he seems to be following the directions given.

Edited by Richardbuxton

"Can't picture you ever being a hatchling, Dro. I always imagined ya springin' into existence full grown and mean as a rancor," Lang laughed, in a good-natured way. "Alright, you go take care of that, I'll stay with Vex and Trok. I'm sure I'll hear the shoutin' if things start going wrong." Reclining a little in the seat, the Mirialan looks over at the remaining pair. "So, either of you fellers got any good stories to pass the time?

Dro-Kar will wait for the situation to play out, to see what effects the words of his blue-skinned friend have on the staff. He is, despite his looks, not interested in picking fights where they can be avoided.