Star Wars: My Kind of Scum [PbP] Escape from Mos Shuuta

By Aurin, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

here here. It's a great group so let's keep it up. 66 can't really do much here and I don't want to take it off the rails so I'll just keep checking back until the social interaction is progressing. Whoever ends up making a deal 66 will assist with a boost


Couldn't agree more! Let's definitely get this thing back on the rails here and back to posting twice a week. Just to reiterate, I'd love to post on Mondays and Thursdays (mornings, pacific time) with everyone getting in at least once (and I encourage more than once with rp between yourselves and strategy planning) in between. I tend to check the boards daily and can answer any additional questions then. Sound good?

Vorn instinctively backs away from the counter, putting as much space between himself and Lang as the cramped quarters of the junk shop can allow, which isn't much. “ Listen, I’m not looking for any trouble. ” Sweat begins to bead on the old man’s brow as a result of the Mirialan’s intense stare. He must be genuinely nervous for a man so accustomed to the heat to sweat like this. The shopkeeper seems trapped in Lang’s gaze, too intimidated to break eye contact. “ I’m sure we can come to a mutual agreement, here. One where we can both walk away from this happy. Yes, happy and healthy.


Lang - go ahead and roll a coercion check - red + purple - adding a boost die. If you're successful, the price is 400 credits. On a triumph, he'll give it to you to prevent you from hurting him. Side note - I sent you a private message - not sure if notifications are working with the new forum update.


Helping Vorn make the smart choice : 1eP+2eA+1eB+1eC+1eD 0 successes
p--.png a-a.png a-s-a.png b--.png c-th.png d-f-th.png

Blast! Thank you for the Boost, even if it and the Proficiency decided not to get out of bed this morning. And if it was the one from the 9th, sorry I hadn't seen it until today! I will also (finally) be posting more in the NPC topic in the next 24 hours!

Easing off the glare, Lang relents, understanding that this man is not likely to get many customers, let alone ones that would pay a fair credit for the goods he sold.

Edited by waywardgm

So, it's looking like you guys are going to have to pay for the thing, or take it by force! Caizu - you can attempt one last social interaction (red + purple) if you'd like. One boost from your previous success paired with a setback.

Caizu jerks her head in a motion that's somewhat reminiscent of an eye-roll. "Ignore Lang. He likes to play tough-guy." She coughs. "However, you did tell Trex it'd be 500 credits. What am I supposed to tell him? 'Yeah, they raised the price by half, oh well?' He'd have my hide!"

She goes back to smiling, though with something of an edge to it. "Now, seeing as I wasn't born yesterday and that neither of us want to deal with Trex after we've interrupted his important deal for a repair job..." With a ripple of holo-static, she removes a chit from her currently-mostly-invisible boot. She sets the chit on the table, but keeps it under her fingers. "This chit has 500 credits loaded on it. That's the budget I was given for this repair job."


More fast-talk : 1eA+2eP+1eB+1eD+1eC+1eS 2 successes, 2 advantage

a-s.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png b-s-a.png d-f.png c-f.png s-th.png

For one advantage... maybe he respects Caizu more for not backing down about the price? And, for the other, Trex is not immediately on his way to the repair shop. (Did we use that one already?)

Edited by The Shy Ion

Welcome back everyone! I think we're all following again, which is great :) I also just received art updates on HM-6T6, Caizu, and Dro-Kar (Sorry Lang!). I'll shoot those off momentarily.

Caizu - for that roll, Vorn will transact for the 500 credits (without the mark-up) and I agree with your uses of advantage, so we're set there.

Vorn clears his throat with a ragged wheeze that also brings some confidence back to his tone. “ I suppose that you are right. ” He reluctantly addresses Caizu, more at ease by the moment. “ A deal is a deal. I told Captain Trex 500 credits, and I’ll honor 500 credits. ” Wiping a sweaty hand off on his loosely fitting smock, Vorn returns the hypermatter reactor igniter to the cluttered countertop as he simultaneously takes ownership of the cred stick.

Moments later the garbage-can shaped R5 droid rolls back into the hovel, announcing itself with a loud “ beeeeooop. ” Vorn scowls at the droid as it makes its way to one of the racks of machine parts, unloading a batch of salvaged coils. “ No more excuses out of you, ” Vorn responds to the droid before turning his attention back to his three customers. “ Now that our business is done, I feel like it’s time for you to go… ” Vorn shoots a weary glance at Lang before continuing, “ … without any further trouble.


Feel free to all act once more here on loading back into the speeder if you'd like - I'll advance the scene on my next post.

"Play? Hey now..." Lang says in a slightly mournful murmur, mostly to himself but loud enough Caizu can hear, before raising his voice "And without trouble is my favorite way of doing things, thank you." The Mirialan tips his hat to the merchant, before striding back to the door and holding it open for his two companions. Guess the bruises don't lend to the whole intimidatin' demeanor, he thinks ruefully, waiting for the others to exit.


That is A-OK friend! I am just excited as heck there is art at all!

Edited by waywardgm

As the door of the shop opens Dro-Kar stops pacing around. "About time. Do you have it?" His appearance is changed somewhat since the others entered the shop, since he now has put on his combat armor and his helmet, and has his blaster pistol strapped to his thigh. Once he's been assured that the spare part has been acquired he heads back to the speeder. " Hop on. We need to get out of here. Teemo's thugs can't be far behind."

As the group gets into the speeder he manages to think for a moment about where they are going. "Eh. You guys know where the ship is? Right?"

Caizu walks out, one hypermatter reactor igniter heavier and 500 credits lighter. And good riddance; that was the last of her payment from the Job, so better to use it up and start over again as quickly as possible.

As she gets back into the speeder, she flashes Dro-Kar a grin. "Of course I know where it is. It's in the landing bay—where else would it be? The cantina?"

She looks back at Lang. "Sorry about that. You made a great bad cop, by the way."

Edited by The Shy Ion

Clunk clunk clunk 66 walks toward the door, ducking and weaving to avoid all the plethora of parts crammed into the shop. As he goes through the door, but still in earshot of Vorn " You paid too much for that. I said it's only worth 300 credits brand new, that's probably going to break on our third jump."

With that he climbs up into the back of the speeder "Trex is in Landing bay Aurek "

Letting the door close behind him, Lang steps out onto the street, behind the very graceful Chiss and the less so Six-Tee-Six. "That's alright, Miss Caizu. I didn't exactly do a bang up job of intimidatin' the fella now did I?" he replies to the woman's apology as they reach the speeder. After the droid gets itself seated, the Mirialan hops back into the vehicle, nodding to Dro-Kar and Trok as he does. "Well, as much as I'd like a cantina, Aurek sounds like the place to go. Ready when y'all are."

Dro-Kar gets into the passenger seat of the speeder. As he gets in he unholsters his gun, keeping the weapon ready in his lap. "Ready. I'd prefer not to have to shoot Teemo's thugs in the streets. Best to avoid them if we can." When the Dug pilot gives him a quizzical look, Dro-Kar shrugs. "I don't know. Drive casually."

Trok whistles appreciatively as he watches the trio exit the junk shop with the hypermatter reactor igniter in possession. “ Let’s get going. ” He suspiciously eyes HM-6T6’s gigantic compression grips with the strength to bend even the strongest metal alloys. " Careful with those mitts of yours, SixTeeSix. Those clamps are powerful – the igniter is beat up enough and it doesn't need any more from you. ” The Dug smirks to himself. “ That's a good nickname for you. Mittens. Rolls off the tongue a lot easier than HM-6T6, don't you think, Lang? "

The streets seem empty, perhaps too empty for this time of day; dusk is typically when the locals go about their errands and chores while they can avoid some of the heat of the afternoon suns, though this side street seems troublingly sparse.

So our ride off planet is in the Aurek landing bay, huh? That’s an easy drive. First, we’ll need to make a quick stop over at spaceport control to release the docking clamps, or even if we steal the kriffing ship, we won’t be able to make it out of the landing bay. ” Trok retrieves a crumpled pack of death sticks from the breast pocket of his flight suit, carefully removes one, gives it a flick of one of his toes to settle the contents, before nonchalantly lighting the stick. “ Drive casual, huh? ” Trok takes a deep puff of the death stick and then blows the smoke out In a long stream from his snout. “ Obviously you’ve never seen one of my pod races. ” The Dug hits the shifter into high gear, causing the speeder to lurch as the force of acceleration presses the passengers back into their seats.


Within minutes, the speeder reaches spaceport control. The spaceport control facility is a low, squat building clinging to the edge of the Mos Shuuta bluff. The front entrance stands open, but a pair of spaceport security droids stand at attention. Both droids, like most things on Tatooine, appear dilapidated and sand-worn.

The medical droid, 41-VEX pipes up in its typical, synthetic voice. “ I am feeling much better, ” it exclaims, referring to its restraining bolt malfunction, though no one had asked. “ It seems to me that our options to gain terminal access to release the docking clamps are quite obvious. You can either, one, sneak in somehow, two, talk your way in, or three, use physical violence. ” Vex gives an awkward, mechanical shrug. “ I would be remiss if I did not note that the probability of success of any of the three options is unsettlingly low.


Hey folks! Sorry for this coming a day late. I'm traveling this week so I may be late on the Thursday post as well but should get back to normal schedule again next week.

"Mittens? What kind of a name is that for a droid?" Dro-Kar responds with a confused look on his face. "He should choose a name that will make his enemies tremble in fear. A name the spouses of those he vanquishes remember in horror. Mittens? Mittens??? Nobody will tremble before a warrior named Mittens."

As the speeder comes to a halt in front of the spaceport control he quickly gets out, before the mad Dug can take off again. "I'm most suited to option three. But you probably guessed as much. If the rest of you can sweet-talk the staff that would be best. Or sneak in and release the ship might be even better. I am happy for my option to be a last resort. I agree that it is sub-optimal at the moment."

Checking in! Hope to get us back on track!

Hm. Where is the rest of you, guys?

I'm right here. Struggling to not derail the scene so have not posted yet. Sorry!


Bueller? Bueller?


Caizu? Lang? Where is everyone?

Also while we're here, friendly forum contributor LegendsOfTheGalaxy kindly put together a wonderful logo for our game!


@Aurin if you at mention them it will notify them. 66 will be walking up to the control booth shortly to inform them that the ship he is just repairing requires a test flight. That won't end well for us staying under the radar, so if anyone else has better ideas go right ahead.

I am here, kind of! Just posted in Wayward Stars - we had a wee emergency issue in town where a fire got a bit out of control (and still is), so I have been dealing with a lot of logistics issues around this. Sorry I haven't checked in. I am aiming to get some things done as soon as possible, so thank you for being so patient. This was also off the back of an internet outage! Good fun here lately.

@Richardbuxton thanks for the technical help!

@waywardgm oh noes! Hope all is better on your end! Come back soon.

@The Shy Ion - heyo! you around?

I'm around, but considering how much Caizu monopolized the last encounter I'm fine taking a back seat on this one. :)


Well you guys should feel free to proceed however you'd like! Don't be bashful...

"This wont take a moment" 66 quips and sudenly he clanks out of the back of the speeder and plods across the dusty street to the spaceport control office. The low sand stone building has a small door at the front which requires 66 to duck down to pass through into the cool interior. The bulky maintenance droid barely looks around the room, only interested in speaking with anyone in charge. There is a desk at the front which he approaches immediately and declares "I have commenced repairs on Captain Trex's ship in landing bay Aurek, disconnecting the flight stabilisers was required and as such a brief test flight is required. Detach the locking clamps to allow my work to be successfully completed."


lol, this could be interesting!

Edited by Richardbuxton