Star Wars: My Kind of Scum [PbP] Escape from Mos Shuuta

By Aurin, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

"Pretty much. Teemo's in a real snit—his guards followed me in, and I'm not sure they're inclined to be careful who they hit. I'll explain the rest on the ship—no time to go into everything now." The blade-breaker makes a final sharp twist, and the restraining bolt falls to the floor.

A moment later, so does Caizu.

Can I give blaster rifle dude and just-jumped-into-the-pit dude setbacks?

Mechanics roll : 3eA+3eD 2 successes, 3 threat

a-s-s.png a--.png a-s.png d-th.png d-f-th.png d-th.png

Critical Injury roll—oops : 1d100 52

Fearsome Wound: add one difficulty die to Presence and Willpower checks until the end of the encounter.

Yep, Caizu's incapacitated. Good thing there's a medical droid right here, huh? >_>

Edited by The Shy Ion

or a Droid designed for lifting and carrying, we can wake you up later :o

Wayward - you are up next. I've got the next one ready to go.

"Leave the Weequay? That rat will stick a blade in us the moment we turn our backs!" Lang shoots back at Dro-Kar. But he does move with the larger man, however awkwardly, the prospect of his freedom and getting his hat back much more enticing. "And I still have to stick a blade in Teemo. That blade, if you would be so kind as to lend it to me." Stumbling in the door, the Mirialan hears the familiar snap of a blaster shot, and a split second later a bolt hits the woman standing just past the doorway of the arena.

Athletics to move with the chain : 3eA+2eD 2 failures, 2 advantage

a-a.png a-a.png a-a.png d-f-th.png d-f.png

Hmm... Taking 2 strain back off the advantages seems daft. Can we maybe get a Boost to removing the chain when we try, based on it having come a little more fragile during the combat?

With a calculated motion 66 clods over to the controls of the fighting pit doors, taps a button to close them, then puts its fist straight through the panel with a loud crunch.

Addressing the small gathering 66's crackling voice says in a flat tone "That should slow them down for approximately 3 minutes, we should go now"

1 Maneuver to get to the control panel, 1 to close the door. action to punch it hard. Is there a check i need to make?

Lang and Dro-Kar, moving in unison, are able to cross the arena floor and exit through the sliding door into the cargo bay with minimal strain caused by the durasteel chain binding the two together. The Weequay hisses loudly at the Mirialan’s back as he exists. The massive hulk of the fallen Gammorean, many times the size of the smaller alien, anchors Nirok to a short radius around the center of the arena.

The medical droid rotates slightly to address the bulky maintenance droid as it approaches. “ Greetings. All, I would like to introduce you to HM-6T6. While it may not look like much, this Corellian Engineering Corporation starship maintenance droid is invaluable in Teemo’s services and has the tools to repair a plethora of starships and vehicles.

The restraining bolt pops from 41-Vex’s chasis with a loud thwhip followed by a shower of sparks emitting from the scorched hole where the bolt was fastened. “ Oh my oh my! ” The droid spasms, its arms flailing sporadically with its eye-lanterns flickering uncontrollably. Off. On. Off. On. “ Oh my! Have I been delivered to the Creator!? Where am I? Perhaps I’ve ingested too much oil?” The removal of the restraining bolt obviously caused damage to the wiring of the medical droid. “ With your permission, I would like to shut down briefly to run sub-system maintenance, understanding that this is not the most opportune time. ” The stress to its system has rendered 41-Vex unable to assist the Chiss in its current state.

The human guardsman dusts himself off and bolts for the doorway in a futile attempt to reach it in time. The guardsman closes the distance across the entertainment pits, taking a wide arc around the Weequay as to not fall victim to the slave-gladiator. Just as he reaches the entrance, the sliding gate closes in his face, trapping him in the throne room and separating the guard from the spacers.

Ion - I used the three threat from the removal of the restraining bolt to cause disorient 3 on the droid.

Wayward - yes, we can add a boost to removing the chains.

Richard - your options for engaging with the panel that controls the door would be either a hard athletics check or an average mechanics or skulduggery check. Given that you are looking to put your massive metal fist through the panel, I'd assume this is an athletics check to me! You can add a boost die due to your familiarity with the mechanics. If successful, the door will remain closed for three minutes + 1 minute for each additional success. Otherwise, the door can be opened with a successful hard athletics check.

All - depending on Richard's athletics check, we can also leave structured time for you guys to interact a bit.

Punching door controls : 4eA+1eB+3eD 2 successes, 2 threat

a--.png a-s.png a-s.png a-s-s.png b-s.png d-th.png d-f-th.png d-f-f.png

So that's 5 minutes closed, but 2 Threat for you to spend

Edited by Richardbuxton

Five minutes. I'll use the two threat to give a boost die to prying the door open from within the pit. So let's switch to unstructured time.

With a loud crunch the large droids hands crash down on the controls of the door, sparks fly and then the lights go out. "Doors closed" 66's speaks in his mater of fact way, normal to all those who know it.

Dro-Kar has a blank look on his face as he looks at the droid wreck the locking mechanism. "Such finesse. I knew there was a reason we had a mechanical expert like you on hand," he says dryly as he catches his breath for a moment. He looks over his co-conspirators. "Is everyone in one piece? Banged up but alive?"

Surveying the situation he looks grimly on the other doors into the cargo area. "They will come at us from all directions soon. Hey, 66, can you do something about that chain? I like Lang, don't get me wrong. I just don't want to be stuck to him. He might die and I'd have to carry the body. It would be uncomfortable. And cutting his head off to get the collar off would take time," he says. His new friends are by now somewhat familiar with his dry, dark sense of humor and sort of get the feeling he's joking, but as he stands there, bloody knife in hand, he looks very serious.

The Nikto looks at the knife in his hand. "We need our gear. Did you manage to get it to the vehicle, 66? I don't think we can stick that knife into Teemo's stinking belly right now, Lang. But they will come after us. And when they do, I want my blaster in hand."

I'm flipping a DP, as discussed earlier, to make sure our gear is nearby! Assuming it wasn't originally stored in this area.

Oh, and in case we get a Cool/Discipline check to recover strain:

Discipline to recover strain : 3eA 0 successes, 3 advantage
I fail to recover any. OROKOS!!! *shakes fist ineffectually*

Edited by Kymrel

66 does have a nice set of tools, if it's ok I will try opening the collars, or at least cutting that chain.

No, not everybody is in one piece... well, alright, Caizu isn't in multiple pieces, but she's still lying unconscious on the floor. :P

Edited by The Shy Ion
Wait, what? You only took the one hit, right?

I took a little bit of fall damage, so the blaster shot put me to my wound threshold.

At your threshold? Or over? You only go down when you exceed your WT (or ST)

I thought hitting threshold was incapacitation and automatic critical injury...


Hm. You're right, but I think going back and editing would probably be logistically unwieldy.

Just have someone shake Caizu a little, or something? :P

Edited by The Shy Ion

HM-6T6 - undoing the shackles is a hard mechanics check or a formidable athletics check. The check receives a boost die from Lang's last action.

Given the end of combat, everyone can make the check to recover strain.

I love that everyone has such a great sense of humor! This is going to be amazing fun.

Cool check to recover strain : 1eP+2eA 2 successes, 3 advantage
p-a-a.png a-s.png a-s-a.png

Well I think this takes me back up 2/13? It's always nice not having to roll against anything!

"It's certainly a direct way to resolve the issue," Lang smirks in reply to Dro-Kar's flat comment about the droid's breaking of the lock, before frowning at the comment about his beheading. "Y'know I hope you're jokin'. Darn hard to tell with your face like it is..." But he smiles as he says it, making sure the larger man knows it's just a jest. Brushing some of the dust off his clothes, and scrubbing at the blood staining them, however ineffectual the effort is, Lang nods as Dro-Kar mentions the reclamation of their gear.

"Agreed. We won't get far without somethin' that has a little more kick, and like I said; I am not leaving without my hat. And I'm sorry, but that knife is goin' somewhere a lot more painful for a Hutt. I just have to learn where that is exactly." One thought Lang had was Teemo's wallet, but the slug hadn't hurt the Mirialan there; he'd tossed him in a pit to fight to the death. Sure, Lang was a strong fellow, he knew what he could do, but knowing the oversized blob wouldn't likely go into a gladiator pit voluntarily had him questioning the feasibility of throwing Teemo in. Better to stick with the fight to the death part of the deal. It was only fair. Also meant less chiropractic cost later on.

Glancing down to where Caizu is, the Marshal checks her condition. "Now, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that little lady did her best to help us out back there. Would be rude if we didn't return the favor. Anyone happen to have a stim?"

"Joking. Yes. Only joking. What do you mean 'face like this'? What's wrong with my face?" Dro-Kar replies. "I have stims in my kit. We should just bring her with us."

The bulky Nikto bends over to check the pulse on the Chiss woman as the droid tries to rid the two fighters of the chain. "She's breathing. Got hit pretty bad by that blaster. Not very sporting. Shooting a woman I mean. And in the back too."

As he grabs one of Caizu's arms to pick her up she mumbles something. "Hey, look at that. She's tougher than she looks. She's coming around," Dro-Kar says to Lang. He lowers the woman back to the ground. "You OK Caizu? Don't try to sit up just yet. We have a few moments before all of the scum in Teemo's palace comes streaming through all those doors."

When Caizu slumps back down as she recovers Dro-Kar pulls her up by the arm. "Are you crazy? What's the matter with you? No time to nap now. They are coming for us. Get up or entertain the slug. Your call."

It is coming rapidly apparent to the beings present that Dro-Kar has not yet mastered motivational speaking, nor is he very good at employing sarcasm or choosing the right moments to do so.

"Sir if you would mind not moving, I'm attempting to cut your bonds" 66 crackles to Dro-Kar. The bulky droid extends an arm and grasps the chain close to the middle, a fingertip retracts and a large cutting blade extends out with a high pitched whir. "I'll have you out shortly"

Chain cutting : 2eP+2eB+3eD 1 success, 2 threat

p--.png p--.png b-a.png b-s.png d-th.png d-th.png d-th.png

I swear that Orokos has a 60% chance of a blank on proficiency dice! But success it is with some threat

"Those collars can wait until we get moving" Edited by Richardbuxton

"I'm up," Caizu says, stumbling over to a wall to brace herself against. Her legs are quite a bit shaky, and that's not even mentioning the searing patch of magma that's apparently replaced much of her back. "Regretting just about every decision that led me to this point, but up. I blacked out from the pain, then?"

She grimaces. "I can walk, don't worry. Everything's just a little" —she waves a hand— "wobbly." Which is why she's very grateful for this nice solid wall to lean against. Nice solid wall, and the people trying to shoot her on the other side of a... let's just call it locked... door. Thank something for small favors—though not having people shooting her right this second is actually quite a large favor, come to think of it.

Tugging at the collar, the Mirialan nods to the droid, "Thank ya, sorry, but I didn't catch your name? Mine's Lang, if you didn't already know." More banging on the door, from the outside. The hospitality here was a lot more active when you'd upset someone, that was for sure. "And Dro, for cryin' out loud, don't tell the girl we've got time and then deny her a nap. And we may not have that much time. Any ideas on how to slow 'em down further?"

Casting his eyes around, the Marshal looks for anything large or heavy that could bar the door further.

Can I please use some sort of check here to shore up the locked door? Is there a table or piece of machinery we can move to further impede the coming baddies?

Hey everyone! So, there is a lot of things going on right now, so just a quick recap so we’re all on the same page:

- The current destiny pool is now five darkside, zero lightside, as Kymrel flipped one to move all of your gear to a place closely at hand (into the back of the speeder on the landing pad).

- Caizu was shot in the back and took a bad wound (but not over the wound threshold!) so she is up and standing, though just barely.

- HM-6T6 deftly cut the chains that connected Lang and Dro-Kar, though they still have the very obvious durasteel collars around their necks.

- Caizu removed 41-Vex’s restraining bolt, freeing the droid. The manner in which Caizu did so, however, has caused some damage, disorienting the droid for the time being.

- The doors to the entertainment pits have been closed and, due to Sixteesix’s expert mechanics (read punching through the control panel), our unlikely heroes have some time before the guards can get through that way. There are, three ways to reach the cargo bay, however – (i) the entertainment pits, the way many of you came in, (ii) the ‘typical way’ through the grand hallway, and (iii) from the landing pad. I’ve posted the map of Teemo’s palace again for your reference.


Lang does a quick visual survey of the workshop and cargo receiving area. The room is roughly divided in to two halves. The cargo receiving area acts as a staging area of sorts for all of the operations of the Hutt’s palace. Crates and boxes are stacked throughout the room and can all make for good obstructions. The other half of the room is the workshop consisting of a large, wooden workbench and a number of specialized machines used for tooling various droid and vehicle parts. While the cargo area is somewhat organized, the workshop is in disarray, tools and clutter strewn haphazardly about.

Lang - you can make an average athletics check to move enough stuff to block the door. Doing so will add 1-2 setback die depending on the degree of the success of the roll.

"To hell with the door to the pit, they'll be coming in through the other doors any second now," Dro-Kar barks. He grabs Caizu's arm gently. "We have to go. Now. To the speeder. Talk later."

The bulky Nikto, still dizzy from the massive blow he took in the fighting pit, opens the door to the landing pad. "Get through here. Hey, 66, can you work your mechanical magic on this door to stop pursuers following us?"

Without waiting for a reply he runs to the speeder, hoping his blaster is stowed in there somewhere. He'll feel much better about having all of Teemo's goons in pursuit when he can shoot back.

It makes no sense trying to barricade the doors, unless we need more time in the workshop. Let's just get out to the landing platform and bar the single door leading that way, much more efficient. Assuming the speeder is there when we open the door...
Edited by Kymrel
"Your assessment seems likely, that door is the only easy access to the landing pad. We should go now"