Zen Bins Organizer Trays

By patox, in Star Wars: Rebellion

I have some of their trays for dice masters and they are nice quality. This looks like a very good organizing system and they all fit back in the box. Thanks for the link.

That is terrific. I got some small plano 3600ish boxes for the minis but that is much smoother. I especially like the setup for handling the leaders.

Looks great but I have sleeved cards. Hope it supports them. Doesn't look like it does though.

Looks great but I have sleeved cards. Hope it supports them. Doesn't look like it does though.

Under features at the link it says sleeved or unsleeved.

That's a great find! I was just looking into getting some trays for my box, and I think I'll go with these.

Wow this is fantastic! I'm definitely going to pick this up. Thanks for the find!

I got mine yesterday. Originally, I thought each tray had a lid to keep everything in place. When I realized there wasn't, I was thinking I'd need to keep it perfectly flat or the slightest jostle would dislodge everything.

I put everything together and just for fun shook the box like a bucking tauntaun. I opened the box expecting a jumbled mess and lo and behold, everything was still in place.

Impressive. Most impressive.

I got mine yesterday. Originally, I thought each tray had a lid to keep everything in place. When I realized there wasn't, I was thinking I'd need to keep it perfectly flat or the slightest jostle would dislodge everything.

I put everything together and just for fun shook the box like a bucking tauntaun. I opened the box expecting a jumbled mess and lo and behold, everything was still in place.

Impressive. Most impressive.

Do you store your games vertically or horizontally? Would everything stay organized if stored vertically?

I got mine yesterday. Originally, I thought each tray had a lid to keep everything in place. When I realized there wasn't, I was thinking I'd need to keep it perfectly flat or the slightest jostle would dislodge everything.

I put everything together and just for fun shook the box like a bucking tauntaun. I opened the box expecting a jumbled mess and lo and behold, everything was still in place.

Impressive. Most impressive.

Do you store your games vertically or horizontally? Would everything stay organized if stored vertically?

I got a set of these. The product claims you can store the box in either direction. I didn't "test" it as I don't store vertically and didn't want to risk it (really just didn't want to take everything out again to check.) Though between Patox's bucking tauntaun and the way this stuff went in the box: tray 1-tray 2-board half-tray 3-tray 4-board half (the order was specified) combined with the way the stuff went into the trays I'd say the product's claim is genuine.

I haven't got to play since I've gotten these but the OCD-ish side of me was saying, "Oh, yes. This is much better."

I got the trays and they work well. Though when using sleeves the probe cards don't have quite enough room. But it's not a big enough deal to matter. They still fit but the top couple cards might spill out when you are first moving the trays around.

howdy (been lurking, first post) ~ i got a set of these and they are GREAT (much better then the ziplock baggies i started with), but am I nuts or is there not anyplace to store the hero/villian rings?

...with how nicely designed these are, i figured it must just be me, but i couldn't locate a slot...

Edited by artiepants
On 1/25/2017 at 0:58 PM, artiepants said:

howdy (been lurking, first post) ~ i got a set of these and they are GREAT (much better then the ziplock baggies i started with), but am I nuts or is there not anyplace to store the hero/villian rings?

...with how nicely designed these are, i figured it must just be me, but i couldn't locate a slot...

The rings store underneath the mission cards

On 1/27/2017 at 4:49 PM, Edgookin said:

The rings store underneath the mission cards

I definitely missed this at first as well.

On 1/27/2017 at 2:49 PM, Edgookin said:

The rings store underneath the mission cards

ah, sweet, thanks! (that seems a tad odd given how clear-cut everything else was :p)