We always played with the rule that the last man standing wins, but since we started adding in Alternate Endings to our games, we began to question whether this was ALWAYS the case or only the case with the base ending... to my surprised I was unable to find anywhere in the base game rule book that described this simple rule of what to do if only one player is left in the game!
The thing is, while it was not very common to have the player at the Crown of Command be killed while another player was not at the Crown of Command using only the base game ending, it was still possible, so I was surprised to not see that case covered in the rule book (unless I missed it!) But with these Alternate endings like Demon Lord and Eagle King we have had players die at the Crown of Command several times. My question is, if there is only one other player left remaining after that (due to the perma-death being activated once any player has reached the Crown), does that player win? Or does that player still need to travel all the way to the Crown of Command, and possibly even lose to the Eagle King or Demon Lord, creating an ending where no player wins and everybody loses? It seemed awkward to have to have multiple people sit and watch as one player goes about playing the game on his own for what could be quite some time just to try to defeat the Ending, but like I said, I saw nowhere in the rule book that outright states the last player standing wins.
So have we been playing this wrong? Please point us in the right direction!
Edited by tylorlilley