In a draft for light and darkness i got a big black card with an X on it the back is fine but i want to know if i can send it in for a free pack or something or heck tarde/sell it to a collector i know yugioh packs had that wierd rainbow card and it could be sent back for a free pack from the company( or so i heard)
Whats with the Big White X?
I've seen it before...I'm pretty sure it is virtually worthless...I don't know, someone else might reply...but I pretty sure, they won't give you anything for it or anything like that...if you can't get anything for it....I'll take it if you don't want it...I can give you a couple bucks since I don't think they are worth much...
I think it just means that they printed an entire set, it's collectable but I dont beleive it's anything else.
i figured sucky thing was though it counted as the rare in the pack i got a bunch of commons and uncommons and a big white X
I'll buy it off you... say $10?
Until someone can offically tell us it's just collectable, I'd hang on to it and try and ask a Moogle about them.
wow really ten bucks you might have yourself a deal. id like a Mods opinion or a moogle though first
Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:
wow really ten bucks you might have yourself a deal. id like a Mods opinion or a moogle though first
Cool. If you decide to sell it, email me at
sorry traded it for a soul eater
If i recall correctly cards are printed in a cycle and at the end of the cycle the card your talking about is made. So basically you got an end of production line card. Just keep it as an interesting little collectable.
Sounds like you got the corner to me too. I know I have seen that in other games where they don't print a full sheet...if memory serves many ccgs use 11 x 11 sheets, which is of course 121 cards per sheet, and then the number of sheets produced in relation to each other determines rarity. So, if you print 100 of one sheet, 300 of another, and 1000 of a third, those are your relative Rare/Uncommon/Common ratios. If you only wanted 120 cards of each rarity, you either end up with a blank, or one card repeated an extra time, which throws that cards rarity off ever so slightly.