[Brooklyn, NY] Netrunner Store Championship @ Nu Brand Gaming December 10th

By competitioninme, in Android: Netrunner Organized Play

Saturday December 10th

Located at:

Nu Brand Gaming

194 31st street

Brooklyn, NY 11232

Registration begins at 10:00AM, first round starts promptly at 11AM

Entry Fee: $15/ $10 for Nu Brand Gaming members

Tournament Structure:

We will be using fantasy flight’s official tournament rules at the Formal level, these can always be found here: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/android-netrunner-the-card-game/

Swiss pairings

There will be 4-5 swiss rounds depending on attendance, with a cut to top 4.

Prize support:

1st place: Plaque and first round bye to 2017 Netrunner Regionals of their choice!, Hedge Fund Alt Art

Top 2: Femme Fatale tokens

Top 4: Anarch playmat

Top 8: Deckbox

Participation award: Pad Campaign Alt Art

Last place finisher of all swiss rounds: Hedge Fund Alt Art