An Online Notion

By Mikael Hasselstein, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Yesterday I was playing a game of Rebellion, and it really dawned on me that there was so much to contemplate and keep track of, that (at this stage of my development as a player of Rebellion), it was more of a test of my mental capacity to recollect and encompass than one of making strategic decisions based on sufficient information. Much of that comes from the time pressure of having an active (and waiting) opponent on the other side of the physical table.

I wonder if the game would not actually be better if it were created as an online web-based game, in which people would take turns, allowing themselves to take a longer period of time to observe and make decisions.

That could be minimal, in the sense that there's an online map on which that which is visible (open information) is visible, while people draw from physical card decks at home, and roll dice there too. That would require trust between the opponents, but that's not a big issue for me.

It could also be maximal, in which the card decks and hands are fully automated, dice are rolled digitally, etc.etc.

That would make it possible to have a deeper and more strategic game, I would think.

(Of course, if the purpose is to physically hang out with friends, then the notion is absurd.)

Has anyone else had a similar notion?

Yeah I've had this problem too.

This is actually one of the reasons I like the 4 player game. With a partner you can share the neural load. Just make sure to be drift compatible.

Gameplaywise, this isn't a bad idea.

But this is a miniature game (at least, that's what we're telling Hasbro :P ) and part of the enjoyment of it comes from the beautiful physical components as well. Not to say that an online version is a bad idea (in fact, it would probably seem pretty similar to the PC game that inspired it) but there are certainly draws to this physical one. Hanging out with friends, as mentioned, is definitely another one.