Amount of fractions

By Asashoryiu, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

Hello, could anybody help a newbie to understand better this game?

My question is: Where in the rules for CoC LCG I can find that deck is allowed to be constructed from more/less than JUST 2 fractions ?

I see some discussions in this forum where some players mention they play with combination of 3 fractions...

Is this ALLOWED in LCG? IsnĀ“t it only some rule from CoC CCG ?

If it is allowed, WHY FFG in the rule book mention that just 27 combinations can be created with Core set ?

Many thanks in advance !

hi ya...fractions?...hmmm you mean factions, yea sorry,, anyway, you can have a deck with as many factions in as you want, but 1 or 2 work best, look for the synergy between certain ones, or not sometimes they just work.

the more factions you have in a deck the more "diluted" it becomes and the less chance you have of getting that "right" card or recourse

The question is what fraction of recourses keep one from playing all seven?