KoR Let's Discuss: Leia Organa

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny

Knights of Ren, happy mid week! This card comes from popular demand on our # Discord channel: https://discord.gg/8z5mKRB so lets take a look at Leia Organa.

1) Leia clocks in at 11HP for 12/16 points. Her die faces are: 1 Range Damage/2 Range Damage/ 2 Range Damage (pay 1 Resource)/ 1 Focus/ 1 Resource/ Blank. Her points put her in a place where in the current card pool, if you run her at Elite status, the other character on your team will likely be using 1 die. So this means you have to consider to run Leia at 2 dice and lead the charge or fill in the team points as a secondary character. With a larger card pool this will change, but we will address that when more cards are revealed. Right now Leia has a lot to offer her team in terms of reliable damage as well as abilities that will always be available unless her die is removed from the field. She is especially reliable with 50% of her die rolling damage. This is something to note since most characters have 1/3 of their die faces rolling damage. Leia can help make up for inconsistent damage rolls with not only her own die, but her special effect...

2) Leia's special effect is " Action - Remove this die to reroll up to 2 of your dice." This effect is very powerful because no matter what you roll, it is always available to be used. Players who don't know Leia well often overlook the fact that a blank die face is still useful for you because of her effect. It's not uncommon to load Leia up with blasters and pistols and when you get a bad roll, remove her die to fix your board state. She is also a prime target to roll early in the round because opponents will usually see damage on her roll and have to commit to removing her dice or you can start to deal decent damage quickly. And even if you don't roll damage on her die, between the 1 focus and her special effect, you will usually be able to get the die faces you're looking for on any given turn.

3) Leia offers a lot with her card and die, but currently needs some more characters and support to shine. Her options are limited right now and so she suffers in comparison to a Jango/Kylo deck for damage output. The current card pool of characters leaves some uneven gaps in the 30 point team comp. She is usually 1-2 points over a 2x2 team build or there are extra 3-5 points unused. As the game goes on and more cards are revealed, I sincerely believe Leia will be a viable choice for Red deck characters. But right now I feel she is going to be hard to fit into a team able to fight against the more dominant decks on TTS at the moment.


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Edited by thesug1

What about Elite Leia and standard Finn?

Gives you 29/30 character points, and Finn's ability to bring Villian weapons into the mix provides Leia with a couple of alternate upgrades.

You may have considered this and it might not play out as strong on the table as it does in my mind, but seems like this pair is pretty formidable.

What about Elite Leia and standard Finn?

Gives you 29/30 character points, and Finn's ability to bring Villian weapons into the mix provides Leia with a couple of alternate upgrades.

You may have considered this and it might not play out as strong on the table as it does in my mind, but seems like this pair is pretty formidable.

Without access to blue, this team (in my opinion/experience) gets rolled over kinda quickly. Blue gives you access to deflect and use the force which you need to mess with dice and damage mitigation. Now yellow/red decks do deal a lot of damage with the right gear, but Leia and Finn don't produce enough resources to consistently load them up with gear. I believe with more cards this team will actually be really scary. But with the current card pool, its a tough battle to win.

"Remove this die" What if you run Elite Leia? You have to remove both dice?

Fair enough, and I agree on both points.

I was trying to look forward to the game I will be playing, not the fragment of a game we currently have.

I think blue is dominant now simply because most of the people who are going to be looking at this game at pre-release have been trained from birth to love Jedis/Sith so we have far more interesting blue cards spoiled than red or yellow.

Current leaked breakdown is roughly:

27 blue

13 grey

13 red

16 yellow

It's not really a surprise that blue is dominant.

Of course not all of the blue cards are "blue only" but it's just that you have more choice when building a deck that includes blue.

I think blue is dominant now simply because most of the people who are going to be looking at this game at pre-release have been trained from birth to love Jedis/Sith so we have far more interesting blue cards spoiled than red or yellow.

Both starter decks feature blue, which would explain that.

However, it also leads to an inherent problem, much of what has been spoiled comes from the starters. The guys playing on TTS are for the most part not able to play anything else as there just hasn't been a depth of cards spoiled for them to try out. I don't think you can properly build a deck that isn't blue and expect much from it. Right at this moment in time.

Consider too that the various cards may have different functions within each archetype. Red may have dice and cards that afford the characters shields in reasonable quantity, while yellow may have a good number of ways to make resources. Right now I am pretty sure we do not have enough information to do much else than have fun speculating.

I don't think you can properly build a deck that isn't blue and expect much from it. Right at this moment in time.

"Remove this die" What if you run Elite Leia? You have to remove both dice?

I believe the answer is just one die. The use of the word die, suggests just the 1 die. If you run Elite Leia, you could then use this ability twice.

"Remove this die" What if you run Elite Leia? You have to remove both dice?

I believe the answer is just one die. The use of the word die, suggests just the 1 die. If you run Elite Leia, you could then use this ability twice.

That is correct. Her action removes 1 of Leia's die to reroll up to 2 other dice. So running her at elite gives you access to this action 2 times.

Thank you! Thats what i thought :)

I don't think you can properly build a deck that isn't blue and expect much from it. Right at this moment in time.

Actually you can. Phasma with 2 troops is already very strong.

I used the deck builder at http://criticalhitgames.uk/destiny/ and needed to add about 6 cards that were rubbish just to fill out the deck to 30 cards. So, while you may have a point I am leaning towards it being an exception to the rule, the random boosters that have been spoiled have been nice to that combination.

It will also be interesting to see just how the physical cards and decks differ from the virtual ones. It is easy to play an Elite Phasma on TTS but in real life that will be somewhat harder.