How does worlds work?

By Ken-Obi, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

I'm registered for worlds for the 1st time and looking forward to going in a couple of weeks. I thought there would be more details out on how armada at worlds actually works but I'm missing something.

I know that the 1st game of the day (A or B) starts at 10 AM, with registration from 9-9:45. How many games are we playing? Is there a break in between them?

How do we get our table assignments and where do we go to report games played?

Stuff like that... anybody know how it works, or do we just get all that information when we show up?

I'd like to know that info too, and these:

  • How many players are in the tourney?
  • How many swiss rounds?
  • How many players makes the cut?
  • Are the cut rounds single-elimination?

Shouldn't all of this be available now? Fleet building is radically different with tourney format.

Fleet building is radically different with tourney format.

How so?

If there are 4+ swiss rounds you can make the "cut" with a build that can consistently pull 7-4s and 8-3s, where that same fleet is not going to make the cut in a 3-round swiss format. Control and objective-based builds usually don't score enough points to make a 3-round swiss cut. The difference in the fleet composition is very big.

I would also like to know these but from what I gathered with the schedule the top 2 fleets for each day make it to Saturday. 2 rounds of single elimination to determine the winner.

My guess is 4 rounds. 3 sounds way to small as you would have to get luck and 10-1 all 3 IMO with this large of a player pool. I'm thinking 5 rounds would be tough to get done before midnight.

Heck it would be nice to know the prizes for worlds.

If there are 4+ swiss rounds you can make the "cut" with a build that can consistently pull 7-4s and 8-3s, where that same fleet is not going to make the cut in a 3-round swiss format. Control and objective-based builds usually don't score enough points to make a 3-round swiss cut. The difference in the fleet composition is very big.

Well let us look at the basis:

With the Advanced System, (Granted, Worlds is a Custom),

The "Cut" in Armada is almost never more than 4 Players.

Even in a 120 player event.

The Cut is 4 Players

You might as well be always

I would figure that they are using a Custom System so they could enforce a 4-player Cut even if there was less than 90 Players, which honestly....

This isn't a Top 32 Cut for the Next Day... This isn't evne a Top 16 Cut for the next day... This isn't even trying for 10% and takinga Top 8 Cut...

Its TOP 4 at Best .

Where Rounds are THREE HOURS .

I think any other considerations are being exceptionally Nit-picky on rules and capability.

Additionally, if no-one knows, then everyone's on an equal footing - and as far as I know, that's one plausible definition of "Fair" after all...

Premier Level Events are to aim to provide Fair Competition

But details? Details are almost never released in advance. The very fact that they're running on the Custom System is new this year.

because, y'know, we didn't have tournament Regulations last year.

Edited by Drasnighta

Good info Dras. Seems it would be better if it was a nice top-16 cut for a 4-round Saturday single-elimination bracket: 16-8-4-2.

Good info Dras. Seems it would be better if it was a nice top-16 cut for a 4-round Saturday single-elimination bracket: 16-8-4-2.

Who knows, it might be the sort of thing they do... its just completely unheard of in both their rules and their previous accents...

I mean, this is the last November Worlds for us, so its not too long for them to apply any 'learnings' from this year to next.

Good info Dras. Seems it would be better if it was a nice top-16 cut for a 4-round Saturday single-elimination bracket: 16-8-4-2.

Saturday, November 5th: • 9:30 AM - Star Wars™: Armada World Championship, Top 4 Elimination

Top 4 Cut.

Good info Dras. Seems it would be better if it was a nice top-16 cut for a 4-round Saturday single-elimination bracket: 16-8-4-2.

Who knows, it might be the sort of thing they do... its just completely unheard of in both their rules and their previous accents...

I mean, this is the last November Worlds for us, so its not too long for them to apply any 'learnings' from this year to next.

I think it's pretty clear it's the top 4 from the first 2 days in single elimination. Only question is each day a top 2 cut or the 4 highest point totals taking both days into consideration. My guess is top 2 cut for each day advance. I wish they would say how many players are registered and how many rounds we will be playing on Thursday or Friday.

Dang it, sniped by Dras

Edited by BMcDonald7

Good info Dras. Seems it would be better if it was a nice top-16 cut for a 4-round Saturday single-elimination bracket: 16-8-4-2.

Who knows, it might be the sort of thing they do... its just completely unheard of in both their rules and their previous accents...

I mean, this is the last November Worlds for us, so its not too long for them to apply any 'learnings' from this year to next.

The Worlds Schedule says - Saturday 9:30 - Star Wars Armada Top 4 Elimination.

I think it's pretty clear it's the top 4 from the first 2 days in single elimination. Only question is each day a top 2 cut or the 4 highest point totals taking both days into consideration. My guess is top 2 cut for each day advance. I wish they would say how many players are registered and how many rounds we will be playing on Thursday or Friday.

Dang it, sniped by Dras

I wouldn't be at all surprised if it ere the other way around... Combine both Tally Sheets into one, and then take the Top 4 scorers on Points / MoV / SoS / Whatevski, in that order, as per usual.

You Surrender. I win.

Thats how Worlds will work.

Prepare your white flag now.

You Surrender. I win.

Thats how Worlds will work.

Prepare your white flag now.

One more question answered - since each player gets 2 more alt Rieekan cards after the lunch break... there will be a lunch break. I guess since there's no mention of a dinner break, swiss rounds would only be 4 games (game 1 at 10, lunch break, 3 more games and have a late dinner after) maybe?

Also Now, Answered in Player Pamphlet.

FOUR Swiss Rounds, in 1A and 1B

TOP TWO from 1A, and 1B, advance to Top 4 Playoff.

For posterity, here are my notes after attending for the first time. This is the last combined worlds so things will undoubtedly change after they split the Star Wars games into the May track, and keep everything else on the November track.

In no particular order...

-There's very little within walking distance to do if you're not playing or watching others play

-The airport is roughly 25 min away and Uber was great

-The Key Inn is much cheaper than the Radisson for all the reasons you might expect. I'll just leave it at that (some folks will be fine with it, some won't). :)

-We got our promos at the end of the 1st day we competed. This is important if you want to trade promos - if you don't compete until Friday but some people started on Wed, some people will have already traded stuff.

-The team Armada event was a blast! They only had 8 slots available but let anybody add their name to the waitlist and they let everybody play. It was really fun and I highly recommend you give it a shot. The prizes were great, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

-The game center was running demos and giving out promos for the game if you played the demo. No idea if they'll continue this. This time around it was for Star Wars Destiny (which doesn't go on sale for another week or so).

-The game center is really big for a game store and can handle hundreds of players. If you're into watching games, they seemed to have 2-4 different games being played at the same time between the store and the Radisson. Not sure if they'll continue to rent space in the Radisson for the future though.

-The store does have a kitchen and they offered an express menu where certain things would be ready for you 5 min or less after you ordered it. This was great when you wanted to grab food between rounds.

-In general, people seemed pretty relaxed and there for a fun time. Of course, for some people the competition is also fun. From the perspective of a person like me who likes to play competitively but doesn't devote the time to play weekly, you'll likely have a good time. In my case, though, since my buddy and I weren't interested in exploring the area, we brought a couple of games we could play on the side. If you do that, plan on playing in your hotel room since the game center had very, very little surplus table space. This was expected by us, but I thought I'd mention it here to confirm it.

-A fun little thing they did was place random prizes on tables as the bounty. These were all prior prizes from kits. The winner of the game where they gave a bounty go the bounty. Armada players seems to be pretty relaxed in general as I saw several instances of the winner letting the loser have the bounty if the winner already had it and the loser didn't.

Edited by Ken-Obi

Nice summary!

Only small thing I'll add is that there is a very large games library available for people to use at FFG, should there be extra space with the new Worlds format.

Nice summary!

Only small thing I'll add is that there is a very large games library available for people to use at FFG, should there be extra space with the new Worlds format.

Yeah I hope so - it would be nice to be able to play a pick up game or two if you're not already playing or watching something.

One other thing I forgot: they publish a player's guide just before the event that has details players need like what venue has what event, the times, what's scheduled for Twitch, what the format of each competition is, etc.