New Lightsaber Crystal Canon

By mouthymerc, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

So about synthetic crystals and the Rogue One: Catalyst novel...

I'm wondering if one of the major reasons the Empire failed at creating synthetic kyber crystals was a combination of no Force users involved in the process and simply being too ambitious and trying to create larger-than-typical kyber crystals.

Going from Legends lore, the process of forging a synthetic lightsaber crystal was a highly-involved process that took intense focus/concentration as the Force user (generally a Sith, but some Jedi such as Luke used them too) had to literally manipulate the forming crystal at the molecular level to get it to grow in the proper way, which probably also allowed them to infuse the artificial crystal with Force energy, thus making it suitable for use in a lightsaber.

Sidious probably has the process of creating synthetic crystals down to a science, but he's not going to share that lore with someone like Krennic anytime soon; better to withhold the knowledge and see what solutions the ambitious bureaucrat comes up with. Maul certainly knows the process, but he's kind of focused on staying off the radar (assuming he's even still alive by the time Rogue One/ANH occurs) and not exactly the trusting type, especially where the Empire's concerned. It's unknown if Vader knows the process (some Legends material suggests that Sidoius gave him the synthetic crystal that he used in his new lightsaber after his reconstructive surgeries), but he's even less likely to share that knowledge than Palpatine.

On 11/20/2016 at 0:10 PM, MrDodger said:

I wonder why they are being SO cagey with actually naming the planet Starkiller base was constructed from?

I'm guessing that's because it is Ilum and they're leaving it for a big reveal sometime during the next two movies. To add a bit more credence to this theory, Ashoka travels to Ilum and witnesses the Empire excavating the crap out of it in the novel Ashoka (giant trenches that are visible from orbit, etc). It's a pretty big FU to the Jedi to turn one of their most sanctified planets into a weapon of mass destruction/genocide. This also helps explain why Rey's force abilities go through the ceiling when she's on Starkiller base as Ilum is a lightside force vergence. If it's not Ilum then they're throwing alot of misinformation peoples way to make them believe that it is, and that's going to tick some of us off. I mean, a bigger and better Death Star is kinda lame, but having that Death Star be Ilum makes it pretty awesome. It's an idea that they couldn't pass up.

Edited by ghatt

I love it and I like the new canon "aura" color :D

When we began to play SW at year 97/98 and haven't read anything about the EU (just played a few PC videogames) we thought that lightsaber colour came from ones "aura". So, I love the "new" canon.

Does anyone have a list of crystals and their colors/stats? Especially a converted list for F&D.

Hehe...I kinda like the idea, because it fits with a fan theory I had a few years ago. My idea was simply to do with primary colours and the mixing thereof. A kyber crystal was naturally white, and took on the colour of the user's "Force bent". Someone attuned to the "Unifying Force" would have a crystal that swung towards blue, someone attuned to the "Living Force" would swing towards green, and someone using the Dark Side would swing towards red. Mace Windu was a Unifying Force-type Jedi, but dallied enough with the Dark Side via his Vapaad that his crystal combined blue and red to get purple.

And (yes, I know this was a visual effects glitch :) ) Anakin's sabre, when Luke was using it on the Falcon to deflect remote stun shots, had an almost aqua colour - which would be a mix of blue and green (the crystal has sat around, unaffected by the Force, except perhaps at a distance by Obi-Wan).

I'd always found it odd that Dooku would go to all the trouble of creating a synthetic crystal for his sabre after he left the Jedi and became Darth Tyranus. Why would he bother, when he had a perfectly good crystal in there to begin with? I suppose you could argue that the Sith liked the red sabres, or that it was symbolic of them, but it seemed a bit stupid for someone who was still trying to play the role of the good guy; even Windu said Dooku wasn't capable of assassinating Padme because of his Jedi mindset. So it seemed to make sense to me that he just didn't have any choice - his sabre turned red of its own accord over the years since he'd turned to the Dark Side.

Anakin's would have eventually turned red - it's just that not enough time had passed since he'd fallen for the crystal to be affected.

Anyway...I kinda like it. :)

Stats for different crystals can be found in the F&D core book as well as Keeping the Peace , Savage Spirits , and Endless Vigil .

The core book has stats for:

  • Barab Ingot
  • Dantari Crystal
  • Dragite Gem
  • Ilum Crystal
  • Kryat Dragon Pearl
  • Lorrdian Gemstone
  • Mephite Crystal (one of the Adegan Crytals)
  • Saphith Gem
  • Training Saber Emitter (which is made using Kathracite or Danite crystals, two other types of Adegan Crystals)

Keeping the Peace has stats for:

  • Kimber Stone
  • Sorian Crystal

Savage Spirits has stats for

  • Nishalorite Stone
  • Varpeline Crystal

Endless Vigil has stats for:

  • Etaan Crystal
  • Ghostfire Crystal

Also, Nexus of Power has the Greelwood lightsaber which contains a Pontite Crystal (the rarest of the Adegan Crystals), though there are no mods available for it, and no indication whether it's an unmodified or fully modified crystal.

58 minutes ago, jwint66 said:

Does anyone have a list of crystals and their colors/stats? Especially a converted list for F&D.

Well I'm not sure what you mean by colour, since much of this thread discusses the fact that colour is not related to the crystal in new cannon, but I made a full set of crystals for this game over in the Compiled Resource Thread:

Yeah, as far as this game is concerned colour is up to the players to decide and not tied to the crystal.

As I have read through this topic I have noticed a stronger leaning towards the older cannon of the crystal itself causing the coloration of the blade. Personally I agree with this and can see that the blue or green blades being more prevalent because the Jedi normally went on quests to Illum to get their crystals.

Corran Horn (X-Wing and I, Jedi) ended up with a silvery colored blade because of a Durinfire (sic) crystal.

While I say the above I do agree partially with the attunement process, but it's more in tying the whole saber and crystal together with the force user themselves. Which may explain why the Sith have to use synthetic crystals, mainly because the Kyber crystals will not attune themselves to darkside powers.