Anyone who got the game at AN care to share their impressions?

By Trialus, in Arkham Horror: The Card Game

Just wanted to throw out an invitation for anyone who got to play the game or get their copy at Arkham Nights to share their thoughts on the game with the folks who haven't gotten their hands on it yet.

What did people think?

Fun in groups? solo?

Improvements from LOTR?

Too hard? too easy?

just general impressions....

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to share!

Everything said on the discord channel has been very positive.

Everything said on the discord channel has been very positive.

What Discord channel? Is there a Discord server for FFG games?

Everything said on the discord channel has been very positive.

What Discord channel? Is there a Discord server for FFG games?

Not for FFG as far as i know, but there is an Arkham Horror LCG channel AND a Mythos Busters Podcast channel, both are pretty active. I think for the Mythos Busters one you can find if an invite on their website. If not then, I am sure someone around here can direct you how to get invites to both (sorry, I use them, but can't for the life of me remember how the invite thing works).

EDIT: We'll there ya go....see above :)

Edited by Trialus

Both channels are setup so anyone can give out invites. There is a drop down on the channel name that is 'Send Invite' which will give you a link.

Both channels are setup so anyone can give out invites. There is a drop down on the channel name that is 'Send Invite' which will give you a link.

Aha!! thanks for info!

What did people think? (awesome blend of RPG and LCG)

Fun in groups? solo? (Yes and Yes - group play can be slower with 3/4 players but that was mostly just everyone trying to figure everything new out all at once)

Improvements from LOTR? (yes / depends on what you are looking to improve on)

Too hard? too easy? (Not easy by any stretch - similar to Eldritch Horror except instead of just losing, the campaign moves forward and bad stuff get worser quicker :) )

Edited by unlimitedpower

I've played only the first scenario. I've played with 2 and 4 players.

9 games played so far.

I own everything, including alt art and playmats for LOTR LCG and Netrunner. Netrunner lives on as my favorite two player competitive card game.

AHtCG is, and I don't think I'm basking in the glow, going to completely destroy LOTR for me. It is what I wanted the Pathfinder card game to be. It is what I've wanted many co-op games to be. Even with me knowing the narrative I will still enjoy it for many plays. The chaos bag is better than I expected.

I'm enamored. Seeing abate and Matthew talking about their decisions in designing the game was revealing and I could see everything they talked about in the game itself.

As a long time fan of everything AH related from FFG, I'm giving this 8 tentacles up.

Edit: iOS corrections

And I will add that the narrative is everything you want out a card game. We cheered, we cried, our group of four were so immersed that leaving the table was traumatic.

Edited by Happycatmachine

I've played only the first scenario. I've played with 2 and 4 players.

9 games played so far.

I own everything, including alt art and playmats for LOTR LCG and Netrunner. Netrunner lives on as my favorite two player competitive card game.

AHtCG is, and I don't think I'm basking in the glow, going to completely destroy LOTR for me. It is what I wanted the Pathfinder card game to be. It is what I've wanted many co-op games to be. Even with me knowing the narrative I will still enjoy it for many plays. The chaos bag is better than I expected.

I'm enamored. Seeing abate and Matthew talking about their decisions in designing the game was revealing and I could see everything they talked about in the game itself.

As a long time fan of everything AH related from FFG, I'm giving this 8 tentacles up.

Edit: iOS corrections

And I will add that the narrative is everything you want out a card game. We cheered, we cried, our group of four were so immersed that leaving the table was traumatic.

Wow. Man, that is some high praise. I am really excited for AH, but I don't know if I would even want something to be so good as to destroy LOTR for me.

Wow. Man, that is some high praise. I am really excited for AH, but I don't know if I would even want something to be so good as to destroy LOTR for me.

Same here, esp since I just pimped out my collection and have unplayed expansions. Glad AH is being well received though :)

What did people think? (awesome blend of RPG and LCG)

Fun in groups? solo? (Yes and Yes - group play can be slower with 3/4 players but that was mostly just everyone trying to figure everything new out all at once)

Improvements from LOTR? (yes / depends on what you are looking to improve on)

Too hard? too easy? (Not easy by any stretch - similar to Eldritch Horror except instead of just losing, the campaign moves forward and bad stuff get worser quicker :) )

I've played only the first scenario. I've played with 2 and 4 players.

9 games played so far.

I own everything, including alt art and playmats for LOTR LCG and Netrunner. Netrunner lives on as my favorite two player competitive card game.

AHtCG is, and I don't think I'm basking in the glow, going to completely destroy LOTR for me. It is what I wanted the Pathfinder card game to be. It is what I've wanted many co-op games to be. Even with me knowing the narrative I will still enjoy it for many plays. The chaos bag is better than I expected.

I'm enamored. Seeing abate and Matthew talking about their decisions in designing the game was revealing and I could see everything they talked about in the game itself.

As a long time fan of everything AH related from FFG, I'm giving this 8 tentacles up.

Edit: iOS corrections

And I will add that the narrative is everything you want out a card game. We cheered, we cried, our group of four were so immersed that leaving the table was traumatic.

Very excited from reading these. Finally decided to pre-order the game, making this the first board/card game that I have ever pre-ordered!

Given my love of co-operative games, Warhammer Quest ACG and RPGs I suppose it's a surprise that I didn't do it earlier. My only reservation was that I'm not the biggest fan of the Lovecraft theme (or horror in general) but given the response so far I'm really looking forward to giving it a try. Tentacles crossed for an early November release...

I could see this system applied to any number of themes. A WW2 French Restance/British SOE spy setup would be amazing, or a Cold War spy game.........

Really looking forward to this game though - the suspense is maddening!! I'm slightly surprised at the lack of reviews though.

Edited by Daft Blazer

I could see this system applied to any number of themes. A WW2 French Restance/British SOE spy setup would be amazing, or a Cold War spy game.........

Really looking forward to this game though - the suspense is maddening!! I'm slightly surprised at the lack of reviews though.

The few copies that exist in the US had to be air shipped in at great expense. You'll see plenty of reviews once the boat arrives. In the meantime just know that the game is good. Very good. I cannot wait for Dunwhich to release.

Edited by HolySorcerer

Excellent! After watching the Arkham Horror LCG presentation I'm all in on this.

Yeah ...that was a great video...pretty cool look at the design decisions that went into the game. It's funny, but hearing their thought process about how they used things like positioning of the enemies at the bottom of the cards to make them feel closer to you and more dangerous or the flexibility of the different tokens in the chaos bag for each scenario all got me even more excited for the game.

I've got a couple days of being off work with an empty house Thanksgiving week. Really hoping that it has shown up by then.

I think the main reason why LOTR will not suffer for me is that there is so much already available. It will be about a year or more until there is enough of a body of cards to really start getting in to it. The first campaign probably won't be finished until next October. Meanwhile LOTR has 5 complete cycles very soon and many Saga expansions. While I love Arkham, I also love the LOTR verse anyhow and will keep up with it and because (without playing the Arkham yet) the feel is different. One is about customizing a character and surviving a long campaign and the other is about constructing decks and working with different heroes and strategies. I think they both offer benefits.

I picked up a copy at Arkham Nights and am loving the game! My group plays a wide variety of games (including Arkham Horror, Eldritch Horror, LotR LCG, Pathfinder) and I think AHtcg will be getting a lot of play. It fits in nicely between Elder Sign (too light) and Eldritch Horror. To me, the campaign feels a bit like the Warhammer Quest Adventure Card Game. As Happycatmachine wrote above, the gameplay and leveling aspects are what I was hoping Pathfinder would be. Having the chaos bag (instead of dice or shadow cards) just feels right...very Arkham Horror-esque. The story really shines and I feel like this is hitting the sweet spot between card game and RPG.

What did people think? Highly recommended.

Fun in groups? solo? Love the ability to play solo. While there are limited scenarios available at the moment, the variety of characters keeps the game fresh. I'm trying multiplayer for the first time tonight.

Improvements from LOTR? Evolution, not revolution here. Having two encounter decks (Act and Agenda) is very nice. I like the chaos bag much more than shadow cards.

Too hard? too easy? I've only played the standard game so far. Of the 4 games played, I've won 3 and lost 1 (driven insane). The ability to change the difficulty via the chaos bag will help players find their sweet spot.

Nice work FFG and kudos to Nate French and Matthew Newman!

What did people think?

My friend and I have both really enjoyed it so far. My friend has played once (first scenario). I've played the first scenario 3 times and the second and third scenarios once. (those last scenarios were done solo with Agnes; I've partnered with Skids on first scenario those 2 other times)

Fun in groups? solo?

I have had fun in all cases, solo and in group. I am curious to see how it will go with a partner on the last 2 scenarios.

Improvements from LOTR?

No comment (Never played LOTR)

Too hard? too easy?

At this point, it's just about right for me. It was very tough to win with Agnes going solo, but I came very close (one bad chaos token pull away). Instead, I got a neutral condition (neither win nor lose).

I definitely look forward to expansions and to getting a second base set so that I can play with 3 players or getting the expansion set.

Thanks for the thoughts guys!!

I've played only the first scenario. I've played with 2 and 4 players.

9 games played so far.

I own everything, including alt art and playmats for LOTR LCG and Netrunner. Netrunner lives on as my favorite two player competitive card game.

AHtCG is, and I don't think I'm basking in the glow, going to completely destroy LOTR for me. It is what I wanted the Pathfinder card game to be. It is what I've wanted many co-op games to be. Even with me knowing the narrative I will still enjoy it for many plays. The chaos bag is better than I expected.

I'm enamored. Seeing abate and Matthew talking about their decisions in designing the game was revealing and I could see everything they talked about in the game itself.

As a long time fan of everything AH related from FFG, I'm giving this 8 tentacles up.

Edit: iOS corrections

And I will add that the narrative is everything you want out a card game. We cheered, we cried, our group of four were so immersed that leaving the table was traumatic.

Stop being so #$%^ Cryptic Cat, did you like it or not??

Just wanted to throw out an invitation for anyone who got to play the game or get their copy at Arkham Nights to share their thoughts on the game with the folks who haven't gotten their hands on it yet.

What did people think?

Fun in groups? solo?

Improvements from LOTR?

Too hard? too easy?

just general impressions....

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to share!

By the way there are reviews on YouTube @ Drive Thru Review and marcowargamer. Both have been following it since before GenCon and both give you a very good rules / component overview.