Let's Discuss: Close Quarter Assault

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hey Destiny fans! Rick here with another card discussion. Today I wanted to take a moment to talk about a card I've been having success with in testing, Close Quarters Assault. CQA is a 0 cost neutral event, playable by Heroes and Villains, that lets you count the number of dice in your pool showing melee damage and discard that many random cards from an opponent's hand.

In order to maximize its effectiveness, CQA is best used with characters with multiple melee sides like Rey, Luke, Kylo, and Vader. In Mono-Blue deck CQA can be used to consistently discard 3-4 cards from your opponent's hand, effectively neutering their plans for the turn. When used in conjunction with dedicated "Mill" cards, such as Patience and Jedi Counsel, you can easily burn through 8-10 cards from your opponent's deck.

While Blue has the majority of the Melee focused characters that we've seen so far, all the other colors has access as well. Jango and Finn in Yellow both have 1 Melee side each, and Red's Grevious has at least 1 Melee side that we've seen. This allows allows you add other discard effects from colors other than Blue to really push the strategy.

Keep in mind that maximizing the number of cards discarded by CQA is not always necessary. In fact it can set you up to be blown out by dice disruption, most importantly Block. Sometimes just hitting the last card in your opponent's hand to prevent them from using a reroll can be just as effective.

Let us know your thoughts on Close Quarters Assault in the comments below. Also check us out the Knights of Ren Facebook page , and don't forget to enter to win a set of Rey and Kylo Ren Promos while you're there.


love this card. Combined with patience you can really do some dirty things to your opponents.

The effect is obviously very powerful, especially as a free action. I'd want to target 2-3 cards each time with it if possible, more would just be a bonus if I could get it off. I think an important thing about it is that you can reroll after you play the card, so you aren't stuck with the melee if it isn't what you wanted anyway.

I like it. Wouldn't be surprised to see it in many decks which feature two melee-oriented characters, especially if you had some way to roll + get another action, since the only real question on how powerful this card is is whether your opponent messes with your dice in between rolling and playing the action or not.