starter box content (do you need one or two of each starter) feedback for future sets

By TylerTT, in Star Wars: Destiny

I'm trying to figure out what i need to get a play set of the starter exclusive cards.

it looks like one of each set will ALMOST do it. but not quite :(

lightsaber, and f-11D Rifle are in both starter sets so one of each gets you a play set of these starter set only cards

Fin, force throw and mind probe, are starter set only and you only get one in either starter.

There are many other cards that have only one copy of but these cards are not exclusive to the starter sets meaning you can pull the second copy to form a set from booster packs.

so player's are incentivised to double up on starter purchases. i'm not sure if this is on purpose. i have a hard time imagining what the margins are on their starters compared to their boosters.

so if FFG wants hard core players to buy two of each starter why not have all the cards in the starter as starter set only? if they don't want us to buy two starters then why put in one of a starter set only card when you need two?

Ya It's defiantly disappointing. But something I've come to expect from FFG. They are more concerned with the starter vs. starter out of the box experience than the gotta catch them all hardcore player.

Regarding all the starter set cards being starter only. I agree with you 100% there is already a thread discussing this frustration: