Creature & Hero stats

By builder_chris2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is there a publication (official or home brewed) that gives OL and players alike a clear understanding of the creature and hero strengths and weaknesses?

For example, I’ve been slowly going through the creatures in the basic game (since that is the only Decent product I have right now) and have begun creating a spread sheet that shows the max range and max damage that each creature can do with the specified dice and comparing that to what the max modified they could do with the OL cards.

And I’m planning to do the same thing for all the heroes’ too that show the max and minimum range and damage they can do with different equipment combinations.

The reason I ask, is…it SEEMS like the creatures can do about 1/3 the damage that heroes can do when heroes use the basic equipment cards, and when heroes get treasure cards they become even more powerful. Yet it SEEMS like there is very little that the OL player can do in the basic set to “improve” the creatures (shy of making them all named creatures with their own stats). Btu without having a max range and damage that is expressed in numbers rather than dice symbols, its very unclear to know for sure what the true strength and weakness is of each creature and hero

There are several files on Boardgamegeek about monster and weapon damage.