Alright so some confusion has come up in my group regarding escapable attack and full auto/lightning attack. Lets say the person with inescapable attack rolls 6 degrees of success on their full auto attack, does this add another 6 degrees from inescapable attack to their dodge? So would they be at like a -120 to their dodge to avoid all the hits or what? If this is confusing I can try to clarify a bit better, but it seems like full auto and lightning attack become completely unavoidable when inescapable attack is involved. Thanks in advance.
Inescapable attack and full auto
I don't think you can combine Inescapable Attack and Lightning Attack.
The wording for Inescapable Attack (p.128); "After making a successful attack test of the appropriate type as part of an All Out Attack, Called Shot, Charge, Standard Attack or Stun action...". Both Lightning Attack, and Full Auto are completely different Actions than the five that Inescapable Attack specifically mentions, so I'd say the intent is that Lightning Attack, and or Full Auto are not designed to be used in combination with Inescapable Attack.
To answer your actual question, if you were going to combine Full Auto/LA and IA; the 6 Degrees of Success are what you scored on the Attack Test, so they would be the Degrees of Success multiplied by 10 that gives you the penalty to Dodge or Parry, -60 (6 DoS * 10).
Yeah, Inescapable Attack only functions for 'single' attacks, not the flurry melee or multiple round ranged attacks. Basically, it is the counter to previous editions where it was always the 'Full Auto Weapons or Go Home' combat style as single-shots were the easiest to dodge.
Alright so some confusion has come up in my group regarding escapable attack and full auto/lightning attack. Lets say the person with inescapable attack rolls 6 degrees of success on their full auto attack, does this add another 6 degrees from inescapable attack to their dodge? So would they be at like a -120 to their dodge to avoid all the hits or what? If this is confusing I can try to clarify a bit better, but it seems like full auto and lightning attack become completely unavoidable when inescapable attack is involved. Thanks in advance.
Not to forget the fact that all modifiers are capped at +/-60 (see "Test Difficulty" in DH2 Core Rule book, page 24). So a -120 modifier is not possible anyway.