Knights of Ren Episode 104 "There Is Another"

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny

Promo giveaway episode 104. That's right, this is your chance to win a pair of GenCon promo Rey and Kylo Ren cards. In order to win go to our Facebook page and follow the rules for your chance to win. We also have another guest visit the show! Tiny Grimes joins us to discuss our favorite cards as well as answer a couple listener questions. You can find his YouTube videos about Star Wars:Destiny here . So grab your lightsabers and prepare for battle as the launch date approaches over the horizon


Edited by thesug1

I posted that I liked Commlink.... then I listened to your episode =(

I think I really need to get some time into TTS to really comment on any of these cards.

Check us out on Discord: we have games going on all the time since we have an international community, there are lots of really great people to play with.

Another great episode guys, lots of fun to listen to.

I had one question come up from your talks about Poe; do you know if you roll his special whether you get to choose which side of the discarded card/dice you want or do you have to roll?

In the episode I believe you were saying "if" you roll BB-8's special you get to keep it in play, but Poe's card doesn't really say anything about rolling (just "resolve one of the sides of its dice") so could you just choose BB-8's special?

Thanks in advance!

Yeah will do, but I'm in Australia so the time difference might be an issue.
I'll get it all set up tonight and see how I go.
I did sign up to discord already

What is your Discord name?

Same as the forum one Inquisitorsz

Sweet, can't wait to meet up on Discord.