RTL Dungeon Progression Question

By rgrove0172, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

How much does the Overlord "take with him" when the players proceed to the next level of a dungeon?

Unused Threat?

Current Reinforcement Status?

Hand of Power Cards?

Or does the new level begin as a brand new dungeon?

Unused Threat? Yes, kept

Current Reinforcement Status? No, the reinforcement marker is turned "eyes up" at the start of a new dungeon level since it is a new area. It also gets flipped up for new areas in Rumor and Legendary dungeon levels.

Hand of Power Cards? Yes, kept

Or does the new level begin as a brand new dungeon? No, just think of it as a new area.

You didn't ask, but power cards also remain in play between levels.

I agree with your assessment and assumed such but the rules are pretty vague. The section explaining the set up of a new dungeon actually includes the reference "new dungeon level" which can be pretty misleading.

It's cleared up in the FAQ. Get it if you don't have it.

edroz said:

Current Reinforcement Status? No, the reinforcement marker is turned "eyes up" at the start of a new dungeon level since it is a new area. It also gets flipped up for new areas in Rumor and Legendary dungeon levels.

I couldn't find the bolded part in the FAQ or rulebook. Is it a house rule?

It's in the rulebook, pg 17:

The Reinforcement Marker
In the Advanced Campaign, the overlord player is limited as to
how often he may play spawn cards. At the start of every
dungeon level
, the overlord places the reinforcement marker in
front of him faceup (the side with the red eyes). When the
overlord plays a spawn card, he must flip the reinforcement
marker facedown. While this marker is facedown, the overlord
player may not play spawn cards. The overlord player may
spend 15 threat on his turn to flip the reinforcement marker
faceup. Otherwise, the reinforcement marker stays facedown
until the end of the dungeon level.

(bold added)

Every dungeon level, you get a free flip of the eyes :)


Yeah, but not when revealing a new area in Rumors or Legendaries.

My players will hate to hear that, I was splurging on the 15 tokens to refresh the spawn before they hit the next level.

Going to be a bit tougher on them now.

Parathion said:

Yeah, but not when revealing a new area in Rumors or Legendaries.

Oh, um, missed that part of the original post. Hrm, not sure really. Since they get flipped on dungeon levels, and levels are effectively areas, I could see the logic extending that direction, though I don't know if there's anything official about it...


I'm sorry, but I can't find the original reference about flipping in rumor dungeons. I think it was in the old forums. Here's a reference on BGG: www.geekdo.com/article/2145259#2145259

Basically, it comes from the idea of using the RtL reinforcement marker in normal Descent. Kevin Wilson stated that the OL should reset the marker in each new area of the dungeon. Each dungeon level in RtL/SoB is an area, the marker gets reset. Therefore, in rumor and legendary dungeons with multiple areas, the marker should get reset in each new area for those as well.

Sorry, I couldn't find the original thread. Obviously, you need to decide if you want to play with this or not.


HA! Found it in the SoB Rules, page 20, for the Reinforcement Marker:

The overlord player may spend 15 threat on his turn to flip the reinforcement marker faceup. Otherwise, the reinforcement marker stays facedown until the end of the dungeon level or a new area is revealed, whereupon it is turned faceup once again.

Ok, nice to see they implemented that in SoB - yet it´s not valid for RtL. Thx anyway!

Parathion said:

Ok, nice to see they implemented that in SoB - yet it´s not valid for RtL. Thx anyway!

Personally, I feel completely comforatable with hijacking the SoB streamlined changes for the Advanced Campaign and using them with RTL. IMHO, the SOB rules give us two things- Streamlined changes for running an Advanced Campaign in general and specifics for the SOB expansion.

I agree - yet I will wait until the next FAQ for SoB is out to hopefully clear up the major hickups before starting an SoB campaign or introducing the streamlined rules into RtL - I wouldn´t want to re-streamline an RtL campaign if it turns out that some SoB streamlines were made in error :)