Me and my gaming group are debating to get this game especially after we put WOW:TBG back on the table the other night.
Our most played game is Battlelore and even if it takes time to setup when you include all the elements (calls to arms, speciallity cards, heroes, or even epic) it is usually fun to setup the game as you can see you army mount and position itself infront of you.
We like the adventure feel of WOW but when you need to set up it takes more than 30 minutes: 5 item decks to shuffle, 9 quest decks, 2 event and destiny decks. And i have invested in everything possible to speedup the setup time: ziplock bags (containing each character with its starting energy, blood, and gold tokens and skills and power deck) seperators for all the tokens (two sets one for each faction) and dice trays to handle throwing more than 20 dice. What is worse than setup is during the game. Every time you complete a quest you have to go through a number of steps that take time (house keeping): removing the quest, drawing and selecting item cards, collecting gold, and if leveling up: reseting your energy and blood level, gaining a skill, than you need to draw a new quest, spawn blue, green, and red creatures. All of this and your opponent is waiting and yet you didn't finish your other character needs to move and he might go through the same steps which would make your opponent bored and just about ready to quit. And this game is very long I have read reviews of finishing it in less than 3 hrs. But I don't think it is possible of your not really doing it to beat the clock instead of enjoying the game. My shortest game was 6hrs and we were skipping some steps especially destiny and event cards.
Don't get me wrong we sometimes play 3 Battlelore games in row which easily take 4hrs and we are still excited to play more but it gets late.
I like the theme, mechanics, and "the two games in one" feeling in MEQ but I wanted to get your feedback on comparing it to WOW:TBG in the issues i mentioned above.
Your response is highly appreciated.
Thank you and Happy Holidays