[LFG ONLINE] GMT+1 Weekdays Preferred

By MaxXIII, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hey everybody,
I am currently GMing a Star Wars Game offline with my friends and playing one
as a Trandoshan explorer online. Unfortunately, the latter one has recently got an expiration date
due to RL Obligation. I was hoping to find a group here that would have me as a player and
is playing online at times I can attend (which is kinda tricky since I figure lots of you guys live in the US of America...
I live in Belgium, which means I´m propably at least 5-6 hours ahead of you...).

My time frame is Mondays to Thursdays from 18.00 to 23.00 GMT (Thats 12.00 to 17.00 CST i believe) for the Game to start.
Those times aren´t completely set in stone of course....

If my propably horribly inaccurate time zone calculations and subpar Math hasn´t put you off (that time zone stuff is way to confusing),
Here´s a bit about myself:
I´m a 23 year old Motion Graphic Designer from Germany. I´ve been playing RPGs for about 2 Years now (First 13th Age, now Eote),both as
Gm and Player. I´m looking for a laid-back group that is willing to engage in some witty bantha every once in a while :) .

I like making making unconventual use of the rules in the way that the fluff the rule is supporting is rewritten.
For example being allowed to use an existing species stats to play a race that hasn´t been statted out yet.

I have a good Mic and would be willing to buy myself a webcam if that is required.

I would also be interested in a text based game, but I´d need a bit of introduction since I never tried that before.

As for my gaming style, my last character was the mentioned Trandoshan Explorer who refused to kill sentient Beings
and was secretly dabbling in artistic skills, a no-no for Trandoshan Society (his art was cooking).
Before that I played an Ork Bon Vivant in my 13th Age Game...so I guess I like to play Oddballs.

I got a couple very Basic Character Concepts I´d like to try out:
A Pyke Spice Pusher (Rulewise Bothan Smuggler/Charmer) who is trying to get out of his criminal ties.
A Bodyguard War Model Droid (Medic/Vanguard) with a dark clone wars past who was manumitted some time during the
chaos that followed the clone wars. He was given a no-kill programming to pass of as a security droid.

I´d be very willing however to adapt my character to the groups needs, as I believe in this system its better if no role is occupied twice.

Thanks for reading through my textwall, I am looking forward to any opportunities to play!
I hope I posted this in the right subforum :P

Hey Max,

I do not have a group for you, but if you can get a GM I'd be willing to join in. I'm from the Netherlands, so same time zone as you. I could play on weekdays (with the exception of Fridays) from around 19:30 untill around 22:00.


Where were you when I was looking for the players :) . When I have a free spot, I will contact you.

@kereo: if I find sth ill send you a pm

@Nicodavout: please do!

I declare this thread bumped and still very current.

Hey, I'm looking for a group for EoE at the moment too if anyone steps up to GM. I'm in the UK so time difference is only out by 1 hour from Belgium. I have a little experience playing EoE but not for a few years so I may be a little bit rusty.

Guess we just need to find a GM then ;)


@ Kereo: Unfortunately GMs are quite the rare Pepes...
Its the most work, you have to prepare and organize and stuff
(Which is why I want to play, I already GM a group :P )
I will give my breakfast Bagel as an offering to my local Sarlacc Enforcer,
maybe he can help...

@ Kereo: Unfortunately GMs are quite the rare Pepes...

Its the most work, you have to prepare and organize and stuff

(Which is why I want to play, I already GM a group :P )

I will give my breakfast Bagel as an offering to my local Sarlacc Enforcer,

maybe he can help...

I'm well aware Max. Like yourself, I'm already running a game and really just want to play one :P


As far as I'm concerned, this thread is still very relevant ;)


Bumping for continued relevance...
Wednesdays are off for me now, though...
So its Monday, Tuesday, Thursday that I´m looking for a cool Group or a GM willing
to start a group with the volunteers gathered in this thread :)

Bumping for continued relevance ;)


I would also be interested.

I'm from austria, so the same timezone as you

Can you GM? :P


Nah sorry, I'm almost new in star wars eote (playing Pen&paper rpgs since only 3 months).

Any of you guys fancy playing a different system until we find a GM? I've GM'd SIFRP before and wouldn't mind doing so again as a stop between while we wait?

@drejtesi: SIF ain´t really my thing, still a nice idea and thanks for the offer :)
​Other stuff I´m looking for gamewise would be 13th Age, shadow of the demon lord, or warhammer or one of the w40k games...
​(Although so far I only played 13th Age out of all of the above :P )
​If you are set on SIFRP I´m sure you find some other people in this thread to play with you,
​now that we found a nice bunch of people in our timezone...
As always, if I find a GM to master a Eote Game for us I´ll holla back at ya´ll :)

EOTE or bust! :P

I've been looking everywhere for a GM, but so far no luck yet :(


Nah was just a suggestion. Would much prefer EoE but I wanna get my game on!

I am quite interested in playing EOTE. I'm from Italy so same time zone.

I played a few sessions in the past but the GM had RL problems and couldn't keep the game going, so i still consider myself a rookie.

Just bumping this to let everyone know I'm still looking for a GM :)


le bump

Well, it's been a while since this one had a decent bump :)


Hey evrybody, looks like this thread needs some bacta...
I had to put the last Game I GMed (offline) on ice bc I moved and we all kinda started with
working and all that boring adult stuff, so I´m now willing to try my luck at online GMing.
I´m still a bit of a newb GM and even more so online, so please bear that in mind.
It´s going to be a Force and Destiny/Edge of the Empire Mix, biweekly on Sundays around 12:00PM GMT.
The basics: roll20 for pictures and sheets, discord text channel for ingame stuff (scenery description, dice rolls, conversation etc.),
Voice channel for evrything else like asking questions or interpreting dice results.
The game uses Notoriety instead of morale, which increases if you are conspicious and will eventually have the inquisitorius knocking on your door.
Also you don´t have the Lightsaber career paths from FaD (they´d be a bad choice to start with anyways in my campaign), instead I added Eote specs into the FaD Careers.

Again. I am still a newb GM (I GMed the beginner boxes+five sessions so far offline), so I´m looking for people to learn with, no matter if they´re experienced or not.

Edited by MaxXIII

a game at 12 PM on sunday is a slight problem for me, because i often eat with my family at that time, a game starting at 14 or 14.30 would be much better. Other than that i would be interested.