For the life of us, our group could not find where the official ruling is, if any exist, on whether or not you have to declare ALL of the defense tokens you will be using before seeing the results of any of them. I recall the ruling being in either a FAQ or someone's reply to a FFG submitted question but I cannot find it!!
During a rather large attack against Admonition, we were trying to explain how spending an Evade token works with a Redirect token on the same ship, and also with Admonition's upgrade card but we simply could not find the core/official ruling on this, other than the old DWRR post stating (I think):
- Evade is roll and resolved before deciding whether to use Redirect and Brace
- Then, knowing the result of any Evade reroll/cancel, the defending player can then decide to use Redirect and/or Brace
- Any time before damage is applied, the defending Admonition player can use the Admonition ability