Why no SPIEL?

By GShock112, in XCOM: The Board Game

I saw the videos of last GenCon and XCom Evolution, originally scheduled for Q1 2017 was slated earlier to Q4 2016.

What I don't understand is why, with an imminent expansion, FFG didn't go to Essen to announce the release of XCom Evolution.

Granted... so far it's just announcements and NONE make much sense since without a gameplay turn shown (at least one!) you can't make a clear idea of what's changing with the expansion but it seems to me FFG had only to gain by being present, giving demos (which will appear on YouTube) and announcing their expansion.

I'm not that disappointed... I just don't understand the reasons behind this choice. Everybody is there but FFG. Why?

Did you check Asmodee?

They are now the owners of FFG and they have a big section in SPIEL so maybe they can provide some info in tgeir stands

Did you check Asmodee?

They are now the owners of FFG and they have a big section in SPIEL so maybe they can provide some info in tgeir stands

Oh I didn't know that... but that's why the asmodee domain was used by their tech support.... now I connect the dots. :-)

Can't find anything about XCom unfortunately.

Hi! :-)

Yes I found it but well... Eric is very active and while cogollo explained what happened at corporative level here, he knew I was looking for Evolution at Spiel there at BGG.

So they DID display it and there is more stuff than the announcement of last August showed us.

Can't say I had enough... I would like to see the whole set of rules and components, not that it changes anything to me, I will buy it anyway. ;-)

... but at least it would satisfy my curiosity. We've been playing XCom very intensively here and I can't wait to see the rules because of some variants I've been testing whose mechanics will surely be affected by the new cards and units.

Edited by GShock112

Patience is the greatest virtue for a board gamer wanting expansions in my experience...

62 more days to go at wayland for the pre-order. It looks like they also cut down the price a bit... meanwhile there are some pictures from Spiel that added more to my X-Com Fever!