Collecting cycles and rotation

By FinPete82, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

anyone else feel like when first data pack arrives on eight cycle, that´s the end of collecting Netrunner?

I´ve collected every single card to my pool and if there´s going to be so called dublicates from eight cycle, whats the point continuing?

except tournament gameplay ofcourse.

Any thoughts?

I don't know what you're talking about. "So called dublicates (sic) from eight cycle?" What the hell does that mean?

They have said that future cycles won't have direct reprints of existing cards.

Edited by Grimwalker

What? No. I'll get a box for all my out of cycle stuff to live in.

What? No. I'll get a box for all my out of cycle stuff to live in.

Already got mine :D

I hope there is still some archived format which uses the old cycles. But yeah I need to catch up on my collection. Ever since the Seattle and surrounding areas rent skyrocketed I haven't been spending much money on FFG products.

Edited by Marinealver

I'm sure there will be some fan-supported one, but I don't expect FFG will do anything with it.

Any casual play can use whatever cards are agreed upon before the game. It is only official FFG competition which rotation will effect

Probably best to assume that rotation is in effect for casual play unless otherwise specified in advance, though.

Edited by Grimwalker

Any casual play can use whatever cards are agreed upon before the game. It is only official FFG competition which rotation will effect

Probably best to assume that rotation is in effect for casual play unless otherwise specified in advance, though.

Define casual? Not using the Most Wanted list? Well that would also be casual. In cases after cards start cycling out in "friendly matches" (aka Casual) I think it would be best to get an approval from both players (whole set/ current cycle only, tournament format) what type of game to bring.

That being said the key word is both players. If you bring your "casual" deck which still has Howard Jackson in it and your opponent only brought their tournament deck; it would not be fair for you to ask him to play against your casual deck. So bottom line is both players have to agree not just to the other players deck but also be playing the same format.

Edited by Marinealver

"Define casual" means that ever since I started playing LCGs, the default assumption is that decks should be built to current tournament standards. The MWL applies, Restricted List for games that have it, sleeve your decks, and once rotation happens, leave the Block 1 cards in the box.

The only exception I've routinely encountered is that proxies of cards that you don't own yet or don't have enough copies of almost always get a pass.

The rationale seems to be that casual play is almost always viewable as tournament practice on some level.