Going back to RtL

By Billax, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

SoB is pretty disappointing. It's as if they didn't play-test it at all. After the first island dungeon, which clearly wasn't play-tested correctly as there's two spots to put the same tile, we tried a sea encounter. We got ambushed, set up our ships, placed the rocks in the sea, then realized that we could be destroyed instantly in one of the first couple turns by random dice rolls. What's more is the overlord's ship has hawkeye cannons and can shoot you multiple times, possibly sinking you, before you even get close to them. All the ship mechanics seem incredibly awkward and forced on to Descent. We're going back to RtL next time we play, at least we can use the new dungeons and possibly new rumors. Anyone else play SoB yet and have the same or different opinions? I'll also throw out that I've loved Descent and all the other 4 expansions up until now.

I'm really excited to play SoB, but won't for a good month or two (we want to finish our current RtL campaign first). I love the change that the game offers, boats, islands, etc.

As for playtesting, we know it was playtested (some of the testers have said so on the forums here). The fact that printing botched by putting two components on the same token is usually not something revealed in playtesting. And you're making your judgement of a bad game after only one encounter? There are bound to be some encounters that are rather difficult, the one you got being one of them.

I'd say give it a little more of a chance, granted if your friends are willing. Otherwise, be happy with the additions to RtL and continue playing that game :)
