
By Toxicjedi, in Runebound

Hello everyone i was wondering Since you can equip two weapons.

can you use both weapon effects in the same round?

meaning to say that if i had Lightning Mace with its +4 to melee roll And Dragon Tooth Hammer's activate after a succseful attack to inflict +1 wound.

would i get a plus 4 to my roll and if sucsessful then i could imidiatly activate the dragon tooth hammer for the +1 wound?

Next question

When you go up in expierence does the damage you do in that trait go up as well?

Any help would be greatly appreciated Thank.

Answer to first question: Yes and no. You can only use one "activate to use " item per ROUND of combat, but since the Lightning Mace is not an "activate to use" item, you could use the effects of both mentioned weapons. The Lightning Mace is an "always on" item. Check the symbols on the left side of the card. "Always on" items show a sword hilt, "activate to use" cards show an hour glass.

The answer to your second question is no. When you "level up", the +2 counter adds to your die rolls for that ability, not damage.

I see that makes perfect sence ,Thank you so much for clearing that up for me.

I love this game its too bad i get stuck playing it solo. Anyway thanks again and have a great New Year.


No problem. As far as playing solo goes, Runebound is fantastic. I play it that way myself very often and it works very well. Go to and check out "Mr. Skeletor's Solo Runebound Rules". That may help make your solo games a little more enjoyable!