Question: RTL and Gold Piles

By howlingfang, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just started our first RTL campaign and it is going pretty smoothly. One question that has come up is what is a Gold Pile (or whatever they are called) worth. I couldn't find them specifically mentioned, so are they worth 400 coins (100 per hero) as in normal Descent, or are they only worth 100 coins since the money is all pooled?



400 as per normal Descent.

But all 400 go in the common party purse, dont they? As I understand it only the party treasurer actually has the coins but any character may spend them, such as when returning to town from the dungeon etc. Right?

Correct. RtL rules:

In the Advanced Campaign, the heroes pool their wealth into a party treasury, from which any hero may spend. Heroes do not lose coins when they die in the Advanced Campaign.

Yeah, so it doesn't really matter *who* the party treasurer is, and in our games, there's just a place on the table that is the party's coins and no one is officially the treasurer...


We avoid the coin hassle altogether and just use a post-it.