This will likely be an opinion-based thing, but that's fine. So, you're a Rogue Trader, traveling along, and you find a world with a resource you fancy. Now, you could blast its current owners back to the Stone Age, with your weapons, and/or enslave the planet to your/the Imperium's will, but the people there seem intelligent, and interested in a partnership; you get the resource, and allies, possibly (and ones other RTs/the Imperium can't as easily influence), and they get something akin to access to the wider galaxy, possibly some of your resources. It could be a win/win.
Thing is, in a setting like 40k, once you forgo the dakka! option, I could see this accord being sealed by something like a marriage. This works, but you, the Rogue Trader, might be the wrong gender/persuasion, or already married. You might not be willing to use your hand up; who knows if another, similar situation might creep up, and you can't marry again? (a personal choice) You might not have any interest in marriage (you'll get an heir eventually, with, or without that), or you might be like Duke Leto Atreides, of Dune, and need to always keep a potential option for advancement by marriage open; this resource might be nice, but not compared to marrying the Lord Sector's grand-daughter, and cementing a truly powerful relationship. You also might not have an easily available sibling, ready to do the deed for you.
Well, you are part of a dynasty that stands akin to a Planetary Governor, or even an Inquisitor, depending on your dint, and you are not alone. You bring your retinue along, and these people might have been part of your dynasty for their entire lives, whole generations of their family, serving your family. Could it work, if they were interested, to have one of them marry the representative of the place you want to "add to your dynasty's holdings", sort of in your place? With the weird, semi-feudal world they call 40K, if you, a Rogue Trader, are important enough to basically be a Noble, could you make a case that your immediate retainers, people possibly so loyal to you, and your family, that they actually accompany you , and declared as such by you, would qualify?
I kind of like the idea that the other characters are also "pseudo-nobility", and could, in this way, add to the dynasty's web of influence, same as its scion. The RT might be a step above, mechanically-speaking, but their retainers are directly connected to the resources, and their families might be sworn to service, eternally. It could be a nice way of having them also feel inclined to branch out their personal obligations, or try to acquire things, like most people do (a spouse, a reward, whatever have you). They can access your funds, they can garner you Peers/Enemies, that effect your whole dynasty's PF. Seems they maybe could contribute in this way, too.
Could it work? Has anyone done it, and care to share? Sorry if it's a little weird, but it seems it could be a fine excuse to do some actual role-playing, maybe even a reason to, if you don't happen to be the Rogue Trader.