So I'm not sure how much of this is allowed but having purchased the adventure once I don't want to drop another 30+ just for a few cards. Anyways what happened was my friend and I wanted to play this game with our group long ago and bought it and a few adventures including edge of the night. They didn't care for it as much so after a few sessions we dropped it, fast forward a few years and we're playing it with a new group. We just closed act 1 of edge of the night and are moving into act two where I think it's time to prep the final enemy's action cards aaaand I hit a wall. I have Gristlegore, have my clan rats and eshin assassins as well as they're warp stone throwing stars even the big bad boss and many other Skaven cards. Alas I seem to be missing all of the final villains spell action cards Death Frenzy, Pestilent Breath, Skitterleap, Vermintide and warp lightning. It seems some time in those years of storage these particular cards got lost. So I reach out to the community to see if I can get scans of these cards alone so that we can move forwards with completing this adventure.
Edited by Dark Bunny LordMissing action cards, edge of the night
You can download scans of those cards here:
Also, here's a complete component list (not made by me) if you want to check if anything is missing from any other expansions:
You can download scans of those cards here:
Also, here's a complete component list (not made by me) if you want to check if anything is missing from any other expansions: