DICE STORAGE: How are you planning to store your dice?

By Harmonica, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi everyone,

I thought I would start a topic on how you plan to store your dice? Do we have official dimensions on the dice yet?

I am planning to get a few booster boxes, so I will definitely need to manage how I store everything.

Additionally, for those of you planning to collect this as well, are you concerned about the daily wear and tear on the dice?

If you are planning to trade or buy singles, does the dice condition matter to you?

Just some thoughts.

Edited by Harmonica

A few booster boxes! oh my you are a sith lord! :) I might just buy 1 to have a decent dice pool.

the dice wear is a concern to me the faces are printed I am not sure how they will hold up. I guess we will find out.

If the faces are wearing of eventually the dice condition will matter a lot as it might not be valid during official play.

And OP might not be what the public will go for. I also like dragon dice (yes it still lives look at these guys SFR-inc.com) that is heavily based on dice strategy and the math behind it. Star Wars Destiny is clearly set to addressing a lot more people then a pure dice or card game. It's character driven setup and the option to add dice during play might just prove it a good casual game where OP does not matter. And that being said it just might be that people because of this will be drawn to OP.

exciting times indeed!

Didn't they say something abot the dice being super resilient? I'm sure I read that.

Ya, the faces are heat printed so they're supposed to last quite a bit. Also Zach over at Team Covenant has been playing with stuff since GenCon and said the dice are holding up quite well through lots of play.

Do we have official dimensions on the dice yet?

around ~22mm, roughly the size of King of Tokyo or Seasons dice.

I'm planning on using a metal Star Wars lunch box with a custom insert as my dice/deck holder, at least until they don't fit. I'd love it if there was a foam insert that the dice could fit nicely into, but I'll probably end up using foam board.

Do we have official dimensions on the dice yet?

around ~22mm, roughly the size of King of Tokyo or Seasons dice.

I just found a picture of the Destiny dice next to a Seasons dice. The Seasons dice is definitely larger, so I checked out the dimensions on those and it is listed as 21mm. So I am guessing we are getting 20mm dice, maybe smaller.

Do we have official dimensions on the dice yet?

around ~22mm, roughly the size of King of Tokyo or Seasons dice.

I just found a picture of the Destiny dice next to a Seasons dice. The Seasons dice is definitely larger, so I checked out the dimensions on those and it is listed as 21mm. So I am guessing we are getting 20mm dice, maybe smaller.

I haven't had a chance to compare but ~22mm is the answer I got when I asked them, where did you see the pic at, I'd like to see it.


I think there's a little bit of illusion going on here that makes you think the Seasons die is bigger. a) it's closer to the camera, and b) I think the seasons die has "squarer" corners. Either of these would probably make the dice look dissimilar in size, both of them combined makes it exagerated.


I think there's a little bit of illusion going on here that makes you think the Seasons die is bigger. a) it's closer to the camera, and b) I think the seasons die has "squarer" corners. Either of these would probably make the dice look dissimilar in size, both of them combined makes it exagerated.

I don't believe there is any optical issue going on here, however the Destiny dice is definitely more rounded as you pointed out.


When going to tournaments, we will need to bring our dice with us for trades or last second substitutions. This is mostly where my idea for this thread came from. I am guessing FFG will make something to hold our dice in should the game pick up a lot of steam. Additionally I expect people to get fairly creative with what they store everything in.

There will always be collectors in games like this where rarities are involved. It would be interesting to see if somebody wants to collect perfect condition dice in addition to a play set. I definitely do not rank myself in this sort of category, although I do prefer to keep my gaming items in the best possible condition.

As a general question, if you are making a trade for a card + dice, does the condition of the dice matter to you?

Edited by Harmonica

If I can't notice a blemish on the die when it sits on the table like we were playing a game it'll be passable to me. If I can see a deep scratch or it looks like a dog chewed it I'd pass. I'm probably a little more picky with cards, though that will probably depend on how things come out of the packs as well. I tend to put fames like this in books of card pages, and actively playing cards in sleeves.

I know there has been some discussion about the starter decks containing a holder for up to 15 dice (six more than what the starters come with). That could be a good way to start until all the cool accessories come out.

There are a lot of cool dice bags on etsy , but that seems like a lot of work when you have to go find the dice you want.

Me, I want a S.H.I.E.L.D. style suitcase with foam lining with spaces for my dice collection. Is that too much to ask.

Or maybe a Holocron shaped dice holder.

We should also make a distinction here... are we talking holding the dice collection or the dice being used in a particular deck?

Or maybe a Holocron shaped dice holder.

Edited by weaponxmerc

When it comes to storing dice (and cards), I've got two solutions.

For weekly play or tournaments, I'm going to try using the Ultra Pro Pro-Dual deckbox . The two compartments are for two different decks, but whichever compartment your dice aren't in will more than likely fit all the dice you need to play the deck you're bringing.

For collection storage, can't go wrong with a simple Plano tray. They've served me well for X-Wing, and should do well here.

i'm going to bring all my dice and cards in a ziplock freezer bag and dump them out on the table next to me, just to OCD stress out my opponent. :P

I'm going to use the FFG deck box from the launch party. Its the perfect size to hold lots of dice, find the dice you need and keep them safe for travel.


found some FA pencil tins that can easily hold a deck or 2 and 20+ dice.

I make my own chainmail dice bags. So that's an easy problem for me =)

Chainmail with a soft lining right. Or those dice Will be hamburger in no time I guess. How ever you have the prof of that. Could you share a pic case Chainmail dicebag is way cool

I've never actually posted a picture on these forums, so give me a bit to figure it out. I use anodized aluminum with saw cut ends so there isn't anything really for the dice to catch on and the metal is soft enough that it doesn't mar the dice...so far.

I think a Plano tray will be perfect to start with. I play a game called Dice Masters, and a company released a product called Zen Bins that is really handy for that game. The dice in Destiny are a bit bigger. So that won't work (unless they come out with a larger tray for the larger dice). I imagine on game day, though, the good ol' plastic box with multiple dividers will be good enough for a team's dice and tokens.