DISCUSSION: Rare cards in Starter Packs and Boosters... aka the worst!

By Harmonica, in Star Wars: Destiny

In your example I would point out to the new player, yes there are some low value rates, 6. But you have a better chance of pulling a legendary then pulling op one of these.

And hey if my friend wants to trade a Jetpack for Jedi Robes who am I to say no??

Scum for life!

Except there is no correlation between the favorable Legandary distribution and the problematic starter rare issue. One doesn't cause the other, so there is no reason you couldn't have both the favorable Legandary and not have a bunch of worthless rares. That would yield better expected value from booster, meaning people are more likely to feel comfortable buting them over singles, which again is good for FFG because they make money on boosters.

You're offering the favorable Legandary distribution as a salve the the problematic starter rare issue. I did that a number of posts ago, but doing so doesn't change the fact that having rares in boosters be inherently undervalued is a bad idea.

Boils down to no fixed starters except for the characters

Boils down to no fixed starters except for the characters

Or the opposite - no fixed "rares", but more fixed cards that are NOT included in the boosters. You do have to guarantee that the starters are semi-playable out of the box.

The way I look at it, the starter Rares look like cards I may want extras of for multiple decks, so I don't have a problem with the idea of pulling them from packs. And honestly, that is preferable to me then having to keep buying more starters. I actually hate when cards are starter only. Obviously the 2 per deck limit helps with this game, but back in the days of the Decipher SWCCG, there were some starter only cards I wanted 15-20 copies of. Would have been much nicer to be able to pull them in packs as well.

ITT: People complaining about the rare loss of 3 dollars. It's not like other CCGs don't have the occasional worthless rare.

ITT: People complaining about the rare loss of 3 dollars. It's not like other CCGs don't have the occasional worthless rare.

There are going to be other worthless rares just by virtue of the fact that they aren't any good and no one plays them. That's going to happen in every game and is just something you have to accept. But having rares that, independent of their playability, are going to have very little value isn't something that had to happen.

So not only do you have the naturally occuring low value rares, but you have ones that are inherently going to be low value due to oversupply. That just doubling down on that negative aspect of blind buys.

Availability of a card isn't the only thing that influences it's value. Usability and individual desire also play a part.

They just need to make starter rares alternate art or foil/holo.

Yugioh did this great where there were like a bajillion different versions of Blue Eyes White Dragon across all the different starter sets and booster boxes. All the art was different though, so pulling a Blue Eyes in a booster wasn't a loss and still satisfying for the collector.

There is an card in magic that was uncommon had a starter deck with 2 in it, has just been reprinted and is still 11+ dollars.

I wonder too how OP will intersect with this, if you get an alt-art card will you also get the matching dice?

Would that take some of the sting out of the legendary rarity?

After all, I think getting an alt-art Phasma is not going to be great if you don't have at least the dice and there is no dice given with the card.

Edited by Amanal

I wonder too how OP will intersect with this, if you get an alt-art card will you also get the matching dice?

Would that take some of the sting out of the legendary rarity?

After all, I think getting an alt-art Phasma is not going to be great if you don't have at least the dice and there is no dice given with the card.

I actually love the Legendary rarity and think it was a great choice. Absolute zero problems with that.

Alt art cards still have massive value and are independent(at this time) from the dice.

The issue at hand has nothing to do with the Legendary rarity or alt art. The issue is that the cards in the starter packs should have been made starter cards, not rares. Which means less people annoyed with getting the 400th(#exageration) BB8 card instead of stuff they actually need. Just look at the breakdowns I have posted in this thread. On average, we can expect to get 4-5 starter rares in a booster box. That is one pack in 7 to 9. Those are terrible odds and I think people should be ticked off by them. Especially since everything else has blown me and my expectations away about this game.

Edited by Harmonica

I wonder too how OP will intersect with this, if you get an alt-art card will you also get the matching dice?

Would that take some of the sting out of the legendary rarity?

After all, I think getting an alt-art Phasma is not going to be great if you don't have at least the dice and there is no dice given with the card.

Also promos are print on demand, made in house at FFG HQ. They do not have the facilities to make dice in house.

Edited by ScottieATF

I wonder too how OP will intersect with this, if you get an alt-art card will you also get the matching dice?

Would that take some of the sting out of the legendary rarity?

After all, I think getting an alt-art Phasma is not going to be great if you don't have at least the dice and there is no dice given with the card.

What sting needs to be taken out if the Legendary rarity?

Also promos are print on demand, made in house at FFG HQ. They do not have the facilities to make dice in house.

I tend to be the guy that gets 4 less that "expected" and then I get to watch while someone does laps for getting 4 more than expected.

I wonder too how OP will intersect with this, if you get an alt-art card will you also get the matching dice?

Would that take some of the sting out of the legendary rarity?

After all, I think getting an alt-art Phasma is not going to be great if you don't have at least the dice and there is no dice given with the card.

What sting needs to be taken out if the Legendary rarity?

Also promos are print on demand, made in house at FFG HQ. They do not have the facilities to make dice in house.

I tend to be the guy that gets 4 less that "expected" and then I get to watch while someone does laps for getting 4 more than expected.

Use statistical probability to your advantage. Buy boosters efficiently and then singles after that.

Everyone is going to have to deal with the luck side of things, but overall this game minimizes the sting, at least outside of the starter rares.