Portland, OR Launch Event

By developerzero, in Star Wars: Destiny

Wanted to let anyone else in the Portland Metro area know that Guardian Games ( http://www.ggportland.com ) will be hosting launch events on both the 19th (Saturday) & 20th (Sunday). According to the calendar ( http://www.ggportland.com/calendar/ ) they're limited to 12 slots each, and when I asked over the weekend they said they weren't reserving spaces (yet), but I recommend checking back around the start of November.

If you're planning on (or thinking about) going, post below to say Hey! And May the Force be with you!

I would like to join, coming from Southern Oregon as i don't think my store is having an event. Though it will only be if we can reserve slots as driving 5 hours to not play would be a bummer.

I will definitely try to be there!

A few updates:

1) I got confirmation today that Guardian Games got their Pre-Release Kits for Saturday & Sunday, so the events are definately a go!

2) Apparently, an employee at the store started a list of people last week who were interested in the event, and it somehow ended up as a pre-registration, so Saturday is now full, and a couple slots on Sunday have been claimed. However, since they're not pre-paid, if anyone doesn't show then the slots are first-come, so come by anyway.

3) I've also started up a couple Meetup events as part of a Portland-area Star Wars Meetup group for the Pre-Release if anyone's interested in meeting and discussing starting a regular group to play casually at Guardian Games. You can view the events here:


and here:


I hope to see some of you there, and May the Force be With You!

I signed up for the Saturday event last weekend, I'm very excited to come down and play! Nobody take MY slot!