Jabba's realm vs. Hoth content-wise

By ricope, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

So eh back to topic:

Looks like it's very likely we'll have some huge tiles that overlaps with core tiles to create those interior rooms

I'm still very curious on how the Sarlacc pit's going to work though since this is very likely a rule mistake by FFG marketing team

Never saw the instagram pic, got any other ones? I'm excited for more missions

I hope they introduce a new mechanism similar to the threat missions in Hoth: someone's going to have a slight dis/advantage until that mission is completed

edit: Also there better be some good surprises in that mission . Otherwise I don't see there to be any reason at all for Rebels to not take the red path (I'm sure the intention is for Rebels to take the purple path): why move like 8 spaces when you can get there with only 4 spaces?

When you say rules mistake. Are you saying we haven't seen a rule for it, or that you feel it is a rule that will prove to be a mistake? I ask because Rush is on Onar's card, which is the ability to enter a space and have the option to push an adjacent figure one space. So I'm confused where the mistake is.

When you say rules mistake. Are you saying we haven't seen a rule for it, or that you feel it is a rule that will prove to be a mistake? I ask because Rush is on Onar's card, which is the ability to enter a space and have the option to push an adjacent figure one space. So I'm confused where the mistake is.

It's in pushing a figure into an impassible terrain space or through an impassible terrain edge. While you can be counting spaces and drawing line of sight through impassible terrain and impassible terrain edges, a figure cannot move or be pushed into or through them (without Mobile).

But I'm fairly confident it is an example from a mission that contains some mission rules for the case.

Edited by a1bert

Ahh, I see what you are saying. Sorry, still, why would there be an impassible dotted-red line there. It isn't like you are going to be on the other side of the line shooting back into the field of battle. Maybe that is the mistake.

To differentiate it from the other spaces? If its an instant kill, you need demarcation, because it won't be difficult terrain. And its not blocking, because you could shoot somebody on the other side, there's no hills, and mobile figures can probably just fly right over it.

The mission rule will probably say "Any figure without mobile who enters the spaces marked by the impassable border around the Saarlac pit will be defeated, any heroes withdrawn." Or something like that.

To differentiate it from the other spaces? If its an instant kill, you need demarcation, because it won't be difficult terrain. And its not blocking, because you could shoot somebody on the other side, there's no hills, and mobile figures can probably just fly right over it.

The mission rule will probably say "Any figure without mobile who enters the spaces marked by the impassable border around the Saarlac pit will be defeated, any heroes withdrawn." Or something like that.

Star Wars Miniatures had a yellow line (if I remember right) that delineated a pit or other instant death square. Maybe FFG should create a new border for those types of terrain.

They've already used impassible terrain/lines in other missions such as Imperial Command Hub (all smuggler) where a full wall disappears if you interact with the terminal I think, so there's no reason they couldn't have a rule that says the dotted line around the Sarlaac pit has these special rules >>>

Mission rules trump regular rules.

Wotc had orange/brown lines for pits. Unfortunately, impassable terrain represents both pits, and low blocking terrain.






Doesn't one of the missions in TBG feature having to push a character into the carbon freezing chamber? I mean, obviously it would be nice to just have a universal rule for this sort of thing, but if the concern is for encounters like the sarlaac pit, I'm sure the mission rules can overrule the universal rules to allow for sarlaac carnage.

We have good universal and thematic rules. Impassible is what the name implies.

Figures (without Mobile or Massive) cannot enter impassible terrain or move or be pushed through impassible terrain edges.

Exceptions to the general rules are specified by mission rules if needed by the specific mission. It would be a waste to create new general rules that you would need to know even when they apply to only a few specific missions. The RRG says that text on cards and mission rules can override general rules, even when the general rule uses cannot. (Only rules/abilities on cards and mission rules using cannot are absolute.)

Note, the mission rules in the mentioned Bespin Gambit mission do not actually override the impassible terrain rules.

Edited by a1bert

About 1/3 to 1/2 of the map tiles in Hoth were tiny little snow conversion tiles that transitioned snow > forest, snow > sand, snow > imperial, snow > junk.

Since Jabba's Realm is more likely to just use the sand and junk tile palettes without introducing a brand new palette like Hoth and Bespin did, it's likely that far less transitional tiles were needed.

Speaking of tiles (maybe I need to start a new topic) I was looking through some of them today, there is the inside of a star destroyer bridge on the back of the cantina from twin shadows. What other tiles are there that never see use? I've never seen that one in a map

Speaking of tiles (maybe I need to start a new topic) I was looking through some of them today, there is the inside of a star destroyer bridge on the back of the cantina from twin shadows. What other tiles are there that never see use? I've never seen that one in a map

iirc the Cantina side was used in TS mini-campaign #1 and the skirmish mission. The Star destroyer side was used for both of the possible finales in TS mini-campaign

which brings back to the topic "tiles from expansion X never gets used outside expansion X, wouldn't it be nice that expansion Y also gets to use it?" and I think at least for now the answer is no, since FFG doesn't want to alienate players

Speaking of tiles (maybe I need to start a new topic) I was looking through some of them today, there is the inside of a star destroyer bridge on the back of the cantina from twin shadows. What other tiles are there that never see use? I've never seen that one in a map

The star destroyer bridge is also used in Kayn Somos's Agenda Mission.

Isn't his agenda mission one of the Twin Shadows finales?

No, those are just regular agenda missions. You have to buy the Kayn Somos Expansion for his agenda set.