Jabba's realm vs. Hoth content-wise

By ricope, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

What I'm curious about is the articles imply the heroes are stuck in Tatooine... So what about side missions? What about all those ally and hero missions set on other planets?

SPOILER for Hoth Campaign

The early missions of the Return to Hoth campaign have the heroes hide and barricade themselves in a remote safehouse to hide from the Imps blockading the planet. The next story mission involves the Imps breaching the barricades and assaulting the safehouse. There's a side mission window immedietely before that (IIRC my group took a stroll around Bestpin for that). So I don't think the developers are paying that much heed to stuff like that.

I would like to see your SnowTrooper list if there is such a thing as I have 2 elites and 1 regular that never get played.

Typical list is:

eStormtrooper x2 (18)

eSnowtrooper (10)

Imperial Officer x2 (4)

And can either go Agent Blaise + Zillo Technique + Rule by Fear or Royal Guard for the remaining 8 points.


I played that list extensively and then switched out the Snowtroopers for Computerized eHeavies. I've never looked back. They're nuts when Hidden by Blaise, plus Snows are best as a Blast counter, and I don't think there's that much Blast to worry about right now.

What I'm curious about is the articles imply the heroes are stuck in Tatooine... So what about side missions? What about all those ally and hero missions set on other planets?

SPOILER for Hoth Campaign

The early missions of the Return to Hoth campaign have the heroes hide and barricade themselves in a remote safehouse to hide from the Imps blockading the planet. The next story mission involves the Imps breaching the barricades and assaulting the safehouse. There's a side mission window immedietely before that (IIRC my group took a stroll around Bestpin for that). So I don't think the developers are paying that much heed to stuff like that.

I really don't like that. See, this is why I don't like having campaigns on a single planet. Say what you will about the base game, at least it did feel like Star Wars by hopping planet to planet.

I would like to see your SnowTrooper list if there is such a thing as I have 2 elites and 1 regular that never get played.

Typical list is:

eStormtrooper x2 (18)

eSnowtrooper (10)

Imperial Officer x2 (4)

And can either go Agent Blaise + Zillo Technique + Rule by Fear or Royal Guard for the remaining 8 points.


So this isn't a Snowtrooper list, just eStormies with Snow Support. Have you tried the eWing Guard? Same amount of points, but I think the offense might be better due to rerolls and+2dmg surge instead of the pierce. The focus/weaken is so hard to get without rerolls imo.

@the DonSilvarro, I'm bringing BLAST back!

@Campaign talk, and mapbuilding - i prefer bouncing around and all the map tiles so far have been out there as Twin Shadows had some forest as did hot and even Bespin had some swamp stuff.

I think they need to start mixing up the expansions for Skirmish esp in the Villain/Ally packs as they are more optional and don't come with any actual tiles themselves. I'd love to see what they can make with a combination of some of these tiles now that there are 4 expansion packs and a big core set. I know another 4player map is coming with Jabba's Realm, but those are aberrations.

Edited by buckero0

SPOILER for Hoth Campaign

The early missions of the Return to Hoth campaign have the heroes hide and barricade themselves in a remote safehouse to hide from the Imps blockading the planet. The next story mission involves the Imps breaching the barricades and assaulting the safehouse. There's a side mission window immedietely before that (IIRC my group took a stroll around Bestpin for that). So I don't think the developers are paying that much heed to stuff like that.

You weren't paying close enough attention to the story then - Haven isn't on Hoth, its on Ison. The campaign has you mostly travelling between those two planets, and the flavour text of the briefings do account for you having been away on side missions, for example White Noise begins with "You return to Haven because proximity alerts are notifying you of an approaching Imperial fleet". Also the end of Battle of Hoth mentions the loss of Han at Bespin, so the whole movie occurs between the end of the mission and the start of the next one.

I really don't like that. See, this is why I don't like having campaigns on a single planet. Say what you will about the base game, at least it did feel like Star Wars by hopping planet to planet.

Neither of the two main campaigns are set on single planets. The core campaign has you travelling all over the show, and Return to Hoth has you travelling between at least two planets (Hoth and Ison). In the core campaign they don't specify the planet names very often... the initial mission is set on Yavin, one story mission refers to Coruscant, and at least one is set on a Star Destroyer, but the rest are kind of vague... except for the side missions, they always specify the planet on the card.

The mini campaigns don't really count - they're only there as a way to play the new side missions without replaying the full campaign, and they're short stories that don't have you travelling much anywhere.

Edited by neosmagus

We have desert, forest and snow on Earth... the planet all of Star Wars was shot on. Hoping to different planets is just a way of saying, "hey look, I'm not ripping off Kurosawa!"

I would like to see your SnowTrooper list if there is such a thing as I have 2 elites and 1 regular that never get played.

Typical list is:

eStormtrooper x2 (18)

eSnowtrooper (10)

Imperial Officer x2 (4)

And can either go Agent Blaise + Zillo Technique + Rule by Fear or Royal Guard for the remaining 8 points.


So this isn't a Snowtrooper list, just eStormies with Snow Support. Have you tried the eWing Guard? Same amount of points, but I think the offense might be better due to rerolls and+2dmg surge instead of the pierce. The focus/weaken is so hard to get without rerolls imo.

Lastly Wing Guards are good too, but have to be careful on the accuracy. They dont get that surge ability.


We have desert, forest and snow on Earth... the planet all of Star Wars was shot on. Hoping to different planets is just a way of saying, "hey look, I'm not ripping off Kurosawa!"

But he always admitted, that he was ripping off Kurosawa. A New Hope IS The Hidden Fortress (Death Star). The true protagonists are R2-D2 and C-3PO (Tahei and Matashichi).

SPOILER for Hoth Campaign

The early missions of the Return to Hoth campaign have the heroes hide and barricade themselves in a remote safehouse to hide from the Imps blockading the planet. The next story mission involves the Imps breaching the barricades and assaulting the safehouse. There's a side mission window immedietely before that (IIRC my group took a stroll around Bestpin for that). So I don't think the developers are paying that much heed to stuff like that.

You weren't paying close enough attention to the story then - Haven isn't on Hoth, its on Ison. The campaign has you mostly travelling between those two planets, and the flavour text of the briefings do account for you having been away on side missions, for example White Noise begins with "You return to Haven because proximity alerts are notifying you of an approaching Imperial fleet". Also the end of Battle of Hoth mentions the loss of Han at Bespin, so the whole movie occurs between the end of the mission and the start of the next one.

I really don't like that. See, this is why I don't like having campaigns on a single planet. Say what you will about the base game, at least it did feel like Star Wars by hopping planet to planet.

Neither of the two main campaigns are set on single planets. The core campaign has you travelling all over the show, and Return to Hoth has you travelling between at least two planets (Hoth and Ison). In the core campaign they don't specify the planet names very often... the initial mission is set on Yavin, one story mission refers to Coruscant, and at least one is set on a Star Destroyer, but the rest are kind of vague... except for the side missions, they always specify the planet on the card.

The mini campaigns don't really count - they're only there as a way to play the new side missions without replaying the full campaign, and they're short stories that don't have you travelling much anywhere.

Well that makes me feel better about it, for sure. I've only ever touched the core campaign, but when I'm done painting my minis we're jumping right into Hoth.

So, without getting too spoilers, is there a logical reason for having a side mission right in between two safehouse missions that Silvarro mentioned? Or were you saying that those two safehouses were really two entirely different locations?

So, without getting too spoilers, is there a logical reason for having a side mission right in between two safehouse missions that Silvarro mentioned? Or were you saying that those two safehouses were really two entirely different locations?

He misunderstood the story progression probably - you kinda have to pay close attention to the resolution text at the end of the first mission, and the briefing (and card text) for the second story mission.

There's only one "safehouse", and only one safehouse mission. The story does make sense. Chances are in his campaign they missed the second section of resolution text (there's one for win, one for lose, and then one you read for both cases after reading the win/loss) which describes them leaving Hoth. Missing that would make it seem like it was all on the same planet, and that the second mission happens almost immediately.

mild spoiler:

The evacuees from Hoth (those transports that take off in the movies, not the heroes you play) take refuge on another planet because the rendesvous point mentioned in the movie is compromised. Only weeks later does the Empire attack the location, and thats the second story mission, the Rebel heroes coming back to Ison to help in the defense. There's plenty time story wise to go to a side mission. At least thats based on our story progression, there's the alternate path if you lose the first mission, I didn't check the details, but everybody still went to Ison either way.

Edited by neosmagus

He misunderstood the story progression probably - you kinda have to pay close attention to the resolution text at the end of the first mission, and the briefing (and card text) for the second story mission.

The evacuees from Hoth (those transports that take off in the movies, not the heroes you play) take refuge on another planet because the rendesvous point mentioned in the movie is compromised. Only weeks later does the Empire attack the location, and thats the second story mission, the Rebel heroes coming back to Ison to help in the defense. There's plenty time story wise to go to a side mission. At least thats based on our story progression, there's the alternate path if you lose the first mission, I didn't check the details, but everybody still went to Ison either way.

So its only one "safe house". Chances are in his campaign they missed the second section of resolution text (there's one for win, one for lose, and then one you read for both cases after reading the win/loss) which describes them leaving Hoth. Missing that would make it seem like it was all on the same planet, and that the second mission happens almost immediately.

Okay, cool. That's a little more relieving.

We have desert, forest and snow on Earth... the planet all of Star Wars was shot on. Hoping to different planets is just a way of saying, "hey look, I'm not ripping off Kurosawa!"

But he always admitted, that he was ripping off Kurosawa. A New Hope IS The Hidden Fortress (Death Star). The true protagonists are R2-D2 and C-3PO (Tahei and Matashichi).

Someone should have mentioned that to JJ. Instead we get some Mary Sue garbage and the real hero and his buddy with the red arm are sidelined until the end.

Okay, cool. That's a little more relieving.

In our game we kept referring to Ison/Haven as "Snow-planet-that-isn't-Hoth" :D

In fact later in the campaign there's two story missions right after each other with no side mission, because they happen at the same location with the second right after the first.

We have desert, forest and snow on Earth... the planet all of Star Wars was shot on. Hoping to different planets is just a way of saying, "hey look, I'm not ripping off Kurosawa!"

But he always admitted, that he was ripping off Kurosawa. A New Hope IS The Hidden Fortress (Death Star). The true protagonists are R2-D2 and C-3PO (Tahei and Matashichi).

Someone should have mentioned that to JJ. Instead we get some Mary Sue garbage and the real hero and his buddy with the red arm are sidelined until the end.

Yes, indeed. A new hope starts with the true heroes, Episode III ends with them. 3PO has the first line of the first trilogy and the last line of the second trilogy.

Star Wars is the first Hollywood movie (series), that is not filmed in chronological order, that doesn't primaryly follows the "big" heroes, that has parallel storytelling (especially the end of Episode VI - Emperor's throne room, battle on Endor, battle in space), etc..

Star Wars Episode IV to VI are an educational example for many storytelling concepts never seen in Hollywood before. (Not even mentioning the revolution of special effects.)

Yes, someone should have mentioned that to JJ. (By the way, I still like Episode VII more than I to III.)

Edited by DerBaer

I imagine as others have said it just means they are using more existing. Hoth was on a snow planet and required a lot of new tiles to establish this.. they also might have learned from Hoth that introducing so many new tiles was a huge headache and should be avoided in the future, thus this approach.

I'm hoping we have some variety in indoor tiles as well. Maybe Jabba's palace and another place. We have imperial base station, cantina and bespin spots, but few generic interior tiles.

Does anyone know how IBSH scans his maps? I bet we could make some pretty cool missions and so on by mixing Bespin and Twin Shadows and Hoth and not just using Core + 1 expansion.

Edited by buckero0

I imagine as others have said it just means they are using more existing. Hoth was on a snow planet and required a lot of new tiles to establish this.. they also might have learned from Hoth that introducing so many new tiles was a huge headache and should be avoided in the future, thus this approach.

I'm glad it turned out like that because it means I can take anything with snow on it and throw it in it's own storage. It would be a good design choice for big sets to always have at least 1 side of a tile be fairly unique, so they can be sorted quickly visually. Use stone instead of forest for example.

I appreciate the lengths that they've gone to make the game accessible by generally not requiring one expansion wave for another, but it really limits things for big series fans. I mean, at this point, if we ever want a new mission with snow tiles, we'll either have to get it in a figure pack that requires Hoth, or they'll have to just print entirely new snow tiles in an expansion. I feel bad saying this, but it's actually pretty reasonable to expect fans to buy expansions in the order they were released in- that would allow us to see a ton more variety. Though, from a business perspective, that severely limits FFG.

Aren't there already figure packs whose missions require tiles from a certain expansion?

Aren't there already figure packs whose missions require tiles from a certain expansion?

Sometimes, but rarely. Only one I can pull from the top of my head is Bantha Rider needing TS.

Of course, figure packs in a wave require a specific Wave's campaign- but never more than one. For instance, we have no reason to believe that we might need TS for some of the new upcoming missions in Jabba's Ream and its figure packs, even though it might be cool, for instance, to feature a cantina again.

Aren't there already figure packs whose missions require tiles from a certain expansion?

Figure packs that are associated with boxed expansions require tiles from that boxed expansion plus the core box. Reinforcement wave packs only require the core box, except the Bantha Rider, which needs tiles also from Twin Shadows for the campaign mission.

No mission requires tiles from two expansions (only core and 1 expansion).

Edited by a1bert

Some of those Bespin tiles are way too beautiful to them to be done with. I know one of their maps will get put in the rotation, but we gotta use them again somehow. They are some of my favorite tiles. Core + Expansion is too limiting. Especially when they will release random packs (Inq, Obiwan and Greedo came out of nowhere, and weren't specifically tied to any particular set) I say they get creative and mix sets. The core is just that, but think of the possibilities of mixing Twin Shadows and Jabba's Realm

Several of the Hoth tiles even had some greenery on the flipside and several tiles have had desert looking terrain from multiple expansions.

Some of those Bespin tiles are way too beautiful to them to be done with. I know one of their maps will get put in the rotation, but we gotta use them again somehow. They are some of my favorite tiles. Core + Expansion is too limiting. Especially when they will release random packs (Inq, Obiwan and Greedo came out of nowhere, and weren't specifically tied to any particular set) I say they get creative and mix sets. The core is just that, but think of the possibilities of mixing Twin Shadows and Jabba's Realm

Several of the Hoth tiles even had some greenery on the flipside and several tiles have had desert looking terrain from multiple expansions.

Agreed. I get that FFG is probably fearful of limiting this and limiting their customer base, but this many waves in and I'd imagine that the majority of the people interested in buying Jabba's Realm probably own a good deal of the other expansions anyway.

We have desert, forest and snow on Earth... the planet all of Star Wars was shot on. Hoping to different planets is just a way of saying, "hey look, I'm not ripping off Kurosawa!"

But he always admitted, that he was ripping off Kurosawa. A New Hope IS The Hidden Fortress (Death Star). The true protagonists are R2-D2 and C-3PO (Tahei and Matashichi).

Someone should have mentioned that to JJ. Instead we get some Mary Sue garbage and the real hero and his buddy with the red arm are sidelined until the end.

Yes, indeed. A new hope starts with the true heroes, Episode III ends with them. 3PO has the first line of the first trilogy and the last line of the second trilogy.

Star Wars is the first Hollywood movie (series), that is not filmed in chronological order, that doesn't primaryly follows the "big" heroes, that has parallel storytelling (especially the end of Episode VI - Emperor's throne room, battle on Endor, battle in space), etc..

Star Wars Episode IV to VI are an educational example for many storytelling concepts never seen in Hollywood before. (Not even mentioning the revolution of special effects.)

Yes, someone should have mentioned that to JJ. (By the way, I still like Episode VII more than I to III.)

That's an awful like of George Lucas worship you have going on there.