List of good heroes/class combinations for Campaigns

By thalim, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey OLs and heroes,

I often read about possible hero/class compositions for a campaign and

thought it would be a great idea to collect your favorite hero setup(s) here.

I would copy all setups in the first post as a quick reference for newer descent players and

the old experienced ones to get quick and fresh ideas.

For a good overview structure is important, so I'll start with an example and ask you to

follow this structure.

Have fun

#1 Ashrian centered steamrolling engine


  1. Ashrian - Bard (Understudy, Concentration,Rehearsal, Wayfarer)
  2. Astarra - Runemaster (Exploding Rune, Rune Mastery, Runic Sorcery, Iron Will)
  3. Lindel - Treasure Hunter (Gold Rush, Sleight of Hand, Finders Keepers)
  4. Mordrog - Champion (Glory of Battle, Motivating Charge, No Mercy, Stoic Resolve)

Stat Distribution (Willpower, Strength, Knowledge, Awareness, movement, health)

  1. 3224 5 10
  2. 4142 4 10
  3. 3333 5 10
  4. 3512 4 14

General Gameplan

  • Ashrian's priority - utilize his hero ability as much as possible (see my philosophy about Descent OL Game here: ), because of this it's very likely he gets attacked a lot. With Song of mending and concentration he has automatic 2 health regeneration per round. To get some 'extra life' Mordrog is massively spaming him with valor for glory of battle. On top of that he should get the chainmail or at least a leather armor. If the OL decides not to attack her - fine: massive fatigue for everyone.
  • Mordrogs task is to give valor to Ashrian (so he can use +1 shield whenever needed) and kill easy targets to fill the pile of valor for the whole group. He's the supporter of the group and strengthens attack and defense of the whole group for the second encounter. Mordrogs heroic ability is also good to break blockades or kill lieutenants. Good Synergy of Motivatin Charge/Stoic Resolve with Understudy of the bard
  • Lindel's job is to acquire as much gold/items as possible - he's nearly unstoppable because of his hero ability. On top of that he shines in fulfilling critical attributes test. With finders keepers and 1 valor spend also very deadly in sniping monsters.
  • Astarra messes up with the OLs positioning of monsters. First: once per scene she can break blockades with her heroic feat, Second: blast - nothing more to say. On top of that she's highly mobile with her hero ability. She really needs these Elven boots to become a headache for every OL...


Highly mobile group which is able to handle everything the OL throws at them right from the beginning of a campaign. Very good stat distribution with high willpower values which also restricts the use of certain OL cards and monsters. In my opinion top tier group.

Edited by thalim

Well, I see such a group:

Spiritspeaker Serena (with Nature's Bounty and Cloak of mists).

Bard Rendiel (Peaceful rest)

Runemaster Quellen (Ghost armor, Quick casting)

Wildrunner/Shadow Walker Jaine Fairwood.

This result in an unfair situation:

When the whole group is killed Rendield stands up and revives everybody with Song of Mending, recovering HP and fatigue.

Serena rests. Performs an attack with second action. Recovers all HP and all fatigue.

Quellen recovers 2 stamina, rests, makes 2 attacks, recovers 2HP and all fatigue.

Jaine attacks and rests recovering 5 fatigue and 2 HP.

Serena can resist 14 damage, Quellen - 7, Jaine - 8. Rendiel - 3 only. Furthermore whole-dead group makes 4 attacks as well...

@ Vitezslav: Indeed, that would be a group that recovers like crazy, but I don't think it would be unfair. Groups that rest a lot, waste actions.

By the way: Is it true that Song of Mending acts on knocked out heroes? After all, the text says: Each other hero within 3 spaces recovers 1 heart. Are knocked out heroes considered being in a space?

Edited by Chaoticus

@Vitezslav: How is Rendiel supposed to stand up and use Song of Mending in the same turn? The turn is over the second he stands up. (Unless the token was already set before he died). But even then, as Chaoticus pointed out, the other heroes would have to be alive in the first place to be able to benefit from Song of Mending.

Song of Mending, same as any other healing, should work on KO'd heroes.

@Vitezslav: How is Rendiel supposed to stand up and use Song of Mending in the same turn? The turn is over the second he stands up. (Unless the token was already set before he died). But even then, as Chaoticus pointed out, the other heroes would have to be alive in the first place to be able to benefit from Song of Mending.

I think the assumption is that the Melody Token is on Song of Mending before Rendiel is knocked out. Anything else wouldn't work.

And in standing up, he ends his action, heals everyone else in range, and, assuming they're knocked out, they're going to rise up and be fit to fight.

Stupid bard. Does my head in!!

@Vitezslav: How is Rendiel supposed to stand up and use Song of Mending in the same turn? The turn is over the second he stands up. (Unless the token was already set before he died). But even then, as Chaoticus pointed out, the other heroes would have to be alive in the first place to be able to benefit from Song of Mending.

It is supposed that Melody token is already on Song of Mending.

@ Vitezslav: Indeed, that would be a group that recovers like crazy, but I don't think it would be unfair. Groups that rest a lot, waste actions.

Well if your whole group is dead wasting 5 actions instead of 8 it is good, right?

Also, spending 1 action to recover most health seems to be quite fair in comparison with other healing.

I dare say that for most missions, if your whole group is dead, something went very wrong for the heroes and they are screwed anyway. Also, it is assumed that the knocked out heroes are close together to be within reach of the bards skill.

Nevertheless, I like your idea in principle.