Hello i write this from Croatia.
Asking one question: Why shiping must be so high price. It come more than the game it self.
I know, that i live in Croatia. And thinking that I live even in Italia or Germany the price will be so high. I can't buy 10 game in one order, do you from F.F. Games want us without money. NO. I only wish to buy twinlight imperium, but i don't want to pay more for shiping that i pay for the game... I i live on north pole maybe, here in Croatia it is imposibile to buy this game. And when arive it is solid out imediatly. We are not at the and of the world. Italy is out next country. You need to open one shop or something here in Europe. What we need to die for some good games. I dont want to play Monopo.. all the time. Only this.
Thanks i buy this If shiping is 20$ ok, but if is 100$ No, Thanks.